Page 1 of Mayflower



“There is no body,” Archer says.

No body.

No body.

No body.

The words keep pulsating in my head as I try to hold back tears.

Archer watches me as I smooth back my hair with shaking hands and try to process the information, the possibilities of what could’ve gone wrong.

It’s been hours since I was dragged from the jungle to the Center. The Center is brightly lit, but it’s nighttime out there. And suddenly, darkness is scary. I was never afraid of the dark until it took Raven from me.

We are still in Archer’s office, just him and I. I can’t be around people—all those macho dudes with their stellar military records who couldn’t protect Raven. Nilanski feels the worst. He should. He should’ve let me be with Raven, no matter the consequences.

I look through the office blinds at the main hall, crowded with people, IT guys, security, all those fucking geniuses trying to find a way to track Butcher’s men and Raven. They are helpless.

A scream is threatening to rip out of me. I want to break things. Take a gun and go to Port Mrei. I’ve never felt so helpless either.

Archer leans back on his desk, smoking. He looks worse than when he used to binge and get high. He should. He gave up one of his most important men.

Slowly, I walk around the office, trying to imagine the many outcomes of what happened in the jungle earlier. I try to rationalize the events, but anger boils inside me. The tears won’t go away. The only thing that keeps me from having a complete meltdown is the latest news.

They didn’t find Raven’s body… As soon as Nilanski and the other guards had dragged me far enough, as soon as the shots went off, Nilanski contacted Archer, and the Center sent an extraction team. They found no traces of Raven where the meeting went down. Blood. A lot of blood, they said. Raven’s Ayana bracelet. His phone—they are going through it to see if they can trace his calls.

But no body.

No body.

No body.

It’s been four hours since the standoff and the most horrible minutes of my life. I still refuse to believe that they executed Raven. Security guards are installing additional cameras around my bungalow. I will be a prisoner, but even more so, a failure. I failed Raven.

Dad called, but I couldn’t talk.

“I’m fine,” I said, unable to speak and sobbing with every word.

Now Archer is trying to reason with me. An IT team is trying to track any suspicious activity in Port Mrei with drones that keep getting shot down.

It’s pointless, I know.

Archer’s face is grim. He won’t meet my eyes. That’s right, traitor. I understand that this island gives certain people priorities. But apparently, Raven’s life wasn’t one of them.

“It had to be done that way,” Archer says. “Raven gave the order. We couldn’t jeopardize you.”

“You could’ve ordered a shootout. At least Raven would’ve had a chance.”

“A chance at what? Getting both of you killed?”

“A chance of both of us getting out of there. I’d take that chance over anything else, Archer.”

“Your safety,” Archer says louder and angrier. “We put your safety before his, Maddy. That was the collective decision.”

“Why? Because you are afraid of my dad?”