“Y… Yeah,” I said, trying to form words. Hell, even coherent syllables. “’Sgood…”
Teracht laughed and shifted on top of me, his weight and heat suddenly gone but not causing the web to shift at all beneath me. He started to draw the dildo out of me, but the sensation made me cry out and tense around it, and he stopped, running his pointed fingertips down my back. “Not yet?”
“Not yet,” I agreed, laying still for his touch, which was the only thing I wanted right now. “Holy… fuck… God…”
Teracht giggled and traced my spine lightly. “Just breathe, pet. You don’t have to move until you’re ready.”
I debated never moving again, just lying here on this web forever. That sounded pretty damn good right now. But eventually I started to feel extremely sticky, the lube and my come drying on my skin, and I had to imagine that Teracht was probably feeling the same way. “Okay, take it out, just slow,” I said. Teracht obediently slid the toy out of me, leaving me feeling boneless beneath him. One of his feet moved by me and slit the webbing that held me bound in place.
“Can you get up?” he asked.
“Maybe?” I said, giving my legs an experimental stretch. Teracht slid his arm under me and pulled me up to my knees. I hissed softly as tenderness went through my ass. Fuck, I was going to feel that the rest of the weekend. And that was totally fine by me. I leaned back into his embrace, and several of his legs went around me.
“Are you doing all right?” he asked. I tipped my head back to look up at him, finding all eight of his onyx eyes staring concernedly down at me.
“Yeah,” I said, shifting a little to get feeling back into all of my muscles. “Yeah, I’m great. That was amazing.”
Teracht beamed, then carefully scooped me up in his arms to carry me across his web and down to the ground. He started to set me on the couch. “No, I’m sticky!” I protested, but he only laid me on my back on the couch anyway, the other pillow under my head.
“Rest. I’ll go clean up, and then you can shower.”
He produced a blanket from next to the couch, draping it over me, and I didn’t protest, just nestled under the warmth and closed my eyes. He brushed a kiss over my forehead, and then he moved away and headed upstairs.
Chapter 12
After cleaning up and eating some food, Caleb was more than content to curl up on my web and watch TV until he fell asleep. I smiled to myself as I pulled a blanket over him, using a few quick threads to secure it so it didn’t slide off of him, before going about my usual nightly business, tearing down any old or damaged webs and replacing them. I napped a bit as the night drew on, but whenever I woke, the first thing I did was check on Caleb. He slept contentedly, a tiny snore occasionally coming from him when he fell into a deeper sleep. He was so trusting of me, curled up asleep in my web, allowing me to tie him up and do things to him, especially with my lack of experience and knowledge of human sexuality. I would never ever want to hurt him. I only wanted him to feel good, to feel pleasure at my hands.
When he woke up in the morning, he showered and put on clean clothes before coming to the kitchen to join me for breakfast. We still had at least all of today to spend together, and while I wasn’t sure what we would do yet, I would be happy to do anything at all with him by my side.
“Do you have like a backyard?” Caleb asked curiously, glancing toward the back door as he finished his food and I finished my beverages.
I nodded slowly. “It is small, it just leads to the alley where the trash pickup is. But there’s a little area out there.”
“Do you ever sit outside?” Caleb asked.
I blinked, then shook my head. “No.”
“Why not?” Caleb seemed surprised.
I shrugged. “I like being inside better.”
Caleb gazed at me for a moment before he held out his hand. “Would you sit outside with me?”
I blinked my humanoid eyes. “There’s nothing out there for you to sit on.”
“Then I guess it’s good I have a big, strong spider to make something for me,” he said, his voice sweet and coaxing, and I laughed. I supposed I could easily make him a seat out there.
“All right.”
We headed outside, stepping into the sunshine. The air was crisp but not cold, the weather starting to warm up. I had a small patch of grass as the backyard, with a pavestone path leading to the alley, the entire property surrounded by a white picket fence, which pleased me to no end. There was a sort of wooden awning over the back door, and a concrete patio slab that was really only big enough for a couple chairs and a table, if I ever put something out there. I never spent time on the patio. My ‘going outside’ consisted of taking my trash and recycling out and then retreating back inside.
Caleb inhaled and stretched his arms over his head. “Mm. I love spring.”
I wrapped my arms around his waist to pull him back against me, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. I suddenly realized that Caleb was outside with only a tank top on top, exposing his scarred arm and shoulder, as well as his neck and face, to anyone who could see us. Granted, we were on my property, but he was feeling comfortable enough to let his insecurities go for the moment, and I could too. My heart gave a little flutter.
“Should I make a seat for you?” I asked, and he nodded, leaning against one of the wooden posts to watch me. I knew I could just do a simple hammock, but I was feeling like showing off a little. So, I climbed up until I was clinging to the ceiling of the overhang. I moved over to Caleb, shifting to lean so I could kiss him upside down. He grinned and reached up to hold my cheek with his hand as he kissed me back.