I check my watch again, then signal with my hand in the air and take off the mask.
The air smells bitter. Tsariuk approaches, pulling his mask off, too. He is no-nonsense, doesn’t even look around like he knows this place. It’s a miracle we managed to resolve Milena’s issues in a good way. Thanks, Raven. Otherwise, we could’ve been dusted like this island never existed.
“Mr. Tsariuk,” I say, shaking hands with the man whose handshake can break bones.
“Mr. Crone.” He nods.
“Your daughter is safe and is at the medical center,” I announce.
“I know,” he says calmly.
Of course, he does.
This guy just brought a legion of killers with him from across the world because he wanted to see his daughter. Some parents deserve a medal for being the world’s greatest dads, even if they are killers and criminals.
I feel a prickle of envy. I once had a dad.
I lock eyes with the man who made gas bombs rain on this island.
“The doctor says Raven is out of danger,” he says before I have a chance to tell him that.
He seems to know more about what’s happening than me. But for the first time, I feel no anger but respect. And relief that he is here.
“I want to see my daughter,” he says. “My men are setting up camp here and will be ready to move toward Port Mrei in?—”
He looks to the man next to him. “About five minutes, sir.”
Tsariuk nods in approval.
“You want me to stay behind and help?” I ask.
“With what?”
Yeah, with what? I feel like a fool on my own island. But this is war. I’m not used to navigating through combat. And I’m so fucking grateful for him.
Tsariuk smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder. “My men know what they are doing, Mr. Crone. They are taking charge of this operation. They are on direct line with your men.”
“The Commander is?—”
“A piece of shit, I know,” he cuts me off. “Do not worry. We will handle this.”
And finally, I feel like maybe Zion will come out of this war with minimum casualties.
My arm hurts, bruised from the transfusion needle. My body is exhausted, ready to collapse. But the doctor’s hopeful words pump in my head, “He’s out of danger.”
As if Raven’s extensive damages weren’t enough, Ayana’s emergency alert about the gas attack went off. Dad was on the phone with me.
“You have the mask on?”
“Yeah,” I mumbled into the speaker built into the mask.
“Stay with me all the way through,” he asked. “Five minutes, at least. Then you’ll have to turn on the fans to the maximum and open the windows.”
“I know, Dad. I know.” We all had to take a tutorial beforehand.