Page 4 of Wildcat

“Enzo, I need you to be honest. Is she happy? I mean truly engaged and enjoying her life? If you tell me yes then I’ll try to move on, but something deep in my gut is telling me she’s not. You know we had that once in a lifetime connection and that’s what I’m going off of. No one can compare to Frankie, but I will try to move forward ’cause I want her happy.”

The other end of the phone line is quiet, then I hear boots hitting the floor as Enzo moves away from his grandchildren. A door squeaks open then slams shut.

“Mal, if you ever tell my Billie I told you this, I swear to God and all of my Italian ancestors that I will make sure you suffer before going in your grave deep in the ocean’s floor. Personally, I don’t think our Frankie has been happy since right before those degenerates ruined both of your lives. Billie and I were just talking about maybe getting Frankie to tell us where she is so we can visit her. Problem is, she’s so afraid of being found by the wrong people. Shit, Mal, hang on, got another call. Well, what the shit… it’s Frankie. Give me a minute, son.”

I start to pace waiting for Enzo to return to our call. Minute by minute goes by as I listen to nothing. My dogs, Buddy and Chloe, start to pace with me while the cats ignore the shit outta me and bathe themselves. Must be five minutes before I hear the line engage.

“Mal, you still there?”

“Yeah, Enzo. Goddamn, it’s driving me crazy. She okay? Did you find out where she’s living? Come on, please just spit it out, man.”

I hear him walking around, calling for his wife, Billie. These two, damn, what they’ve been through and are still strong and together. Enzo is an Italian whose parents brought him to the States when he was a young boy. Billie is an African American woman who grew up in New York. Frankie and her siblings got the best of both. When I hear Enzo tell Billie it’s me on the phone and I hear her yell, “Hey, Malcolm.” She’s one of the few besides her daughter, who when not calling me by the nickname she gave me, uses my full name. Enzo is whispering but when Billie lets out a loud gasp, I’m about ready to jump in my vehicle and drive to their house.

“Mal, hey, sorry, wanted to fill Billie in. Now, do you work tomorrow? Or better question, you got any vacation time, son? The reason for Frankie’s call is someone is out there looking and asking about her. Someone she knows took a picture of the guy and yeah, son, Frankie says it’s one of the men from… you know. I begged, pleaded, and threatened until she told me where she was and what she’s been up to. Get this, son, she’s part of an all-female motorcycle club in somewhere called Timber-Ghost, Montana. Billie is right now on her computer trying to book us flights. You in? And no, I didn’t tell her I had you on hold or you called worried about her. Personally, it’s time you two get your heads outta your asses and talk. No, don’t give me none of your bullshit, son. So, are you in or out?”

My mind is going in twenty directions. Yeah, I have quite a bit of vacation time, though I also have five fur babies. Can’t just up and leave. Before I can say a word, Enzo cuts into my thoughts.

“Mal, Billie has Shamonda on the phone. Our youngest daughter can’t go because of being seven and a half months pregnant. She just told her mother she can come and stay at your place and take care of your house full of animals. She’ll bring her two older kids since her husband has been deployed. Because she’s pregnant, she can have her boys clean the litter pails. You still got the three cats, right? So if that was what was holding you back, am I telling my wife to get a ticket for you too? No, don’t go there, Mal, we got it. Make a list of what needs to be done to take care of the cats. You still got Buddy and Chloe, right? Damn, we haven’t seen them in a while, they gotta be getting’ up in age. Shit, as usual, my mind goes in all directions. Hang on. What, Billie? Yeah, get Mal a ticket. What time? Woman, are you fuc… I mean, frigging nuts? Oh, okay, that works better. Mal, be here tomorrow by four forty-five in the morning. Plane takes off at eight fifty-five. Since Tharon is back home yet again, that little bastard can drive us to the airport. Any questions?”

I shake my head then, realizing Enzo can’t see me do that so I tell him no. He tells me to try and relax, we’ll get some answers tomorrow. Once we say our goodbyes, I go to the office and start up my computer. Then I start my list of how to take care of my fur babies. No one has ever had to watch them—well, yeah, they did—when I had my third surgery. My sister was living with me at the time so the dogs and cats were used to her. Hopefully, Shamonda will be able to handle the crazy I call home.

After making and printing my lists with where everything is and what to do, I head to my master bedroom to pack while I try to envision how this is going to go. No matter what runs through my head, one thing I know for certain. This time I’m not letting Frankie go without a fight.




Lying in my bed, I’m afraid to get out of it. Yesterday’s shitshow left me feeling raw and way too vulnerable, which are two emotions I try hard to avoid. Then to top it off, after just about every Devil’s Handmaidens sister managed to spoon or cuddle with me, except the two ready to burst, the questions started getting deep and I was truly starting to panic; Taz faked going into labor. I was shocked because she actually seemed to be experiencing the beginning stages of labor. Then one of the prospects called Enforcer—and shit—our calm, crystal-loving sister became like her namesake: Tasmanian Devil. That colored hair of hers was flying all over. Poor Kitty didn’t know what she did wrong until Taz got in her face and instead of explaining she immediately broke out sobbing.

The only good thing is it took the spotlight off me. When Enforcer and Teddy burst through the door, one look and the man looked at the boy-child and said… “Teddy, Momma’s playing around again. Come on, let’s get back to the dogs.” Then they both turned around and left as fast as they got there. Everyone watched Taz, who was staring right at me. When I studied her face, she kinda giggled then winked at me. Motherfucker, she was faking to get them off my back. I rushed toward Taz, grabbing and pulling her into me as much as I could with her pregnant belly in the way. It was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me and I whispered it in her ear. She leaned over and whispered back to me.

“You haven’t seen anything yet, Wildcat. Prepare—the wild winds are shifting, be strong, and lean on those around you, stay focused on the prize at the end, and never give up on your dreams.”

The way she said it had the hair on the back of my neck standing up. I know Taz truly believes in her crystals, cards, incense, sage and everything else that is natural and earthy, but it isn’t something I’ve ever gotten into. When she grabbed my hand and placed something heavy in it, I look down then I close my fingers and felt two stones.

“Black tourmaline is for protection, inner power, and confidence. Clear quartz for grounding, inner energy, and concentration. Always keep these on you. I’ve cleansed them but you can put them in that selenite bowl I gave you to be sure no negative energy from me passes down to you. I love you, Wildcat. We all do. Now, I got to go make peace with my man and man-child. Why did I pick such an astute male to be in my life when I already had Teddy? Though not complaining too much. Call me if you need anything.”

She raised her hand and caressed my cheek then turned and walked out while our other sisters watched her. I remember vividly that Taz is not one for drama or large displays of anything. She is usually balanced and calm, so guess it’s true what they say about the hormones of pregnancy.

One by one my club sisters make their way to leaving, giving me a hug, squeeze, or knuckle bump, trying to let me know I’m not alone. That’s the thing about the Devil’s Handmaidens club, it’s about sisterhood, first and foremost, with our club sisters but then it extends to any woman who needs guidance or assistance. When it’s only Tink, Glory, and Shadow, I gulp. Guess it’s time to explain in-depth what freaked me out. Glory walks to the door, closing and locking it. Damn, our VP does pay attention, just hearing the locks makes me feel better, even with these women in the room. Doubt anyone would get past Shadow, but the deadliest one is probably Glory with Tink not far behind.

We all take a seat either on the huge extra-long couch or in a wingback chair. My hands are twisting together, well, that’s until Tink grabs them, holding on tightly.

“Sister, there isn’t anything that can destroy you unless you let it into your head to fester. Now, take some breaths. Zoey, get her some water. When you’re ready, Wildcat, tell us what freaked you out and what might be heading our way. Hey, no judgment, sister. We can deal with anything if we know what it is. I know some of it, but let’s start at the beginning.”

So after a couple of minutes that’s exactly what I do. I try my damnedest to leave nothing out, no matter how painful or soul wrecking it is. I must give Tink, Glory, and Shadow kudos because no one, not even our enforcer, interrupts me at any time. They just sit close to me, always making sure one or the other has a hand on mine or bumping my shoulder or when Shadow sits on the floor, pulla my legs around her, and hugs me at a particular hard moment in my story. I feel Tink’s eyes on me every time I speak Malcolm’s name. It is kind of eerie because those green eyes seem to be looking into my soul.

Not sure for how long I talk, but when I finish a steaming cup of tea is placed in front of me. When I look up, Glory gives me a soft smile. I know the stories of these women but to have both Tink and Glory running this club, there are no two women who fit together better. Shadow kneels in front of me, squeezing my knees before standing up. Tink is on the move too, walking to the small kitchen, opening the fridge, and grabbing some waters. Then she heads directly to the table.

Everyone follows our prez’s lead and heads over to the small dinette. The silence is relaxing and for some reason I feel lighter. Maybe from getting all that shit out by telling my story, knowing whatever Tink has to say it’s not just for the good of our club. The Devil’s Handmaidens is a one-percent motorcycle club. But our mission is to rescue those being victimized or abused. Funny how each and every one of us in the club has a past that includes being a victim of some kind of abuse. Who better to understand the effects than a prior victim? Though we are also survivors since we as a group can work together to help other victims become survivors.

“Wildcat, we all know how hard that was. Thank you for sharing with us. Not sure why we continue to attract trouble when all we ever want to do is live a good life while helping others. Saying that, this is what I think our next steps should be. First, we get Raven to start going over some of the cameras in town. I know you don’t have names and stuff like that, so maybe our technology specialist will be able to give us an idea about who we are dealing with. This is the hard part, Wildcat, for you. I think it’s in everyone’s best interest if you reach out to your family. Give them a warning. Also maybe give Malcolm a heads-up. Now, hold on, sister. Before you lose your shit, think about it if the roles were reversed. Would Malcolm leave you hanging when trouble was knocking at his door? From what you’ve told us about him, I’m going to guess he’s one of the ‘nice guys.’ Try to look past whatever is holding you back from him. He is not the enemy sister. That’s all I’m saying.”

I know she’s right, that’s what’s pissing me off though. Not saying it’s going to happen, but with me telling my story and putting the truth out there, just maybe I’ll be able to move forward. Though my club helps victims out, I want to do even more. It’s a secret dream of mine but, and I hate to even think it, just maybe something will come of my application and I can become a deputy for Timber-Ghost. That is, if Sheriff George thinks I’m the right candidate for the job.

“Now that’s the Wildcat we love to see. That grin on your face with the fire in your eyes. Whatcha thinking about there, sister?”