“All done and ready for you.” Freya’s face lights up like the dawning of the first sun of the day. “Oh, hey, Pres, anything we can do for you and Eva? We’re just getting lunch ready.”
Trixie turns around to face us. “Eva, it’s so good to see you out and about. Just wish Pres would let you have a little more freedom so us girls could have some time together.”
Nycto groans. “Don’t give her any ideas. Eva’s aware this is a process. It’s all about trust.”
“He doesn’t trust me. Though, I am beginning to gather you guys are all pretty amazing around here,” I add.
Trixie rolls her shoulders. “Damn straight we are.” She turns to face me. “Eva, I know you wanna go find Ivy, but the more you fight, the harder life will be. You need to trust Pres is trying to do the right thing by you.” Nycto stiffens beside me. “I know that’s hard to believe, but he’s saved us all in one way or another.”
Using it as an excuse to look down, I swirl my glass, tinkling the ice in my drink. “I know. It’s a tough situation to be in.”
Nycto clears his throat and abruptly changes the subject. “When’s lunch ready, Trix?”
“Just have to deep fry everything.”
“Well, hurry it up. And make sure there’s enough for Eva too,” Nycto says gruffly, gripping his hand on mine, then turns us to exit the kitchen.
Freya whispers to Trixie, “When is there ever not enough food?” But Trixie shakes her head subtly in a look of ‘don’t question him.’
As we walk out, I try to wave with my glass in my non-handcuffed hand, which is difficult, but the girls merely smile and continue cooking.
Nycto’s change in mood is a little strange.
As we leave, I lean into him. “That was rude.”
He glares at me. “Don’t start your shit with me, Eva. People will hear.”
“Let them. What’s going on with you?”
He grunts, effectively ignoring me as he walks us over to the sofa behind the pool table where a couple of the brothers are playing pool. He gestures for us to sit on the sofa, and we drop at the same time. Being cuffed makes moving more of a joint effort. He slides closer to me so our bodies are completely aligned and pulls my hand over to rest on his thigh.
Swallowing a nervous lump in my throat, I bring my drink to my lips, slowly sucking through the straw. He still doesn’t tell me why he’s crabby, so I begin to people-watch, simply loving that I’m out in the open and have something to occupy my mind. I need to enjoy this time because I don’t know how long it will be for or when I will get this luxury again. I don’t even care that I’m not talking to people. The fact I’m not alone, confined to a room, is giving me a euphoric feeling.
So, for now, I’m going to sit next to Nycto and enjoy his company.
Even if he is being a bastard.
Chapter Fifteen
Eva has adjusted well to being out of my room. I almost thought about taking off the cuffs. Almost.
She chats with my brothers, fitting in here so fucking well it makes me a little nervous because I can see her being as at home here as the furniture. The problem is, the longer I hide Ivy from her, the quicker and the harder she will turn on me. All the hard work I’m doing getting her to trust me will be for nothing.
Every time I start having a good time with her, I’m reminded of the secret I’m hiding. It’s why I clammed up in the kitchen. This whole situation makes me regret causing Eva so much concern for Ivy when I know Ivy is perfectly fine. In one single second, I could take Eva’s pain away, but in doing so, it could turn her against me in a flash. But I have to let it go, or Eva will know something is up. So, I’ve picked myself up and will let Eva enjoy her night without me being a moody cunt.
The evening moves along, filled with laughter and fun as she gets to know everyone in the clubhouse. But now it’s time to walk Eva back to my room—I can tell she is exhausted. Her shoulders slump slightly, her feet drag, and she rubs at her eyes. It must be close to three in the morning. Normally, this is my awake time, but she’s crashing hard. I need to let her rest.
I open the door to my room, guide her in as she lets out a yawn, and then turn to relock it behind me.
“That was fun.” Eva chimes, watching my every move as I grab the key from my pocket and undo the cuffs. It breaks free from my wrist, then I release it from hers. I massage around her wrist, rubbing it to ease any issues the restraints may have caused.
Her eyes meet mine, and the spark, that adrenaline, rushes through me. We stand, staring at each other, my hand caressing her smooth skin as her breathing hitches. A knot forms in my stomach, tightening. I don’t get nervous when it comes to women, but Eva has a way of shaking my world to its core. This woman has the power to rattle me.
It’s unnerving.
Her tongue darts out, and she licks at her bottom lip. God, I wish I were that lip. My cock strains against the seam of my jeans, and I know I need to make a decision right now—make a move or back the hell away before I can’t.