Frowning, Kaino follows them with their eyes until the students are out the door. “Will that be a problem?”
Isn’t that the million dollar question. My indignation at being told how to behave and who I can love is in direct conflict with my knowledge that the head of my department, someone with some influence over my tenure, is a bigot. Damn. “I’m not hiding us. Do I want our relationship plastered all over social media? Not really. Especially when it’s so new and we’re still figuring things out. But we’ve already been here for fifteen minutes, kissed each other with more than platonic intensity, and discussed our sexual escapades as if they were any random topic like the weather or current events. It’s likely that at least one of my students has pictures or videos of us, and they’ve probably been shared on social media or via text about a hundred times by now. That will have multiplied exponentially by the time we leave. Even if we wanted it, we’re no secret. The cat’s out of the proverbial bag.” I shrug. “This isn’t some backward-thinking, conservative campus. We might be the hot gossip for a few days, a week at most, but I have every confidence they’ll get over it when something else happens. And something is always happening on campus.” And I hope it happens soon.
“Fair enough. But we really should think of this as a work-adjacent space for you.” Bjorn pins us with a serious look and leans forward, elbows on knees. “I want to ask you both something. I know it may seem a little fast, but things are good between us, right? And I don’t want to hide us either.” My heart rate picks up and I stare at Bjorn, wondering where he’s going with this. “So, I’m thinking you both should come to dinner this Sunday.”
My heart is still racing, but this time it’s with excitement. Well, it’s mostly excitement. I’m also a bit nervous. No matter what Bjorn thinks, telling his family is a big step. If that’s why he’s inviting us. “As…” At his confused look, I clarify. “You think we should come to dinner this Sunday as what? Friends or more than friends?”
He visibly relaxes. “Oh, definitely more than friends. As my partners. I want to tell them about us.” I can feel excitement pouring off of him, and that’s encouraging. Why bother telling family if you don’t plan to stick around? Which means he’s serious about making this work, and I can’t hide my grin. Then I remember prior family dinners, where Gunnar and Bjorn went at each other. It wasn’t pleasant. “Are you sure? You said everyone will be fine with it, but I’d hate to be the cause of tension between you and your siblings.”
Bjorn smirks. “You mean between me and Gunnar.”
There’s no point in denying it. “Well, yes. I don’t know Erik, but from what I remember of Astrid, I think she’ll be alright. Gunnar’s the only wild card in the mix.”
“Astrid will be fine with it, and so will her boyfriend, Gary. And Erik and his fiancé, Jules, aren’t going to care either. But I get why you’d think it might be an issue with Gunnar. Pretty much everything used to be an issue between us. But we’re much better now. Actually, he’s already suggested the three of us get together, so he’s definitely not going to be an issue. In fact, I can guarantee he’ll be happy for me. And you’ll love his boyfriend, Jocelin.”
Kaino clears their throat. “I already know Jocelin well. One of my clients and good friends, Tadhg Byrne, is a close friend of his. As is Jules. Actually, Jules is Tadgh’s boyfriend’s best friend.” They laugh. “How many times can I work the word friend into a conversation?” They shrug. “I’ve never met Astrid or Erik, but that’s by pure coincidence, as they’re also part of that friend collective. Gunnar probably is as well, though I’m guessing that’s a relatively new development since I haven’t heard about it yet. So it’s probably time I met them anyway.”
I’m a bit thrown by the information. That’s a lot of the players that Kaino already knows. Then again, I know most of the immediate family, so maybe it all balances out. “And you’re sure Gunnar won’t be an issue?” I’m pushing, but I’ve witnessed the blowups.
Bjorn reaches across the little table and takes my hand, giving it a squeeze. “I promise. He’ll be fine. He’s come a long way since you last saw him. And yeah, we still have our disagreements now and then, but not about this.” Bjorn’s prior sunny disposition is gone, replaced with a scowl. “My injury triggered his PTSD, and things got pretty bad. We made it through, but it was a wake-up call for him, and he knew he needed help. So he’s back in therapy, getting it.” He drags his free hand through his hair, leaving strands sticking up every which way. On him, it still looks sexy.
“That’s good, isn’t it?” Kaino looks as confused as I feel by Bjorn’s reaction.
“Yeah. I just worry about him. He always seems to pick the toughest path, when the easy one is right there. It’s like he purposely ignores it to prove some point. I try to help, but too often, it makes things worse, not better.” He snorts. “I’m working on butting out. The results are mixed. Sometimes, I can’t seem to help myself and fall back into parent mode.”
I give his hand a squeeze before I drop it so he can sit back in his chair. “Bjorn, and I say this with the utmost affection, that’s not parent mode. Not really. It’s a control thing. And I completely understand why that’s your default. You had to take on a lot of responsibility at a very young age, and you didn’t have anyone you could rely on to pick up the slack. You had to be in charge to keep your family together and moving forward. But you don’t need to do that anymore.” I lean into Kaino and grin. “You have us now.”
Kaino clears their throat. “If I could make a suggestion, there might be something else to help when your stress gets to be too much. An alternative to trying to control everyone and then blowing up and yelling when things don’t go the way you envision.”
Bjorn nods. “Therapy. Yeah, I’m actually back in therapy myself because of the stabbing. Just a few sessions for evaluation. It’s a work requirement. Only because I haven’t told them I’m leaving yet. But I’m not opposed to talking things out with a therapist.”
Kaino shakes their head. “Something other than therapy.” They casually glance around, checking for eavesdroppers, and I have a strong suspicion I know what their solution is.
Bjorn notices as well and now looks intrigued. “Like what?”
“Rope.” That’s all they say, and yes, anyone actually following the conversation might figure out what they mean, but someone paying less attention would probably miss it.
A string of emotions passes across Bjorn’s face, starting with incredulity and ending with interest. “How would that help?”
“It changes the power dynamic. You wouldn’t be in charge, I would. You would be restrained. Immobile.”
That brings Bjorn up short. “I’m not sure I like that idea.”
Kaino nods. “It can be daunting. But we could start slowly. Just tie your hands or your ankles. Eventually, we could work up to more, if you want. Or, if you decide it’s not for you, we stop. The point would be to see if it helps, not to force you to do something that you don’t like.”
Bjorn still looks skeptical. “I don’t know.”
Kaino shrugs like it’s not a big deal. “Think about it. I don’t have a coil of rope in my pocket that I’m planning to whip out and tie you with right here in the middle of the cafe. You have time.”
I lean close and run my finger over the wrist cuff they’re wearing. “Technically, you could use this.” A few weeks ago, I’d asked why they wear it all the time, and they’d demonstrated its actual purpose.
“What is it?” Bjorn takes Kaino’s hand and examines the leather bracelet.
I grin. “It’s called The Secret Wrist Cuff.” I nudge Kaino. “Show him.”
Kaino shakes their head. “Not here.” They turn back to Bjorn. “When looped back on itself, it converts to a set of handcuffs.”
I waggle my eyebrows. “Perfect for daytime, or playtime.”