I toss the motorcycle keys on the small table by the door and start taking slow steps toward her.
“Why?” I ask, with a teasing smile. “You think something is wrong when I talk to your father?”
She watches me, her eyes taking me in just the way I like it—a little annoyed, a little excited, a little horny.
“You could’ve answered,” she says right as I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into me and kissing her softly on the lips.
“Are you afraid I’ll get on your dad’s black list?”
“My dad takes things personally when it comes to me.”
“You are telling me that I should be on my best behavior?”
She smiles wickedly. “No.”
“My dad picks very few people he can trust. Very few.”
“And what does it have to do with me?”
“He told me something the other day, before you came back. He said, ‘If I ever met your guy back on the mainland, and you told me he was important to you, I wouldn’t have made you marry another person.’” She cocks her pretty brow.
I cock mine.
“When it comes to my dad, that’s something.”
My phone rings. The fucking Center.
“I need to take it,” I say, and Maddy instantly pouts and crosses her arms at her chest. “One second.” I pick up. “Yes, Marlow.”
“Can you believe that guy? The containers with military aid are already on their way.”
“How many containers? Are they coming from the US or Russia?”
“The US. And they got clearance on their side already. You think this guy was fucking planning this all along or what?”
“No. He’s just that”—I glance at Maddy—“efficient. I’ll deal with that later. Gotta go.”
“What containers?” Maddy asks when I hang up.
“Doesn’t matter.” I tug her into me.
“It does if that has to do with my father,” she says, bending backward and trying to avoid my kisses.
Her arms are still crossed at her chest. I like when she acts all defensive and slightly angry, because then she takes it out on me in bed. But right now, I want her hands on me. I pull them free and wrap them around my neck.
“If you come with me to the bedroom, I will tell you,” I murmur against her lips.
“Since when is being honest a bargain, Mr. Levi?”
Oh, no. That’s a little stab.
I freeze and gaze at her for the longest time. She doesn’t look away, keeping my gaze, and hers starts softening. It always does. That’s what I love about us these days. We know we can’t hurt each other anymore. We just know too much about each other.
“Rave?” she prompts in that seductive voice of hers.
“I will tell you, Mayflower,” I say softly so that she knows I have all the good intentions. “But can I get you naked first?”