Page 39 of Complete Me

Bjorn looks thoughtful. “Okay. That’s fair. And we’re not even sure we’ll work. Right? I’ve never dated more than one person at a time. But I damn well want to try. I don’t want to give either of you up, and I’m not interested in dating anyone else.”

Xander, possibly feeling left out, adds his two cents. “Same. As long as it’s a closed, consensual, clearly defined relationship.”

Bjorn glances between the two of us. “We should give this serious consideration. Take some time, and get back together with ideas, things we want, things we need, and things we’re worried about. What if we meet at my house?” He glances around. “I’m not sure we’ll luck into a cool place like this again, with zero other customers. But if we meet at my place, I could cook, and we’d have privacy to discuss things without worrying about people listening.”

Xander rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs. “I do have questions, and maybe a few other concerns. So I think that sounds like a good idea.”

If I learned anything from my research, it’s that this kind of relationship isn’t easy in a culture based on monogamy. But I still want it. “I’ve never been in a poly relationship before either, but with the right combination of people, they can work. Maybe that’s us. Maybe it isn’t. But I’d be willing to discuss the possibility. And dinner at your house sounds great.”

“So, next Friday?” Bjorn claps his hands. “How do you feel about paella?”



Bjorn lets me into the house and I kiss him briefly on the cheek, then sweep past him into the kitchen. “I need wine.” Kaino is already sitting at the breakfast bar so I drop into the seat next to them, giving their arm a gentle squeeze. “Hello.”

“Hello.” Their eyebrows are raised and they’re fighting a smirk, and it’s almost annoying how attractive they are. “Tough day?”

“I’ve been grading exams for hours and I’m not even done yet. But I wasn’t about to give up a chance to enjoy Bjorn’s cooking, or your company.” I wink at Kaino and turn a pleading look to Bjorn. “Wine?”

“Of course.” He slides an arm around my waist and presses a chaste but no less wonderful kiss to my lips. It makes my whole body tingly, and I feel a lot of my tension ease. “I’m glad you took time away from grading. You need a break.”

I lean into him, letting him support my weight for a few moments. Bjorn is so solid. So, there. And he makes me feel cared for. “Did I mention I need wine?”

Kaino laughs and shakes their head. “Do you want me to get it?”

Bjorn kisses my temple again and waves Kaino off, heading for the wine fridge. “I have it. You two are here to relax and keep me company while I cook.”

Kaino swirls their wine, leaning back into their seat. “I’m happy to help if you need it.”

Before I’m forced to volunteer too, Bjorn saves me. “Thanks. I think I have it, though. Paella isn’t difficult or time consuming. It’s just not one of those dishes you throw together, stick in the oven, and walk away from. But we can chat and drink wine while I cook.”

Bjorn pours me a glass of alvarinho, then places it and the open bottle in front of me on the breakfast bar before walking into the pantry to gather ingredients. When he comes back out Kaino snorts and I follow their gaze, inhaling my mouthful of wine. It takes several moments and a few deep breaths before I clear my lungs. Glaring daggers at Bjorn, I gesture to the apron he’s now wearing. “Seriously? Warn a person next time.”

“What?” He looks down and grins. “You don’t like it?” The navy blue apron has the graphic of a man holding up his potholder-covered hands. The text reads, “Always use protection.”

Kaino raises one eyebrow. “A bit on the nose, isn’t it?”

He shrugs unapologetically. “I’m a hopeful romantic. What can I say?” He sets his ingredients on the counter and takes a sip of his wine, eyeing us over the rim before carefully setting the glass down and clearing his throat. “So, I’m kind of dying over here.”

I give him a very, very thorough once over. “You don’t look like you’re dying.”

There must be enough innuendo in my tone because Kaino nudges me before indulging Bjorn. “Why are you dying?”

“How are you not? I mean—“He glances between us. “Seriously. Don’t you want to talk about this?” He makes a circle as he points to each of us. “What this is?”

I snort and catch Kaino’s eye. “You owe me a twenty.”

They chuckle softly, their emerald gaze drifting over me in a way I’m not sure I’ve seen from them. And I like it very much. “I’ll give it to you later.”

That makes me laugh. “Oh will you? Promises, promises.” They flip me off, but they’re smiling.

“Okay, that. You two flirting, the glances. Does that mean we’re definitely doing this? You have no concerns? Nothing to talk about? Someone tell me something!”

Kaino waves a lazy hand at me. “You can go first.”

I swirl my wine slowly. “God forbid we interrupt whatever it is you’re doing over there.” I pause for effect. “Oh, right. That would be nothing.”