I beamed at the words. “I like that about you too,” I said. I moved over to him, and, with a few quick movements of a foot, I had cut away the webbing that covered his groin. His cock sprang free, leaking clear fluid everywhere, and I couldn’t resist the urge to close my mouth over the tip of it and suck.
The shout that came out of Caleb was divine as his hips jerked up into my mouth, and then he spilled his pleasure inside my mouth, over my tongue. I hadn’t realized how much it would be, and some of it dripped down my chin as I swallowed what I could. I preferred sweeter flavors, but I could easily get used to the flavor of Caleb on my tongue every day. Beneath me, he let out a strangled sob of pleasure as his dick continued to pulse, the scent of sweat and passion mingling in the air around him. I leaned down and gave him a sticky kiss, and he eagerly swept his tongue into my mouth, panting against my lips as his tongue tangled with mine, tasting his own release. We kissed for a long time, until Caleb went almost limp under me except for the buzz of the plug still inside of him. When I finally pulled back from his lips, I turned it off, and Caleb nearly melted into my web, boneless and sweaty and spent. He looked absolutely gorgeous, his blond hair tousled, his cheeks streaked with lines from his tears of frustration and pleasure. I wanted him to always look that way, so satisfied and thoroughly fucked by my hand.
Caleb’s breathing finally evened out, the little twitches of pleasure slowly turning into relaxed stillness. “All right, pet?” I asked gently, stroking a hand over his sweaty brow where a few strands of hair clung to the blindfold that still covered his eyes.
“Yes, sir,” Caleb said, sounding drowsy.
“Do you want me to release you now?”
“Mm. Is it okay if I just stay here for a bit?” Caleb asked, and I smiled.
“Of course, pet. Stay there as long as you like,” I said, settling down next to him. Stay forever.
Chapter 13
I left Teracht’s house Sunday evening, feeling exhausted and renewed at the same time. Teracht had edged me for hours on his web. It had been a little disconcerting to be unable to move while my body rode out the pleasure he had given me, but it had also been an oddly strange relief. I couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t see anything. There was nothing I could do except lie there, trust Teracht, and accept the pleasure he was giving me. And when my mind had started to drift to things it shouldn’t, Teracht was right there with the remote, changing the toy inside of me to distract me back to nothing except the delicious torture. I could tell that he had been having just as much fun as I had by making me writhe, and I had even heard him make a few sounds of pleasure when my body had jerked on his web. My sweet spider was so determined to not be a villain, and yet he was so evil and cruel in the best of ways.
We texted back and forth the next few days. Tuesday, I went to physical therapy, and for the first time since the weather had gotten cold, I did not hide my face with a scarf as I walked into the office. There were a few stares, but no one said anything unkind, and I felt the tiniest bit of the old Caleb return. The Caleb who had a smile for everyone, who was a bit of a flirt, who had just a hint of swagger to him. I felt better than I had in the almost eight months since my life had been turned upside down.
I had a package sent to Teracht’s house, with instructions for him not to open it until I came over. Friday evening, I went to Jade Garden by my apartment. I had ordered from them many times, but I had not been in the restaurant in person since before my accident. I had called ahead so my food was ready, and Yan, the elderly Chinese lady, had it at the register for me when I walked in. She did the serving and cashiering while her husband, Hao, whom everyone called Howie, did the cooking. Yan did a double-take as I walked in before she broke into a beaming smile. “Been a long time since I saw you,” she said with her accented voice.
“Yeah, I was dealing with a lot,” I said as I stopped at the register.
She nodded sagely, looking over my uncovered face and the dangling sleeve of my jacket. “But doing okay now?”
“Better,” I replied.
“Good,” she said, nodding her head so the light caught the silver strands in her dark hair. “That’s a lot of food for one. You have a friend?”
“Boyfriend,” I said, realizing that was the first time I had called Teracht that to anyone else.
“You tell him I say he has to take care of you,” she said, and I beamed.
“I will. Thank you, Yan.”
I pulled my scarf over my face again as I carried the bag of hot Chinese food to Teracht’s house. Baby steps to show my face to the world, but it was better than it had been even a month ago.
I grinned excitedly when I saw the box sitting by the couch when Teracht let me in. “Oh good, it did come. I want to try something.”
Ter’s eyes blinked curiously, and he took the bag with the Chinese food to the kitchen before returning. “What is it?”
I moved over to the box, trying to dig my fingers under the paper tape that held it closed. Ter slid the point of one of his legs across the tape. It split easily. “I love your built-in box cutters,” I said, and he giggled.
I reached in, glad to find a plastic handle on the interior box, so I grabbed it and lifted it out from the paper nest, setting it on the ground. Ter stared at it. “What is that?”
“It’s a blender,” I said. “A good one too. It can blend just about anything.”
“Blend?” Ter asked curiously, and I felt a little surge of pride at being able to explain it to him.
“It has a blade inside of it, and you put solid food inside of it. And the blade spins and chops it up. If you let it go long enough, it turns almost any food into a liquid.”
Ter inhaled in surprise. “Really?”
I nodded. “I haven’t tried it with most foods, but I have an older model of this that I use to make smoothies, and it’s great. It’s really powerful. You could puree a brick if you wanted to.”
Teracht wrinkled his nose. “I am not sure that I would like to drink a brick.”