Page 3 of Jayce

What must it be like to have two natures warring inside of you with no way of letting one of them roam free?

My bull claws at my insides for me to let him out at least once a day. More regularly now that we’ve found our mate.

She’s distant around me, but I know she feels what I feel. Her heart is screaming that we belong together, even if she’s hesitant.

I’ve waited this long for her. She just needs to get to know me.

I laughed at Anjal’s awkward emotions when he realized he had to date his mate the way humans date. Only I find myself in the same position with no clue how to proceed.

When I approach, Shay straightens her posture while taking a deep inhale. It’s clearly one of frustration, yet it confuses me because I can smell her arousal.

The human ways embedded in her nature intrigue me. She glances my way, and I wink before she rises to follow Anjal and Priscilla to a table.

Nikolaos slides a cold one across the counter my way as I linger behind to watch her stride. Any other heifer in the bar vying for my attention would sashay their hips in invitation.

Not Shay. She remains true to herself.

Chapter 3


Maybe it was Circe’s lie that Jayce wanted me to go away that made me make the appointment with my gynecologist.

Possibly it had to do with the way every time he winked; it went straight to my pussy.

Getting aroused has never been a problem.

My first time was in the back of the limo with my date on prom night. Losing my virginity hurt like hell. I expected it from everything I’d heard, though.

Surprise, surprise, my date never called after prom. His loss.

I looked forward to my second sexual experience with my first boyfriend in college a few months later. Only it hurt like hell as well.

I tried two more times before dumping my boyfriend.

Drunk one-night stands didn’t lessen the pain.

Extra-long foreplay never helped.

I even considered that I might be gay. Yet women never turned me on the way a hot guy did.

I know Jayce will never be mine forever, but I won’t be able to resist those chocolate eyes that look into my soul and beg me to let him in.

At thirty-two, I have no idea what it’s like to have toe curling sex. And Jayce has sex practically every night. Even if I suffer through the burning and stabbing, he’s not stupid. His experience won’t appreciate my lack of enthusiasm.

While I know he belongs to someone else who could tick-tock her way into his life at any moment, I’m relenting to the “better to have loved and lost” bull honky than to the wise notion of walking away.

I’ve never even had a pap smear. Yeah, I’m a mess.

I bounce my leg up and down in the ice cold waiting room. Magazines sitting on the coffee table in front of me tempt my impatience. Only my mind cares nothing about who’s cheating on who in Hollywood.

My name is called. I rub my hands up and down my pants to dry them off before following the nurse.

After taking my weight, I’m led to a room. I plop on a chair even though she didn’t mention sitting.

“What brings you in today?” the nurse asks while taking my blood pressure.

I have no intention of spilling my guts twice, so I tell her I’m here for an annual checkup.