“Come for me, pet,” he whispered into my ear, slamming his hips into me again as his hand wrapped around my cock and stroked. It only took a few more thrusts before I did, covering my own stomach and his with my release. But the pounding into my ass didn’t stop as I rode out the waves of pleasure. Teracht continued to thrust into me, harder and faster, his hand stroking my over-sensitized length, my come lubricating the whole thing in a sticky mess. It felt so good that it almost hurt, and I couldn’t hold back a scream of pained pleasure, writhing and jerking under him, my body trapped beneath him as he used me. I think I cursed, sounds coming out of my mouth, but I had no idea what they were. I only knew Teracht, his body pinning mine as he slammed harder still into me, his hand stroking my still-hard cock. My senses were in overdrive, every touch like lightning on my skin, every brush like being stung and kissed at the same time.
He thrust deep inside of me as he kissed me, and I cried out against his mouth, my lips hungry on his as I whimpered and struggled, wanting more of his touch but less of it at the same time. He ground hard against me, and my vision went white for a minute as I screamed into his mouth. My cock lurched as another orgasm rocked me, wringing a small amount of come out of me and over his hand. His tongue thrust deep into my mouth and down my throat, claiming me, and my own tongue fought his for dominance. He grabbed my hair with his free hand, yanking my head back, and he bit down on the scarred skin where my neck and shoulder connected. I knew he hadn’t broken the skin with his flat teeth, but the sweet agony flooded my body, and I felt the world fall out from under me until there was nothing but pleasure from his slender embrace.
When I came to, I was on the couch, my silk bindings gone, a blanket over me, and a pillow under my head. Teracht held a straw to my lips, and I sipped at the beverage without registering what it was. His pointed fingers stroked through my hair gently. “Rest, Caleb.” I didn’t need to be told twice. I think I was asleep before my eyes were even fully closed again.
I must have slept hard, because it was morning, sunlight coming in through the windows, when I opened my eyes. My whole body hurt, but not in the way that it had when I had woken up in the hospital after my accident. This was a good hurt, one that reminded me of the thrill of being chased, caught, and pounded into until I screamed. I felt sticky, but I could tell Teracht had at least tried to clean me up a little before putting me to bed on the couch. I sat up, scrubbing at my eyes, wincing a little at the ache inside of me.
“Good morning,” Teracht said, appearing at my side with a bottle of juice with a straw, holding it out to me.
“Good morning,” I said. My voice was a little rough, like I had been screaming at a rock concert.
“Are you all right?” he asked, settling next to me as I took the beverage and swallowed several sips gratefully. “I worried I might have overdone it.”
“No, I’m just fine,” I said, giving him a grin, and he immediately relaxed a little. “God, that was… scary and fun.”
“Did you like it?” Teracht asked hopefully.
I nodded, stretching my arms up. “Yeah. I need to exercise more before I do anything else like that though. Ouch.”
Teracht giggled, leaning in to kiss me. “You were so beautiful.”
I blushed a little. “Thank you. Did you have fun?”
He nodded eagerly, then ducked his head. “So much fun.”
“We can do it again sometime,” I offered, and he beamed in delight.
“Yes, really,” I said. I pushed the blanket off of myself, finding I was still naked. I got my feet under me, then winced as I put my weight into standing. “Fuck. Might need to wait a little while though, you really did a number on me.”
“I’m sorry,” Teracht said, reaching out to help steady me.
I leaned in and kissed him. “It was amazing, don’t you dare apologize for it. We both had fun, and no damage done.”
Teracht nodded and kissed me back. “I have to start spinning for work. Are we still going to go out for lunch today?”
“Do you still want to?” I asked. If he had changed his mind, I wouldn’t push him.
He looked slightly nervous, but he nodded. “Yes. As long as you are with me.”
“Every step of the way,” I promised.
Chapter 16
Caleb showered, and then he sat on the couch, and we chatted as I spun my webs that would be picked up by the military at the end of the day. I had already spun extra while Caleb was sleeping to ensure I did not miss my usual quota when we went out for our lunch date. I was more than a little nervous. I would be going outside, going to somewhere other than the military base for the first time since I had entered the human world. But I was doing it with the most amazing, beautiful human by my side.
“Ready?” Caleb asked, slipping his hand into mine.
I exhaled and squeezed his fingers back. “I think so.”
“We can do this,” he replied firmly.
I nodded and reached for the lock. The click of it echoed in the silence between us. I turned the door handle and pulled the front door open. Caleb lifted my hand to his lips to give it a soft kiss before he took a step outside, drawing me out after him.
I stepped onto the porch steps, and Caleb’s hand left mine as he moved behind me to close and lock the front door, pocketing the key, before he took my hand. “All right so far?”