Page 45 of Mayflower

Archer, Marlow, Bishop, and Ortiz watch the screens as the updates keep coming.

“They are getting close to our lines.”

“Get them!” Archer shouts at the screen, locking his hands behind his head.

Shots erupt with disturbing continuity. Then, an explosion. Shouts. Men are yelling.

It’s chaos, and it’s almost impossible to figure out what’s happening as we all bring our hands to our mouths.

The IT guy with the microphone in his ear snaps his fingers. “Got them!” He jumps off his seat and faces Archer. “Sir, we got them!”

The shooting on the speaker stops.

“Got them.”

“Two men. Five women. Four children.”

“Withdraw. Withdraw. I repeat. Withdraw.”

“Crossed the Ayana line.”

“The extraction team is in. Withdraw.”

“Sir, we got all of them. I repeat. No casualties. Everyone is safe.”

My heart gives out. Tears start streaming down my cheeks, and I don’t hear anything else but the cheers and applause that go around the Center.

Kat is hugging me, but my eyes are on the blinking green dot moving toward Port Mrei.

My breath hitches. “Why is the green dot going back? Archer! What’s happening?”

“Ma’am!” The IT guy draws my attention. “The satellite phone was left with Shepherd’s team that’s going back to Port Mrei. It’s all good.”

“We got him!” Kat shouts in my ear, shaking me excitedly.

Him. Raven.

Archer walks hurriedly toward me and pulls both of us into a hug.

I grin, laughing through tears as he says, “We got him, Maddy. We got him. He’s coming back.”

He lets go and turns to one of his assistants. “Get a large villa ready. The one with at least six bedrooms. Call Callie Mays, ask her if you can borrow some kid’s clothes. There are children coming.”

He gets on the phone with Kai. “Bro, I have some news and I need some help… Candy, yeah. Candy and some girls. They are coming to Ayana… Yeah, right now, as we speak. With Raven and his guard… Yes, found them… Yes, Raven. Yes! Fucking Raven! Yes… Yes… Yes…” He grins. “I don’t know what state Candy and her girls are in, but she knows you, so I need you. She’ll feel more comfortable if you are around… Thanks, bro. See you.”

Archer winks at me as he notices me staring.

Dad still watches the screen, then calls someone and nods, saying calmly, “Okay. Good. Good. Good.”

I walk to him and hug him with all I have.

“Thank you,” I whisper as my tears soak his shoulder.

And then I call Little.