I must make a needy sound because Kaino chuckles as they drop the rope onto the carpet by my feet. “Is that a favorite?” I nod, my eyes riveted to the drawer to see what Xander picks next.
“What about this one?” He holds up my sparkly purple stroker, and I nod again. He grabs something else from the drawer, but I don’t see what it is. I’m fascinated by the new rope Kaino is prepping.
It’s a medium blue color, and it looks smoother than the hemp we’ve been using. “What’s it made from?”
Kaino grins. “Bamboo. It’s very soft.” They find the middle and set it aside. “I bought it specifically for that reason. It will feel sensual against your skin and won’t leave as many marks.” They stand, bringing the end of the rope with them. “Give me your wrists.”
I hold them out, palms pressed together, and Kaino begins. The rope does feel silky and glides smoothly over my skin. I close my eyes, almost out of habit, and let the gentle tugging jostle me into my happy place. Everything has a slightly muted feel, similar to when I get my hair washed at a salon, or when I’m a passenger in a car on a long trip. I’m fully aware of my surroundings but slightly removed. “Is this too tight?”
“No. It feels good.” And it does. Calming. I’m still horny as hell and excited for what’s to come—hopefully me—but there’s a peaceful energy thrumming under everything that’s soothing. Creaking from the bed means Xander is probably sitting on the edge. I’m sure he’s just as mesmerized, watching Kaino weave patterns with the rope. This is his first time seeing them in action. Maybe someday I’ll ask him to film us so I can get the outside perspective and watch the weaving process.
Kaino pulls my arms up and over so my bound hands are now behind my head. The pull on the rope forces my elbows toward the ceiling. “Are you still okay? This isn’t hurting your side?”
“No. It still feels good.” So good. Kaino’s hands move along my body, always in contact, helping me let go by grounding me through touch. With infinite care, they wrap the rope around my chest, weaving a harness. With my eyes still closed and my hands behind my head, I’m unable to see the pattern. “Which one today?” Several have names based on the pattern, not that I know many. But I’m learning.
“This one’s a basic harness. Xander is far too eager to wait for anything intricate.” There’s amusement in their voice, and I grin in response.
“I can’t help it. He looks so good.” Xander’s voice is rough and a little strained. “Bjorn, you look edible. So damned sexy.”
I feel sexy. Desirable. The sexual tension in his voice makes me feel powerful. I’m the focus of their attention, and it’s heady stuff. I get why Xander likes it.
Kaino lifts one of my legs and sets my heel on the bench, my thigh falling away from my body. “You know, you don’t need to keep your eyes closed for this.”
I attempt to shrug. “Yeah, but it feels good. Right. Unless it bothers either of you.”
“It doesn’t bother me at all. Kit, what about you?”
Xander’s voice is closer, so they must have finished digging through my toy drawer. “It doesn’t bother me either.” Kaino wraps the rope around the middle of my thigh and then around my shin, cinching them together, repeating it on my other leg so that I’m sitting in a kind of reclined frog pose. At least that’s what it feels like. I sense them stepping behind me, and Xander groans. “Oh my fucking god, that’s porn material right there. Bjorn, you look…” His words trail off, but he tries again. “How is that pose so filthy and yet not?”
“It’s art.” Kaino’s voice comes from behind me as they secure my torso and wrists to the bench. “Bjorn, are you still alright? Anything hurt?”
I shake my head. “Nothing hurts. I am feeling exposed, but honestly, I’m liking it. A lot.” I turn my face toward Xander and grin. “Mostly because I can hear the lust in Xander’s voice.”
“Jesus, Bjorn, if you could see yourself, you’d understand. That position, the rope, your fucking gorgeous body, and that cocky grin? It’s a wet dream come true.” I lean back against the incline of the bench and rock my hips up, feeling my ass lift off the leather. Xander moans. “Jesusfuckingchrist you’re going to make me come before I even touch you.”
“Xander.” Kaino’s voice cracks like a whip and we both still. The only sound in the room is our harsh breathing. Then I feel Kaino’s lips on mine in the softest kiss, their voice low and sexy. “Are you okay with this?”
I nod. “So okay with it. More than okay.” They only have to look at my cock to see that. I should open my eyes, but I don’t want to. Real or not, having them closed seems to heighten my other senses, and I love it.
“Xander, no touching yourself. You may not be physically bound, but you do as I say.” Kaino’s warm breath tickles my ear. “Are you still alright with Xander touching you while you’re bound?”
“Yes. Very.”
“Are you still alright with him using toys on and in you while you’re tied like this?”
“Yes. Definitely.”
Kaino kisses my cheek. “I’ll be across the room in the chair, watching you both. Seeing how beautiful you are together. I want you to tell us what feels good. I want to hear your moans, Bear. But if anything stops feeling good, or if you have any pain, you tell me. Or use your safeword.”
“I will.”
I sense Kaino moving away from the bench. “Strip.” There’s a rustling of fabric, the metallic tinkling of a belt buckle being opened, and a zipper being pulled. That’s followed by several thumps, and I imagine Xander’s clothes hitting the floor. Something heavy is dragged across the carpet. The chair? There’s a soft whoosh of fabric on fabric and then Kaino’s voice, maybe ten feet away and to my left. “Bjorn, you’re allowed to open your eyes if you’d like.”
“I know. But I like having them closed. It feels… more.” I don’t know how else to describe it.
There’s a slight pause. “Do you want a blindfold?”
I shake my head. “No. I may want to open my eyes at some point. Is that okay?”