Page 8 of Wildcat

All hell breaks loose as I try to hold on to Frankie. Just when I lean down to catch her, my back locks while I’m bent over, and now, I’m afraid I’m going to drop both of us to the ground. Well, until a huge guy with long brown hair rushes toward us, and at the last minute somehow manages to grab Frankie and keep his body close to mine so I don’t collapse to the floor. He gently hands Frankie to another man, who is also huge. He looks like ex-military from what I can see. The first dude literally shuffles me to one of the couches off to the side of the stage. He leans down, grabbing a few pillows then gently pushes me down onto the couch, adjusting the pillows. Before I can say a word, the other dude also carefully places Frankie on the other couch. She’s totally out and if my body hadn’t betrayed me, I would check on her. For Christ’s sake, I’m a damn doctor who’s useless at the moment.

“Hey, don’t worry, she’ll be fine. Frankie’s a fighter. I’m Avalanche and that one over there is Noodles. His ol’ lady is Tink and my brother, Panther, unfortunately is with crazy-ass Shadow. We are just one fucked-up family, dude. Nice to meet ya, though not under these circumstances. Let me go grab both of ya a water, hang tight.”

He turns to go, I guess get us some water, when yet another man with long black hair that is braided down the center of his back walks over to us. He gives Avalanche a look then comes by me, crouching in front of me. He pushes a water bottle my way.

“Drink some of this. You’re probably dehydrated from traveling. All the stress and worrying isn’t helping. Hey, look at me, umm, Malcolm, right? I’m Panther and they will take care of their sister, no worries. What’s wrong with your back? Why’d it lock up like that, you didn’t even have her entire weight? No, we all saw you almost go down, so for us to help you we need to know what we’re dealing with. Do you need a doctor? We can call Dr. Cora to come take a look at you. She’s at the ranch but it wouldn’t be a problem. Just say the word, brother.”

My head is spinning as every single person I’ve met has been open, friendly, and wanting to help without knowing our story. Frankie couldn’t have landed in a better place, I’m thinking. She found her chosen family and by the looks of it they adopted her as well. I hear a slight moan and glance around both Panther, and now Avalanche, who’s come back with two more bottles of water to see some of the women with the vest things on standing, sitting, and kneeling around Frankie. The scary one with the skull on her face is checking her pulse. Damn, is she in the medical field? Didn’t think people in Montana would be so open-minded to have a doctor who looked like her. Though gotta say, that tat is phenomenal.

“Nope, Malcolm, my Nizhoni is not a physician. In fact, she’s on the exact opposite of that spectrum. Oh sorry, Nizhoni is Navajo for beautiful. And Zoey, well most call her Shadow, is my woman and the Devil’s Handmaidens Motorcycle Club enforcer. So if you put that together, she does more damage than healing; though those she works over deserve that and a hell of a lot more. What do you know about the club your Wildcat is involved in?”

I shake my head. How the hell did she get the nickname Wildcat? I have a million and one questions but don’t know where to start. Panther pushes up and then takes a seat next to me. Avalanche pulls a chair over just as the other man, think his name is Noodles, also grabs a chair. All three just sit and wait like they have all day. I drink some more water as I watch both Billie and Enzo sit on either side of Frankie. She’s come to but seems disoriented, which is understandable. Michael is sitting on the arm of the couch right next to me. I see Avalanche look his way, and it dawns on me no one has introduced my friend to anyone.

“Thanks, guys. Before I ask the million and one questions I have, this guy here has saved my life so many times I can’t even count them. This is my best friend and brother, Michael. Michael, this is Panther, Avalanche, and I believe Noodles. Panther is with Shadow, who’s Frankie’s club’s enforcer. Noodles is with Tink, the prez, and Avalanche seems to be like you… single.”

Michael snorts then gives a smirk to each of the men. Oh shit, please don’t start any shit, I think to myself. Michael generally has issues when meeting new men. It’s always something like “No, my dick is bigger than yours. My balls hang lower than yours.” He’s a great guy though doesn’t play well in the sandbox. Before he says a word, Avalanche leans closer to both of us, pushing his long brown hair out of his face. Then his eyes lock on Michael’s.

“Nice to meet you, Michael. Just fair warning, not sure what you do in New York but out here we treat our women like the queens they are. Even the ones we aren’t involved with or just sleeping with. The Devil’s Handmaidens Motorcycle Club might be a one-percent club but they are also women, as you can see. Oh, that means live free, ride free, and die free, if you didn’t know. They don’t follow any rules but their own. Their mission is to save victims from human trafficking, domestic abuse, and whatever else assholes in this world are doing. They take the victims out of the situation, take them to Tink’s ranch, and with time and a lot of help turn them into survivors. Hey, no judgment here, but I saw the looks you were shooting at some of the women. Though I don’t know your history, I will tell you this, brother, fuck with any of them and you will have an army come down on you. Malcolm, not sure what your boy’s problem is with women, especially Wildcat by his looks, but he better control it. She’s gone through enough and now that her past is knocking on her door, she needs support not drama.”

With that, Avalanche gets up and walks over to a few of the Devil’s Handmaidens sisters. They quietly talk amongst themselves as I turn to glare at Michael. What is his problem? I think to myself. He didn’t have to come, no one asked him to. Well, Billie kind of did but think she’s regretting it now. I’m glad Avalanche called him out because now I know to watch him around Frankie. Come to think about it, he’s never been her biggest fan. Gonna have to have a talk with my boy, see where his head is, because if this goes right, Frankie will be my woman again.

Enzo and Billie are helping Frankie up and as much as I want to join them right now, my back is still cramping up. I look to Panther, who studies me for a second or two, then gets up, walking to Frankie and her family. He has some words with them and they turn and walk down a hallway.

“They are going to get Frankie into one of the offices so she can lie down. Her mom is Billie, right? She said if you want to try and talk to her you can, but they aren’t leaving her alone. That’s your choice, Malcolm. The problem we have is whatever happened in both of your pasts is coming back into Frankie’s present. And from the little I’ve been told; it’s emerging back into your path also. Might want to think about sharing whatever it is. No, I’m not pressuring you, just giving some friendly advice. Life is a circle and if you don’t follow your path, you will fall outside of said circle and never achieve your full worth on Mother Earth. So do you want some ice for that back of yours, or are you going to attempt to hobble your way down to the room Frankie is resting in? Your choice, though my Nizhoni generally doesn’t like to see her sisters in distress, so don’t take too long to decide.”

I feel Michael’s eyes on me so I look his way. I catch it before he can hide it, a glare pointed at Panther. Okay, what the fuck now? Have I missed something about him all these years? I mean, he’s a very successful businessman. And has always been there when I needed him. Well, except when we were attacked, he could not be found. He finally showed up a day or so later while I was in a coma, or that’s what Enzo told me. Something pops in my head but before I can retrieve that thought, it’s gone. Son of a bitch, what am I missing?

“Mal, my brother you came all this way to finish this off. If you want to go down there and talk, between all of us we’ll get you there. Remember, it’s up to her though to let you in and accept what’s gone down. Now, you two definitely need to talk and don’t forget Frankie can be uptight so don’t get discouraged, just make sure you’re prepared if it goes south. I got your back, brother, always.”

Something about that doesn’t sit right. When I look to the two men sitting with us, I see they must feel the same way by the intense looks on their faces. Noodles is watching Michael very intensely, while Panther seems to be doing some sort of meditating or something. When he opens his dark as hell eyes it’s like he sees right into Michael’s soul, which has even him leaning away from the man. I’ve had enough, for Christ’s sake.

“Dude, not sure what’s going on or what the obvious problem is, but knock it off, Michael. You of all the people here know what I went through when Frankie left. Well, left after I pushed her away. This is on me not her, don’t forget that. Now if I can get a hand up, think I’m going to make my way down that hall after I hit the bathroom. Can one of you direct me to a restroom, please? Oh, and I’ll take some ice if it isn’t too much of a bother. Thank you.”

Panther and Noodles immediately stand and with one on each side, they lift me like I weigh nothing. Then when I’m stable, Panther leans closer to me.

“Come on, my friend, I’ll show you were there’s a bathroom. You can freshen up too. I know for sure these bathrooms are stocked with everything you could need. I’ll wait, no don’t rush on my account, but when you’re ready I’ll go with you to see Frankie in the back office. Noodles will get you some ice. I’m feeling you could use a friend in the room with you since, apparently, her folks won’t leave you two alone for whatever reasons.”

I can feel the anger coming off Michael from Panther’s friend’s comment. Before I can turn his way, he gets off the couch and stomps to the door and out. Panther looks to Avalanche. The big man stands and makes his way to the door also. How do they do that? It’s like they can talk without words.

“Yeah, that’s right, Malcolm, we can. The Navajo people believe that some are blessed with powers or whatever you want to call it. Avalanche and I are brothers, though not of blood. We grew up on the reservation together and when old enough we entered the military together. We were taken as POWs and the only way we could communicate mostly was through our empathic ways. I thank the Great Spirit for that because we each had days that without the other, we wouldn’t have made it through. I know that sounds strange, as from what I’ve been told you are a physician. Keep an open mind, that’s all I can tell you. Now let’s get you down the hall. The restroom is going to be on your left. I’ll be right outside the door if you need anything. Noodles is going to make his way down to where Frankie is, to let her parents know you are on your way, after he gets your ice. We’ve got your back, friend.”

For some reason this kindness from strangers has me feeling very emotional. There is no judgment or bias, just them being beyond kind. Panther guides me to the bathroom where I take care of business. Then I wash my hands, throw water on my face, and breathe. Not sure how this is going to play out, but one thing I’m sure of is, my Frankie has been taken care of here with these people. I don’t detect any prejudice or ill will from any of them. They are actually a Heinz fifty-seven of all kinds of folks. It’s very welcoming and not judgmental like New York is.

When I’ve taken some time to gather my thoughts, and more importantly my emotions, I open the door to see not only Panther but Avalanche waiting for me. The look on Avalanche’s face tells me something is wrong.

“Is it Frankie, Avalanche?”

He shakes his head slowly at first, not meeting my eyes.

“No, Malcolm, it’s your friend Michael. Apparently, he has issues with me, or more importantly, my heritage or maybe my skin color, who the hell knows? Which surprises me because, no disrespect intended, but I’m sure you both have come across prejudices throughout your life because of your skin color. He refused to even talk to me, told me he’d rather talk to Noodles. So I came back and sent my brother out to try and settle him down. Don’t worry, nothing is going to happen to him. We are all allowed our opinions and as we both say, we can agree to disagree. We’re all educated adults who don’t have to always be on the same page, right? Now, let’s get ya to your woman.”

“No, she’s not my woman, Avalanche. I blew that after what happened. I was so deep in my own pain that I snapped at the one person who meant the world to me. I’m here to try and put an end to what started back on the day at that cabin.”

“Don’t be blind, brother. If you didn’t matter, do you think Wildcat would have passed out from just seeing and hearing your voice? She didn’t do that until she saw YOU, not her mother or father. You, Malcolm. Keep that thought up there in your head when you talk with her.”

We all just look at each other for a minute or two, then Panther turns, and with me squeezed between them, we make our way down the hallway to a section that shows a few doors, probably the different offices these men spoke about. Well, it’s now or never. Time to man up and admit I was wrong. I can only hope Frankie will open her heart to me and not only listen to me but also believe and forgive me.