Page 32 of Behemoth

"Not sure if you know, Bullet, but my ol' lady, Abby, is into rehabbing and designing homes. Sayin' that, she decided the upstairs space of our garage needed to be finished. She drafted a plan and we worked on it together with some help.

"Anyway, it's finished and we turned it into an apartment. We've tried to rent it out but been told it's either too big or we are asking too much for rent. Most of the folks coming through I wasn't really comfortable with them living there, so close to Abby, the twins, and me. Not to mention the work we’d have to do like background checks and shit. Abby and I talked about it, running some ideas at each other a couple of nights ago once the two hellions went to bed. Abby asked if any of the brothers or prospects would be interested in renting the apartment. It would have to be a couple of y’all, ‘cause it’s four bedrooms with en suites, kitchen, family room, and even a large party/game room. Yeah, I sound like those son of bitching idiots on that remodeling station on cable. She's been driving me fuckin' crazy every night, wanting to know if I spoke to you guys. So here we are, talking to you about it."

He takes a breath and leans forward.

"Gotta tell you, I spoke to Brick first. He thinks it's a great idea—as long as whomever rents it can manage living together—without killing each other or wrecking my place. I can't have any goddamn problems at home. Abby would lose her ever-lovin' mind if shit happened with her boys around.

"So knowing most of the brothers have their own homes or places to flop, I'm reaching out to the prospects. Dingo was first on my list. He’s definitely in and single, no baggage, and can't wait to move in. He is excited to have his own place to call home besides the room at the club. Know he's kinda of quiet, so he's a good fit. You're my second choice. Figured you're getting to the age you might want somewhere that's yours.

"After you, gonna talk to both Velvet and Iron. With Velvet comes his ol' lady, Sweet Pea, not sure how that'd work. Iron comes with his daughter, Everly, whom he gets every weekend and occasionally during the week, depending on if her mom has to work. Not sure either would even be interested, but gonna put it out there. Both live in dumps now, so this would be a step up. So your thoughts, kid? Does it sound like something you would be interested in, Bullet?"

Fury is watching me closely, as are Stitch and Chains. Feeling like I might be being manipulated, I react immediately, without taking a minute to think it out before running my mouth off.

"Fury, I'm not a goddamn kid, don't need to be babysat. I know you guys are worried..."

"Fuck, kid, knock the chip off your shoulder already. It's getting old. Shit happened and your dealin' with it. This ain't got nothing to do with what happened to ya. For Christ’s sake, quit looking a gift horse in the mouth."

I look to Chains to see he is pissed. Not sure why, it doesn't even concern him, but before I get a chance to ask he continues.

"I wish someone would have stepped up for me when I first became a prospect. Lived rough until Brick realized I needed help. Never let on how bad it was, being so fuckin' stubborn. But when Brick extended his hand to me, offering me help, that became the best day of my life back then, kid. Made me fuckin' think I mattered knowing someone cared what happened to me. Got my head out of my own ass. So I get it, really I do. Being in foster care sucks big time, as we both know. But we can't live in our pasts. Can't change it either, Bullet. Gotta concentrate on the present and what you want in your future, brother. Do what's right for you at this point in your life. Fury is providing ya with a solid, and if I were you I'd take it. Just sayin'."

Thinking on what Chains and Fury shared, I look to Stitch, who seems to be intently watching me. Crazy as it sounds, sometimes I feel like he can get in my head. He has even gone as far as tellin' me shit when I'm strugglin' with stuff in my head, trying to help me. But I haven't even told him how I've been feeling. Because of that, I try to keep my thoughts blank. Today, unfortunately, my mind is goin' round in circles. Stitch nods my way, giving me a knowing smile.

"Bullet, everyone has bullshit in their past. Some worse shit than others. Chains is right, can't go back and change it. You do have the choice to make your life better, which I see ya fighting to do. The club finding ya and you workin', taking brothers’ shit, being a prospect is gonna give ya a future. Takin' Fury up on his offer will allow ya more freedom. Also, giving you a chance to grow up even more. That's all this is about. You're not a kid anymore, you’re right. We are just trying to give ya options. That's what family does, Bullet. And, no, we don't pity you or think of you as a fuckin' kid. Get that shit out of your mind, brother."

My head jerks up, ‘cause motherfuck, that was just what I was thinkin'. He grins my way, which makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. He continues to watch me or maybe analyze me, not sure which fuckin' one. Then he looks to Fury nodding. Fury smiles. Not sure what that shit is about, just know it is freakin' me the fuck out though.

"Fury, I like the idea but don't want Momma Molly and Bubba to think I'm leavin' them because I don't like it here. They have been totally awesome with all my bullshit. I owe them so much. Let me talk with them first, and if everything is cool with them, we can figure shit out like rent, utilities, and whatever else I'm missing. Yeah, I kinda know about this shit ‘cause Momma and I have had long talks about what she calls 'real life and growin' up.'"

Fury tells me to take my time, as he has to talk to the other guys, then we can all work out the details. I start to feel excited as this next chapter in my life is tentatively laid out before me.

Also, I'm scared as hell to be out on my own with my demons. Now Momma and Bubba are here to have my back, if I leave I'm out there by myself. Maybe I can get Grace's take on it tomorrow at my follow-up appointment. She seems to have her shit together.

"If only you knew how much, kid."

Francis grins as I jerk at his comment. I knew that motherfucker could get into my head.

What the ever-lovin' fuck is going on?