Page 11 of Complete Me

As they hand over their coat, Kaino grins mischievously, their eyes sparkling with mirth. It’s far too attractive and has me completely flummoxed. I remind myself I’m interested in Bjorn. I’m trying to rekindle our relationship. That’s why I went to see him in the hospital. So why do I feel this attraction to Kaino? I do my best to ignore the buzzing under my skin, determined to focus on making coffee and not how attractive the stranger in my office is. “I have medium roast or dark roast. And do you want a flavored creamer?”

“Dark roast, please. And black is fine.”

I glance over my shoulder at them. “Are you sure? I have regular milk if you’d prefer that.”

They shake their head. “No, I typically drink it black. But thank you.”

Trying not to judge, I turn back to the machine and prepare the first cup. “Bjorn drinks his coffee black too.” Subtle, Xander. Very subtle. I give up and embrace my overt fishing. “So, you two dated?”

“We did. A handful of years ago.” Okay, confirmation of the timeline Bjorn gave me but not much else. Other than also confirming that they aren’t dating now. I fight the urge to ask them if they’re dating anyone else. It’s none of my business and would seem odd to ask. “How about the two of you? Did you date?”

I suppose turnabout is fair play. “Yes. For about six months.” I press the start button and lean against the credenza. “That was a little over two years ago.”

Kaino hums noncommittally. “He was with SWAT by then.”

“Yes. We met at a career fair here on campus. He was part of the recruiting team from the Seattle Police Department.” I recall Bjorn’s deliciously clingy uniform. It was so form-fitting that I was sure his biceps or thighs were going to burst the seams when he moved. The coffee machine gurgles out the last of the brew, snapping me from the memory. I carefully lift the mug, handing it to Kaino, and willing my half-hard dick to behave.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. You’re also welcome to sit.” I gesture to the chairs in front of my desk, then turn and start my own cup. “Back then, Bjorn’s focus was still on keeping his family functioning. And I can’t blame him for that. In fact, I admire him for his dedication. There aren’t many twenty-somethings who would have taken on that responsibility like he did. Or stuck with it for so many years.”

Kaino laughs. “Bjorn lives to mother hen. He used to try that with me, telling me the best method for organizing my apartment, encouraging me to do meal prep for the week instead of eating out.”

Laughing, I turn around. “Did he try to get you to organize your closet by outfit so you could just reach in, pull something out and not have to think about it?” There were a few times we had heated words about that, but now I can see the humor in it.

“No, that must have been something he developed after we broke up, or maybe we hadn’t reached that point in our relationship before we ended things. It certainly sounds like something he’d do, though.”

Once again, the coffee maker gurgles, and I turn, carefully moving my mug to the credenza before adding two teaspoons of sugar and a splash of regular creamer. I carefully take a sip, even though it’s going to be hot, but I don’t want it to spill as I move. “He has the best intentions. Sometimes his execution leaves a lot to be desired.”

Kaino nods in agreement as my phone vibrates, startling me. “Excuse me, please.” I extract my cell from my pocket, and a rush of excitement has me grinning from ear to ear as I swipe open the message.

Unknown number: Hey. It’s Bjorn

Unknown number: Bet you didn’t think you’d hear from me

Unknown number: Sorry. The past week has been chaotic

Unknown number: But I’ve been thinking…

Unknown number: We should get coffee

Unknown number: Or something

I chuckle, because the rambling is so typically him. I glance up at Kaino and wave with my phone. “It’s Bjorn, finally checking in.”

“You still have his number.” It’s a statement, not a question.

I shake my head. “I left my number with him when I visited the hospital. I wasn’t sure he’d reach out. Do you want his number? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” Why am I offering? For all I know, Kaino is competition. I shouldn’t be helping them. I shouldn’t be nice to them. Hell, I shouldn’t have offered them coffee.

Kaino eyes me skeptically. “I’m not sure. That seems a bit presumptuous.”

I fire off a reply text, wondering why I’m compelled to make this happen.

Me: Kaino’s here. Can I give them your phone number?

There’s barely a pause before Bjorn replies with a gif of Milhouse from the Simpsons, waggling his eyebrows over a caption that says “Yea Baby.” I snort and hold my phone out so Kaino can see.

They roll their eyes, but they’re smiling. “That’s so him.”