Curious, Hallie, Jesse, and Liberty all crowded in behind Decker and Sweetie to see what had surprised them. The room that had held nothing but a pile of boxes and paint cans when Hallie had been staying there was now painted a pale rose color and held a crib, a changing table, and a rocker.

Sweetie turned to Hallie and Liberty. “Did y’all do this?”

“I didn’t.” Liberty glanced at Hal. “Did you, Hal?”

Hallie looked back at the only person who wasn’t crowded around the doorway. The embarrassed blush on Jace’s face caused a huge lump to form in her throat.

It took a long time for the lump to leave. It remained there as Sweetie and Decker hugged Jace to thank him. Was still there as she tried to find places for all the flowers and plants and watered them. Still there when Mama and Mimi showed up and started dishing out food. And still there when she finally made her excuses and headed out the door.

She was hoping it would dissolve once she got into her truck. But before she could, the reason for the lump stopped her.


She released the door handle of her truck and turned. Jace had washed up and put on a western shirt while everyone was eating lunch. There were no glistening muscles to make her feel dizzy and lightheaded. Which didn’t explain why she still did.

Although she knew why.

“You put together the baby’s room.”

His cheeks flushed pink. “It wasn’t that big a deal.”

“Yes, it was. It was a very big deal. It meant the world to Sweetie and Decker. Decker was in tears.” She hesitated. “He needs you, Jace. Stay.”

He studied her for a long moment before he looked away. “I can’t.”

“Does it have to do with what happened the other night? Because if it does, that’s just plain foolishness. I’m not gonna jump your bones, Jace. Believe it or not, I can resist you.”

He looked back at her. “And what if I can’t resist you?”

The ground shifted beneath her boots once again. She tried to laugh like it was a joke, but the sound that came out of her mouth was more like a frustrated moan.

He closed his eyes and took a long, deep breath before he opened them and spoke. “Like I said the other night, we need time to forget, Hallie. In a few months, I’m sure we’ll be able to put that morning behind us and go back to being friends.” His Adam’s apple bobbed in his tanned throat. “Just not yet . . . at least not for me.”

She knew he was right. Even now, she couldn’t stop thinking about what it would feel like to step into his arms and be held against all those solid muscles. What it would feel like to be in a relationship with the kind of man who would take the time to put together a crib for his cousin and the woman he once dated. She had sworn she would never be like her sisters and let a man control her emotions. But damned if Jace didn’t seem to control hers. Maybe if he was gone, she could go back to being levelheaded Hallie. Maybe if he was gone, she wouldn’t feel these things she didn’t want to feel.

“So where will you go?” she asked.

“Galveston, for now. Then I’m not sure where.” He paused. “I hope you’ll stay, Hallie. This is your home.”

“I’ll stay for a while.” She couldn’t leave her family in the lurch. “Once Corbin hires a foreman, I’m heading to Austin.”

He nodded, his eyes sad. “Then I’ll be sure to stay away from Austin.”

Chapter Ten

It wasn’t easy saying goodbye to Decker and Sweetie. Sweetie cried and Decker looked like he was on the verge when he offered to walk Jace to his truck. He was moving around pretty good for having a bullet hole in him. Still, Jace placed a hand under his elbow as they headed out to the front porch. Once there, Sweetie gave him another hug.

“I love you, Jace Carson.”

“I love you too, Sweetheart Carson. Take care of my cousin.”

She drew back and gave him a quivery smile. “Always.”

Decker didn’t say anything until they were well away from the house. “Is your leaving about her?”

Jace stopped and turned to him. “Me leaving has nothing to do with Sweetie. Like I told you in the hospital, Deck. Sweetie and I are just friends.”

“Then why are you leaving in such a hurry? Why can’t you stay for a little while longer? There’s plenty of space in the baby’s room for a bed.”