Page 40 of Darkness

“Void said she looked like she enjoyed herself.”

“I think she did. You were always at the forefront of her mind, but she managed to relax and unwind a little.”

Ivy sinks back into the sofa. “Good… that’s good.”


She turns to face me. “Yeah?”

“How do you feel about being here?”

Void tenses as Ivy shrugs. “Honestly, at first, I was cautious, wary of being here and of my surroundings. Of course, I’d love to go upstairs and mingle like Eva’s being allowed to. I’d love to be able to come and go. You don’t trust me, and I get it, but honestly, Nycto, I’m not going anywhere. I feel safe. I’ve felt safer here than I have in my entire life. I miss having a family, and maybe the club could be that for us. I don’t want to give that feeling up.”

My eyes meet with Void, and I give him a nod. We both stand and walk out into the Chamber. He folds his arms over his chest as he peers back at Ivy. She sits back on the couch and watches the television, the volume loud enough to block out our discussion.

“What’s going through your mind, Pres?”

“You’re down here with her all the time, you tell me. Is she a flight risk?”

He exhales. “I don’t think so. If she’s playing me, then she’s fucking good at it. I mean, we don’t talk a lot, you know what I’m like, but she’s content, Pres. It hasn’t been much time to make a judgment call, but I’m sure Ivy doesn’t want to cause shit. She wants to meet everyone, feel like she’s part of something.”

“Uncuff her. Stay with her tonight. If she makes a run for it, deal with her.” Void’s jaw ticks to the side. “If she stays put, bring her up in the morning to meet everyone. Make it clear, though, that she’s under your protection. She leaves the bunker… I won’t hesitate in having you hunt her down and end her. Got it?”

“Got it.”

“I’ll make sure to have Eva locked away in the morning so their paths won’t cross. If Ivy passes this test, then we might have a way forward and out of this whole goddamn mess.”

Void’s eyes widen. “Wanna fill me in?”

“Let’s just see if she passes the flight test first. Night, Ivy,” I say loudly.

She turns to face us. “Night, Nycto. Say hi to Eva for me.” She smirks cheekily.

“Smartass,” I grunt back as I turn, walking for the stairs.

I have no idea if I’m doing the right thing with Ivy, but the key to getting Eva on my side has always been her sister. If making Ivy feel at home means she’s on board with being here, then I’m halfway there. But I need all the pieces of my plan to fall into place.

Step one—Ivy. Let’s hope she makes it through the night without fucking shit up. If Void trusts her, then I do too. My only hope is that his trust isn’t misplaced in her giant breasts and gorgeous face. While Void isn’t one to normally let a pretty woman impair his judgment, he’s never been confined to a cell with one before.

Everything we’re all going through right now is new territory.

We have two packages we’ve stolen from Andrés, and those packages are making me lose my damn shit.

Choosing a person—a living, breathing angel—over the good of the club? It’s unheard of. And whether I’ve made the right call or not is yet to be determined. Eva has me trapped in the middle of a whirling inferno. Though it rages and ignites my soul as only the devil can, she manages to calm the beast inside me like no one else. Angel or devil? I can’t decide. But time will tell.

So, for now, I’ll sit in my purgatory, waiting to meet my fate.

Will Ivy be the savior of my problems with her sister, or have I made a mess so big not even divine intervention can save me?

With an exhale, I head back to the bedroom, where Eva should be sleeping. I stop at my door and take a deep breath, settling myself before unlocking it. Slowly, I push it open and walk in. Eva still has her back to me, her slow breaths echoing around the room. I lock the door behind me.

Every time I’ve been in here, I’ve kept it PG-13. I’ve taken my cut off but slept in my jeans and shirt. But tonight, I want to be fucking comfortable. So, I shrug out of my cut and hang it in my closet, then kick off my boots and socks, leaving them at the end of my bed. As I unbuckle my belt, Eva whimpers a little, her arm moving slightly. I stop moving until she stills, then continue getting undressed. Throwing my jeans over the desk chair, I then yank off my shirt, leaving me in my boxer briefs.

I don’t know how she’ll react to this, but I’m going with it. Noting Eva is on the side farthest from the door, I crawl up beside her. She stirs slightly as I slide under the covers, then roll onto my back and turn to face her. She’s so fucking cute. A strand of hair lies across her cheek, her eyes fluttering behind closed lids. She must be dreaming. Reaching out, I swipe the stray strand behind her ear. She’s so calm. There’s no doubt. She must be an angel.

She whimpers in her sleep again. What’s she dreaming about? Her hand flops out from under her chin, landing on my chest, and my eyes widen as it splays. Eva’s body reacts to my presence, instinctively shuffling closer. Her top leg drapes around mine, drawing me to her as she pulls herself against me.

My eyes widen as I lie flat on my back, staring at the ceiling to try to distract myself from the fact my cock hardened instantly. How the fuck did I get here?