Page 5 of Mayflower

“So, you tricked him.”

“Mila, listen. And listen attentively. He already worked something out with Archer Crone. He was determined. Before I even said anything, he offered the terms. It makes me wonder…”

“Wonder what?”

“How serious you two were.”

“Your spies didn’t report that?”

“I saw pictures. Before I first contacted him, I thought he was some temporary thing. You were never together in public, as per reports.”


“Yes, reports.”

“Oh, how well I know you, Dad. I should’ve expected.”

“So, Mr. Levi and you. What exactly was it?”

“It was complicated.”

“So, you two were serious.”

I can’t possibly explain it to him. How my relationship with Raven started. What it became. Us not talking. Then reuniting. For one night. One night that seemed like a lifetime of promises. One night that wiped away all the bitterness and pretenses.

“Why are you talking in past tense?” I ask quietly.

“He is not here.”

“He will be.”

“Will he?”

That nasty feeling in my stomach is back. “Is there something you know that I don’t, Dad?”

He sighs. “He tried to be cool when we first talked. But I could tell he was… afraid. That I would not agree to what he had to offer. Mr. Crone sat there with a scowl on his face, hating the mere fact that we were talking. While Mr. Levi was eager. Anxious, even. He prepared an offer. He did, not Crone, who owns Ayana. I know that scenario too well. Know it first-hand.”

I don’t ask, only stare at him.

“When I met your mom,” he says quietly as he rubs his chin.

“He likes being called Raven.”


“I love him. Does that answer your question?”

Dad is silent.

“It’s serious. And if he doesn’t come back…” That awful pang in my heart is back. “He needs to come back, Dad,” I croak. “You need to find him.”


“Unless it was your doing.”

“Mila, don’t.”

“It wasn’t?” I lock eyes with him, trying to stay calm. “I need to know.”