Page 76 of Complete Me

I take his hand. Thankfully, he lets me. “And you’re worried that Kaino and I have had that alone time.”

Xander glares like I’m lying. “You have. You just told me so. You’ve also been hanging out playing video games. And I’m stuck at my apartment, grading papers and preparing final exams.”

I meet his wounded gaze and feel even worse than before. “Then move in. You’ll be with me every day. Especially this summer, since classes will be done for you until fall, and I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do with my time. Maybe you can help me investigate my options.”

Grumbling, he settles into my arms. “I’m thinking about it. And about what outside activities I’d like to do with you both.”

“Good. Have you come up with anything?” His skin smells like his really expensive body wash and I press my nose behind his ear, inhaling deeply.

“Yes.” He wriggles under me, and my body responds enthusiastically. “I want the three of us to go on the Wine, Bread, Cheese and Chocolate tour. It’s at three pm every day and they take you on a walking tour of eight Downtown Seattle wine shops, cheese mongers, bakeries, restaurants, and chocolatiers.”

Kaino groans and nods vigorously. “God that sounds like heaven. Count me in.”

Xander gasps softly as I nip at his earlobe. “Count me in too. That sounds amazing. When do you want to go?” I suck on the spot at the base of his neck, and he moans, which is exactly the response I wanted.

“How about after I finish with the semester? We can go on a weekday and maybe avoid the weekend crowds.”

“Perfect. It’s a date.” I slide my hand down his torso and over his hip to grab his biteable ass. “You know, if you move in, we can do this all the time. I can come in and distract you from your boring school work, and you can be part of our meditation sessions any time you want.”

Xander’s fingers slip into my hair. “Are you using meditation sessions as a euphemism?” He tilts his head slightly, and I take full advantage of the offer, nibbling at the beautiful porcelain skin of his throat.

Kaino coughs to get our attention. “Would you like to take this upstairs?”

I pause mid-nibble and turn to look at them, my already interested cock getting fully onboard with the possibilities. Kaino rarely initiates anything sexual, so when they do, I’m eager to take full advantage. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well–” Mischief sparkles in their eyes. “I was thinking, we have some perfectly good rope being neglected upstairs. We could put that to non-meditative use.” They focus their attention solely on me. “If you’d be up for that.”

The truth is, I’ve been thinking about it, on and off, since Kaino and I started our meditations. Especially since they’ve been careful to make sure I’m not in any pain or uncomfortable with the process. Xander squirms under me, and I can feel his previously half-hard cock now fully pressing against my thigh. “It would be different than what we’ve already done. Tell me how.”

There’s respect and appreciation in their eyes. “Good. You’re thinking. That’s excellent. So, the main differences are you’d be naked, the goal would be sexual gratification instead of meditation, Xander would be with us, and the rope would be tied differently. It would be arms, legs, and torso, though I’d still avoid your scar, and the position might not be as comfortable. Unless you’re opposed to that, in which case, I’d find a neutral position for you to be in. Maybe spread eagle on the bed with wrists and ankles bound.”

Do I want to play it safe? Do something neutral, as Kaino put it. Or do I want to try something a little challenging? “If I’m uncomfortable, or want you to change my position, would you?”

“Would you want me to? As far as I’m concerned, this is all about you. You tell me what the tone is for the scene, and that’s what I’ll do. If you want me to tie you up and make it uncomfortable, I will. If right now, you tell me that you want me to untie you and change positions if you ask, I will. If you tell me you want me to ignore your request until you use your safeword, I will. But whatever you ask is exactly what I’ll do, so make sure you’re clear with what you want.”

The thought is exciting in a slightly taboo kind of way. Before I can answer, Kaino sits up, their business face in place. “If you’re truly considering this, then I have a few questions for both of you.” They look at Xander. “Do you want to participate?”

Xander narrows his eyes. “Do I want to be involved in the sexy times you’re planning? Yes. Absolutely. Do I want to be tied as well? No. I’m very good not being tied.”

Kaino looks at me. “You’re okay with being tied?”

“Yes. And I’m good with it being slightly uncomfortable as long as it doesn’t aggravate my side. The scar’s still a little too sensitive for that.”

Kaino nods. “Okay. For either of you, is there anything in particular that is triggering and should be avoided?”

I shake my head. “No triggers, as far as I know. Like I said, avoid my side, and I’d rather any pain be minimal and result from being tied, not from spanking or slapping or anything like that.”

“I don’t want any spanking or slapping either.” Xander disentangles himself from me, which is disappointing, but it’s probably a good idea. We need to pay attention.

Kaino looks between us. “Is there anything in particular that is needed or wanted and should be included?”

Xander frowns. “Like what?”

Kaino’s eyes sparkle. “Like praise. For example, me telling Bjorn how well he’s doing. Or touching. Maybe Bjorn wants to be tied up and have us tease certain parts of him. Or tickle him. Things like that.”

Xander makes an ‘oh’ face and then grins. “I’m always up for praise, so lots of that, please.”

“I love praise, too. But I could be up for a bit of teasing.” My cock throbs in my jeans as I imagine Xander ghosting his fingertips over my aching balls and up my shaft, the pressureof his caress enough to make me want more, but not giving it to me.