I stumble backward with the force of her push and at the shock of her words. She turns, grabs my jeans and shirt from the desk, and shoves them at me. As I take them, she pushes me again. “Cállate y déjame! Márchate!” “Out! Get. Out!”
“This is my damn room. You’d do well to remember that and some manners.”
“So fucking what? Soy tu prisionera, remember?”
“Out!” she screams. Her chest heaves as she stands there, hands fisted, glaring her hatred at me.
I grab the key from my jeans and unlock the door. Eva’s eyes widen. The knowledge the key wasn’t on my person last night—that she had a way out if she truly wanted to take it—can be read on her face as clear as reading a book. Her bottom lip trembles, and with a sniffle, she turns and stomps away from me, then throws herself onto the bed like a toddler.
Gentle sobs come next, and the noise claws at my chest. I can’t stand to see her worked up like this, and I don’t understand why I can’t stand it. It’s a new feeling for me. I don’t know what I did to cause this reaction, but I need to leave, for both of our sakes. I can’t keep doing this shit to her.
I walk out of the room and lock it, thankful no one is around to witness me standing in the hallway in only my boxer briefs. After taking a deep breath, I quickly pull on my jeans and shirt. My cut is still in my closet, and it looks like I’m going barefoot this morning. My brothers are going to wonder what the fuck’s going on. They can wonder all they want. I’m not telling them shit.
A sense of relief crashes over me as I make my way into the main room and see Void sitting at a table with Ivy next to him. A slow smile crosses my face. After taking a steadying breath, I stride over to them. One of my brothers does a double take as I walk past but keeps his question to himself before I slide in next to Void.
Ivy raises her brow at me. “Morning, Nycto… everything okay?” I hear the tone in her voice. She’s curious about her sister.
Void stares at me as he sips his coffee, his lips turning downward as he takes in my appearance. “Where’s your cut, Pres?”
I crack my neck to the side. “None of your damn business…” I turn to Ivy. “I trust you’re feeling better about your arrangements?”
She places her hands on the table, showing them off. “No handcuffs. I’m a free woman. Though, honestly, being up here isn’t what I thought it would be.”
“What were you expecting?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know. I mean… it’s nice and all. The people I’ve met are great, but I kinda like the Cell. It’s quiet. Peaceful.”
Void and I glance at each other. Is she joking? Or does she really like it down there? Surely, Ivy can’t be as twisted as the rest of us?
Void said she’ll fit in well here. Maybe she is made for this club.
“Peaceful, huh? Most people think Hawaii or Fiji are peaceful, not an underground cell with no windows that smells like mold and decaying—” I abruptly stop talking. She may suspect, but she can’t be certain about the walls… or who’s behind them.
Ivy sinks back, relaxing. “I know it sounds weird. Maybe it is, but it feels secure. A room is just four walls and a door, after all. It feels like I belong. I can’t explain it.”
Void widens his eyes, saying nothing as he sips his coffee, the steam from the hot beverage swirling up from the mug.
With this enlightening news, I can now move ahead with my plan.
Ivy likes it here. She likes the people. She likes the atmosphere. She wants to stay.
If I’m able to convince Ivy, then maybe this will work.
“Ivy, I want to run something by you.”
I need to word this carefully. “If Eva finds out you’ve been here all along, she’s going to fucking explode.”
“No doubt.”
“She’s gonna want to leave and take you with her.” Ivy stills, listening to me intently. “I don’t want to lie to Eva, but at the time, I thought I was doing the right thing keeping you from her. It was a dick move, and Eva’s not coping. She needs to know you’re okay.”
Ivy’s expression turns somber. “What can I do?”
“I need you to lie.”