Page 28 of Mayflower

“Got it. What gun do you have?” Though I know one gun won’t cut it.

“A nine-millimeter. A forty-five. A twelve-gage shotgun. And just enough ammo for several rounds for each.”

Ali and I exchange glances. It’s not much. Not at all. Enough maybe to venture out of Port Mrei, but I wouldn’t leave Candy stranded. It’s definitely not enough for what I have in mind.

“Where can I get more? I’ll repay threefold. If I’m alive. Anyone you trust here who could get me ammo and guns? Possibly grenades. A bulletproof vest would be helpful, too.”

She snorts. “Maybe a helicopter?”

I don’t smile, just stare at her.

“Shepherd,” she says with a slight hesitation. “He’s the only one I can trust to be quiet.”

“Butcher’s cousin, huh?”

“Yeah. Butcher tried to kill him. Didn’t succeed. Butcher doesn’t really care anymore. Shepherd and a few of his men are lying low. Minding their own business. Northern part of town.”

“But you talk to him.”

She doesn’t respond.

I cock a brow. “A beau or something?”

“Or something.”

“Can he get a satellite phone?”

“Not sure.”

“So, is that a yes or a no for the weapons? I need you to find out ASAP, Candy. We can’t sit here forever.”

“Tell me what you want to do with all that.”

And that’s where the second favor comes in. “You said Butcher’s men took several of your girls. Where?”

“The headquarters.”

“Where’s that?”

Candy rolls her eyes with a heavy sigh, stares in silence at the floor, then the cots, then meets my eyes again. “I wouldn’t try anything if I were you. Even if you bring a dozen guards, Butcher has more men. On patrol twenty-four-seven. Ready to shoot anyone who comes close. Everyone is a snitch. Kids, too. Especially them.”


“Yes. Butcher bribes them with food. Brainwashes them. He has air monitors, believe it or not. He monitors airspace. Did you hear about the helicopter from Ayana being blown up the other day?”

I shake my head.

She nods. “Of course, you haven’t. I’m telling you now. Butcher has?—”

“You know where that is? His headquarters?” I press. I don’t need a lecture on safety.

“Sure. Everyone does.”

“Know anyone who’s been there and knows the patrol set-up? Perimeter? Head count? The interior?”

She smirks and tilts her head at Ali. “He dragged your half-dead ass all the way here so you could go get killed? Or you planning on bringing an army there? You can’t even get in contact with your own people.”

She stares me down. I don’t blink, don’t look away. I want Skiba’s blood. And Butcher’s too. And I am not hot-headed anymore. I need to know what, where, and how. If I think I can’t pull it off, I won’t even get close.