Page 21 of Complete Me

“I have a dog.” We both turn to look at Bjorn, who isscrolling through his phone. “He’s a Norwegian Elkhound. His name’s Pita.”

Xander frowns. “As in the bread?”

Knowing Bjorn, I don’t think that’s it. “Or because he’s a pain in the ass?”

When Bjorn bursts into booming laughter, I know I got it right. “He is a pain in the ass.” Bjorn turns his phone and shows us a picture of a gorgeous Norwegian Elkhound, who is actually smiling for the camera. “He knows he’s handsome, too.”

Xander and I both agree on his good looks. “Xander, do you have a pet?”

His entire face lights up, and he reaches for his own phone, flipping to a picture, then showing us a huge orange tabby with bright green eyes, sitting peacefully in a sunbeam. “Mr. Bingley.”

It’s my turn to burst into laughter. “Because he’s a sweet but somewhat clueless boy?”

“Exactly.” Xander’s grin softens his entire face, making him look significantly less grumpy.

I look at the picture again before handing the phone back. “He’s very handsome.” Xander practically preens as if I’ve complimented his looks, and I find that fascinating.

Bjorn squints at the picture and then nods. “He looks like a good boy. Like he’d hang out and help play video games or help you read.”

I blink. “How does a cat help with either of those things?”

“What? Really? C’mon. He could be your gaming bud. You both hang out on the couch, eating Cheez-its or strawberry Pop-Tarts or whatever, vanquishing the bad guys. Bingley would be there for moral support and let you know if any enemies were trying to creep up on you from behind. Or if you were reading, he’d totally lay across your chest and keep you warm while reading the book with you. Or napping.”

Xander chuckles. “Bingley does love a good nap.”

“Hey.” Bjorn’s looking at us with barely contained excitement. “We all love animals, and Kaino, you said you were thinking of volunteering at the local animal shelter. Well, what if the three of us could do that one day soon? What do you think?”

Xander’s eyes widen and he leans toward Bjorn. “Can we play with the cats?”

“Probably. I can find a shelter with a volunteer program and verify that when I set things up.” He turns to me. “What do you think?”

I consider the offer. As I mentioned, I have been considering volunteering for a while. I just haven’t gotten around to it. And depending on what we’re tasked with, it could be a fun way to spend time with Bjorn and Xander. “We’d have to make sure it was a time when I’m off.”

“I can do that, too. I’ll call and get details and run them by both of you before we make any plans.”

“Kaino, do you have any pets?” Xander watches me expectantly.

I shake my head. “Not yet. I’m still getting settled and making new routines.”

“Like your class at the university.”

I nod. “Yes. And I’m reconnecting with some of my gallery contacts. I have a few shows I’ll be interpreting later next month.”

“Ooh!” He leans in, eyes wide. “What kind of shows?”

“One’s by a local nature photographer. She takes mostly landscapes, but there are some great wildlife shots, too. The other one is by a metal sculptor. He takes scrap metal and makes all sorts of unique sculptures. Everything from small pieces you can hold in your hand to twenty foot tall installation pieces. He has this one that’s two hands holding a tiny bird. It’s breathtaking.” I glance at Bjorn, who’s listening intently, and decide now’s a good time to throw myself out onto the proverbial limb. “You guys should come.” I had originally intended to invite Bjorn, but inviting Xander seems right. I’d like him there. And I think he’d probably enjoy it as much as, if not more than, Bjorn.

Full of excitement, Xander grabs my wrist. “I’d love to.”

I freeze, staring at his hand, but don’t immediately jerk away from the touch. It’s not comfortable by any means, but it doesn’t feel invasive, and I don’t have that skin-too-tight sensation. Almost immediately, though, he lets go, and I breathe easier. I do wonder at my reaction, though. Or lack thereof. Somewhere along the way, my brain put Xander in the ‘safe’ category. I suppose he is. He’s a new friend, but I enjoy spending time with him. He’s incredibly smart and enjoys several of the same things I do. And yes, in spite of his sometimes bratty behavior, I like hanging out with him. Bjorn watches me intently. Without a doubt, he saw Xander touching me. But rather than judgment and hurt, which he could easily be feeling, he’s smiling, like he’s happy for me.

I’m not sure what makes me do it, but I place my hand on Bjorn’s forearm, squeezing lightly. “Will you come, too?”

His eyes widen almost comically, then he looks at my hand and back at me, his gaze soft. Everything inside me melts. Keeping his touch light, he covers my hand with his. If I wanted to, I could easily pull my hand free, but I don’t, and his smile grows even wider. “I’d love to. Maybe we could all get dinner before.”

I squeeze his forearm again and slowly withdraw my hand. “Unfortunately, I can’t. I’ll have a lot of prep to do with both shows, interpreting for the artists on any last-minute details. But you two should. And then we can all get a coffee or something after.” Again, I’m not sure why I’m including Xander in my plan. It’s not just that it would be rude to exclude him since he’s sitting right here. Being with both of them is fun, and I enjoy the banter. Maybe I’m enjoying having friends. Maybe, just maybe, it’s more than that.

Xander’s eyes sparkle as he leans toward Bjorn. “That sounds like an excellent idea. And I know just the place.”