Pietro nods. “An excellent choice.”
“And I’m going to have the pork, so I’ll have a glass of the Baga.” I hand him the wine menu. “Thanks.”
“You’re very welcome, sir. I’ll be back with your wine in a moment.” Pietro smiles, then turns and walks away.
“I can’t believe you remember so many little details.” Xander reaches across the table and takes my hand. “It’s incredibly sweet.”
I shrug. “I’ve been a cop for too many years. It’s been my job to remember the details.”
Xander shakes his head. “Don’t do that.”
“What?” I replay what I’ve said, but can’t find any fault in it. “What did I say?”
“You minimize the things you do for the people you care about. Remembering details like what kind of wine I like, or what my favorite coffee is, aren’t things just anyone, even a police officer, would remember. Especially after two years. I remember, for one of Astrid’s birthdays, you gave her the exact Prada purse she mentioned wanting. In the exact shade she loved. And she hadn’t given you birthday ideas, or a list, or anything. Not even Gunnar remembered her saying she wanted it. You remembered because it’s important to you to make everything special for everyone.”
I’m not sure what to say to that. “If it’s important to people I care about, then it’s important to me.”
He nods. “Exactly my point. It has nothing to do with being a cop and everything to do with being an amazing human being.” He squeezes my hand. “And I appreciate it. So does everyone else in your life.”
I snort. “Probably not Gunnar.”
Xander scowls. “Then he’s an ass.”
“He’s still my brother.” It comes out sharper than I intend, and I wince. “I’m sorry.”
Xander’s cheeks redden, but he shakes his head. “You’re right. I’m sorry. That was out of line. I just hate seeing you downplay everything you do for everyone else.” He looks into my eyes, and his sincerity steals my breath. “You’re an amazing human being, Bjorn. You don’t give yourself enough credit.”
I want to argue because he’s not unbiased. But I can’t deny how good it feels to hear him say that, or how full my chest is when he looks at me like I’m special. And yeah, I know I am. Everyone is. But not in the same way. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. And you probably still don’t agree with me, but please think about it. You should know your own worth outside of being a caretaker. You’re a loving, kind man, and I see you.”
I have no idea why his words hit me so hard. I’ve spent my entire adult life being the reliable, steady, parental figure. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It was what my siblings needed. But I gave up a lot for them. I don’t begrudge doing it, and I’d do it all over again, given the same circumstances. There isn’t one decision about that situation I regret. But I don’t have to do that anymore. I look into Xander’s beautiful eyes and find myself falling hard for the handsome, nerdy professor. Again.
With more affection than seems reasonable for only a few months of friendship, I watch Bjorn and Xander admiring the photograph of two beautiful red wolf pups playing in a forest. The colors are incredibly vibrant, and the pups’ joy leaps from the picture. It’s typical of the amazing photos my client, Sophia LaCava, takes. Tonight’s event is her first big gallery showing, and so far, her work is being well received. Xander and Bjorn seem to be proof of that. They have their heads close together, glancing from the photograph to each other, smiling like they can’t help themselves. Warmth spreads through my chest as I watch them having fun, not threatened at all. In fact, I want to be part of it, which is not anything I thought I’d ever feel. Probably because it’s been difficult to find one person I want to be with, so I never imagined there would be more than one at a time.
My approach is muffled by the surrounding conversations, and they’re so engrossed with one another that they don’t notice me. “She’s very talented.” I wasn’t trying for stealth, but I suppose I’ve achieved it anyway. Xander practically shrieks, and Bjorn barks out a startled laugh as I try to hide my smile so Xander doesn’t think we’re laughing at him. “You know, a portion of each purchase goes toward conservation of endangered species.”
Bjorn reaches out his hand to me. “Really?”
Without hesitation, I take it and step closer. “Yes, really. Sophia is determined to give back while earning money from her art.”
Xander sips his champagne and looks effortlessly gorgeous in black dress slacks and a long-sleeved, navy blue turtleneck sweater. His long blond hair is loose around his shoulders, and he’s wearing his black-framed glasses. He looks like a model. A drool-worthy one. I must stare too long because the corner of Xander’s mouth turns up and his eyes twinkle. “This is the part where you say something nice about supporting the artist’s generosity. Or at the very least, hello.”
Laughing, I place my hand over my heart. “I apologize. You just… you look incredible. But yes. Hello, Xander. It’s wonderful to see you.” I reach out and take his champagne, our fingers brushing lightly, and sparks race up my arm.
Xander’s eyes darken, and his voice is a bit husky when he replies. “It’s wonderful to see you, too.”
I take a sip, maintaining eye contact before returning his champagne.
Bjorn clears his throat dramatically. “Ahem! And what am I? Chopped liver?” I turn to Bjorn, giving his hand a squeeze. “You look incredibly handsome as well.” And he does, in his black v-neck sweater over a black pinstripe button down, both layers pushed up to his elbows. And the way his gray slacks hug his thighs and ass is almost criminal. When my wandering gaze makes it back to lock with his, he winks, grinning widely, obviously pleased with my reaction. His confidence is so sexy, and my body responds accordingly as a wave of arousal threatens to short circuit my brain. “I’m glad you both came tonight.”
“You asked us to come. Of course we’re here.” He curiously glances between me and Xander, and I can’t blame him. I touched Xander very deliberately. There’s been subtle flirting. And that’s not something I typically do.
Xander gestures to the picture of the red wolf pups. “The photographs are incredible.”