I turn to Void. “Keep an eye on her.”
“Like I have a damn choice,” he groans out.
As I stand, I grip his shoulder, then turn and walk toward the hall. I have no idea if Eva’s mood has settled, but I need to gauge what she’s thinking and figure out why she all of a sudden hates me. Those three words cut deeper than I care to admit.
If she means them, I don’t fucking know what my next move will be.
Chapter Seventeen
As my tears finally subside, I wipe my face and sit up on the bed. I acted crazy, like a freaking madwoman. Kicking Nycto out of his own room was pure insanity. I don’t know why he left the way he did. Maybe it was out of shock at my incredibly childish tantrum. I didn’t think he would be the type to give in so easily, but I was embarrassed with myself that I turned into this hot mess and took my emotions out on him.
Waking up during the night to find my hand gripping his cock was not only mortifying but highly arousing. Feeling the thickness of him in my grip instantly sent a wave of desire through me. The desire to start stroking, to straddle and press my body against his and wake him up was so strong.
But I couldn’t.
He didn’t know where my hand and body had wandered during the night. At least, I hope he didn’t. The fact he was practically naked under the sheets had my skin flushing like fire. I’d pulled away from him slowly, trying to keep myself under control.
Last night was the hardest night of my life. I was turned on by a man I shouldn’t want. Nycto is bad for me, of that I am sure, but every inch of my body was screaming for him. After I kicked him out, I went back to sleep. When I rewoke, he was gone. For some reason, I felt relief. Complete comfort in the fact he’d gone for the day, and I didn’t have to face him.
When he opened the door to the bathroom, it was like all the air had been sucked from my lungs. He stood there, his toned abs taut, droplets running down to the perfect V, narrowing into those black briefs. The water sliding down his tattooed chest made him look like something from some sexy commercial. His hair was a little disheveled from sleep, his tattooed biceps were bulging as I watched in awe, and my entire body broke out in heat.
Nycto is a fucking marvel to look at.
I thought he would be stunning under his clothes, but that word doesn’t describe him well enough.
The way his shirts cling to him, I had some idea, but I never thought in my wildest dreams seeing him practically naked would soak my panties instantly, or in this case, his briefs, which I’m wearing.
I find him so undeniably attractive that my chest hurts. Seeing him without clothes literally makes my heart ache, among other things.
I try to deny it.
I try to get mad at him.
I try to fight it by pretending everything he does infuriates me.
Don’t get me wrong. His period comment was out of line, and it did anger me. But I was more riled up because I want him so damn bad. How do I tell him my sensual thoughts for him are driving me crazy? That I ache every time he looks at me? But it can’t happen. I can’t let Nycto distract me from what’s really important.
Ivy. I must get out of here and find my sister.
Standing from the bed, I straighten myself out. As much as I want to stay and find out what this chemistry is with Nycto, I can’t leave Ivy out there to fend for herself. I must escape.
So, I walk over to the closet and open the right side. The wooden box is still sitting proudly in its place. Nerves filter through me. If Nycto left the key in his jeans last night, where I could have easily taken it, then maybe the key in this box is exactly what I think it is.
There’s only one way to find out.
I open the box and pull out the filigree key. A sense of hope floods through me as I take one last look around the room in which I’ve been held captive for who knows how many days.
Finding the courage I need right now, I take a large inhale of air.
When we went out into the clubhouse last night, I noted the exit is on the right, out of the hallway and to the left. If I plan it correctly, I can make an escape with no one even noticing me leave.
I glance at the heels I came here in. Should I put them on or go barefoot? Heels will make far too much noise, and I’ll be stomping around in Nycto’s boots—that’s if I don’t trip over them. Barefoot it is. My stomach tightens. If I get caught, I don’t know what Nycto will do to me, but I can’t sit around waiting any longer.
I have to try.
As I step up to the door, the key in my hand shakes. I place it into the lock, my heart rate through the roof. I try to turn it, but it doesn’t budge. I jiggle a little more, but movement vibrates back through the metal opening. The key is forced backward and falls on the floor at my feet. I gasp as the door flies open, and Nycto steps in, his eyes hard as he takes in my shocked expression.