Page 59 of Darkness

It’s why she’s so comfortable down there.

My body slumps, and I fall to my knees. I let out a whimper as I clutch at my chest, pain from their deception crippling me.

“You lied,” I growl, looking between Nycto and Ivy through rapidly blurring eyes.

“Eva, let me—”

“You lied!” I yell, cutting Nycto off. The back of my throat burns as nausea hits my stomach full force. Tension fills the air. It’s so rife you couldn’t cut it with a chainsaw, let alone a knife. Nycto moves to take a step forward, but I step back. He holds his hands up in surrender as tears stream down my face.

“How could you? Why would you? I-I d-don’t understand. It makes no sense.”

Nycto’s eyes meet mine, pleading.

Dammit. I thought we had something.

A connection.

A future.

It was all a lie.

“Chiquita, I didn’t keep Ivy from you as punishment—”

“Jesus Christ, it is true. She was here the whole fucking time? Is that why you’ve been staying away from everyone, Ivy? Because Nycto made you keep this lie from me?”

“No, Eva. I was telling the truth about why I like staying in the Cell. I’m sorry we didn’t tell yo—”

“You were in on it? You knew the whole time he was keeping me in his room, and you did nothing to help get me out? Ivy… I fought day and night for you.”

Ivy’s bottom lip trembles. “It wasn’t like that, Eva.”

“Wasn’t it? Tell me what it was like, then? Because you knew I was locked in a room, and you did nothing.” My bottom lip trembles as I swipe the tears away from my face.

Nycto takes another step forward. “Eva, this is all on me.”

I let out a half laugh. “You’d better believe this is all on you. It’s your fault completely. You took me. You made me believe Ivy was sold, having God knows what done to her. You sat there… night after night after night while I cried to you and begged you to find her.” I let out a hefty scoff. “You are the biggest liar of them all. I can’t ever trust you, Nycto. My whole relationship with you is based on a fucking lie.”


“I thought you were some hero, some guy who swept in and saved not only me but then ‘found’ Ivy. I put you up on this pedestal, like no one could come close to how amazing you are… even with all your flaws and faults. I mean, fuck, how do I believe anything you say? About your past, about any fucking thing. I don’t even know who the fuck you are, Alec. Is that even your name? Or was that a lie too?”

Everyone in the room shifts uncomfortably as Nycto’s nostrils flare, the vein in his neck ticking in aggravation.

He’s angry.


I bet it’s not even a pinprick of how I’m feeling.

“You’d better start watching your mouth, Eva. I need you to remember where you are and who you’re talking to,” he warns.

“I need you to remember I’m a human being, and you played a game with me. I don’t know what the hell your intentions were or what the fuck you thought you were going to achieve, but actions have consequences. Did you want to show everyone you could easily make me look like a fool? Congratulations, Nycto, you won.” I slow clap, giving myself applause. “Aren’t I the idiota? I want out of this clubhouse and away from your pendejo deshonesto ass.” I hope Trix translates for the stupid dishonest ass. “And to be honest, I don’t care whether you come with me or not, Ivy. You’re as guilty as the rest of these assholes. My own familia. Mi hermana.” I sniffle, then turn, stomping for the clubhouse exit.

“You can’t leave the compound, Eva,” Nycto calls out.

“Watch me, cabrón,” I yell in reply, determination flowing through me. What an asshole.

I’m angry.