Teracht hummed a little sound of approval, and the movements of his hands became faster. My legs quivered under his ministrations, my abs clenching too as I rested on the pillow. I pressed my face onto the webbing below me, my forehead already sticky with sweat. “Yes,” I groaned. For only learning about human sexuality a short time ago, my little spider was a quick study and seemed to be reading my movements. Pleasure was already building in my lower belly, and I knew I wasn’t going to last long at this rate. “Please, sir, can I come?” I moaned.
Teracht’s movements suddenly slowed. “No, pet, you can’t. We’ve barely gotten started.”
He had a point, and it wasn’t like I wanted this to end so soon. Teracht seemed to be enjoying himself too, at least. His fingers inside of me curled just a bit, and I mewled in pleasure. He laughed softly. “Can you take a third finger, pet, or is that too much?”
“I can take it. Sir,” I added hastily.
Teracht moved his left hand off my cock to rest it on my hip, and then I felt the press of a third finger into my tight hole. I tensed a moment. God, it had been way too long since I had that much inside of me, but damn, did it feel good once my body relaxed around them. And when he began to move his fingers, but not all together like he had been, my hips arched back into him. “Fuck, yes, whatever you’re doing, don’t stop,” I whined, and he laughed, his finger movements continuing as his left hand stroked over my back, up and down my spine. I felt his sharp fingertips brush lightly over my skin, sending a tingle through every spot they touched. They continued to travel over my back and hips and the soft parts of my left side, caressing each inch of skin as they brushed it, as gentle as the first time he explored me. My arms strained against the webs that held them as he moved, and I heard Teracht moan as the vibrations went through them. That sent even more pleasure through me, knowing that he was feeling good too. I shoved my ass backward as far as I could with my restraints. “More,” I begged.
His hands suddenly stilled on me, and I cried out in frustration. “I will give you all you want, pet, but in my own time.” God, his voice was killing me with his teasing. My shy little spider was definitely coming into his own here.
“Please,” I moaned. “Please, sir.”
“Mm. My pet is asking so nicely. But we haven’t even gotten to play with your toys yet.”
Fuck, I had forgotten about those. I moaned, arching my back again. Teracht gave the back of my right thigh a soft lick, making me jump. “Do you want to try some of those, pet?”
“If you’d like to, sir,” I forced out, my breath a little shaky.
“Would that give you pleasure?” Teracht asked, giving my cock another gentle stroke.
“Yes, sir,” I gasped.
And then his hands were gone from me, everywhere, a bit of a burn in my ass from his fingers leaving me so quickly. I squirmed, hearing the snap of the lube bottle opening and the slick sound of it coating what I assumed was the dildo. I was proven right when Teracht was back behind me and pressing it against my still stretched hole. It wasn’t a small one, but it wasn’t any bigger than his fingers had been, and it sank in easily, making me gasp and writhe. Teracht pushed it all the way in until the base of it was pressed flush against my ass cheeks. “Fuck,” I groaned, drawing the word out as the cool silicone filled my passage. It started to slide out, and Teracht seemed to realize he had to hold it in place as his hand stroked over my cock lovingly. “Do you like this, pet?”
“Yes, sir,” I moaned, my hips pushing back as best I could in my trapped position.
Teracht let the dildo slide almost out before pushing it back in, starting up a maddeningly slow rhythm that made my toes curl as each inch moved in and out of me. “God, yes,” I groaned. “Faster, please.”
Teracht moved it a little faster inside of me, pushing it deeper with each thrust, making me moan and writhe under him, my stomach digging into the pillow. Not being able to move with my whole body constrained by his webs was maddening as I desperately wanted to push my hips back into each thrust to take it deeper and faster. Teracht giggled softly. “Does it pleasure you more when it is faster?”
How did he expect me to answer that coherently in my current state? “Yes, sir,” I gasped, then couldn’t stop a frustrated whine when he slowed the thrusting down again. His hand stroked over my cock as he moved the dildo inside of me, pausing to grind it against me. I inhaled sharply, my eyes closing. “Fuck, yes.”
“Mm, I like the pretty noises you make, pet,” Teracht said, leaning down to suddenly run his tongue up my right shoulder. It was a strange sensation, feeling different than it did on my uninjured skin, but not an unpleasant feeling. “How does that feel?” he asked, the tip of his tongue sneaking out to brush my earlobe.
“Weird. Do it again?” I asked, and Teracht obliged, taking a long, slow lick up my shoulder.
“Different,” I said. “But not bad.”
Teracht gave the side of my neck a gentle kiss. “And this?”
My eyes closed as tears suddenly threatened to spill for no reason. “Good.”
Teracht’s tongue brushed over the pulse point in my neck, then gave me an ever-so-gentle nip with his flat palate before soothing it with his tongue. I realized as heat surged inside of me that the movement of his hands had stilled, and he was focused on just that spot, nuzzling his face into it. One of his spider feet suddenly moved to stroke over my right side, over my ribs and down my side to my hip, then back up. He kissed and nibbled gently at my throat and jaw, every movement careful and deliberate as he gauged my reaction.
I opened my eyes, turning them to watch his leg brushing up and down my side. It was a strange sight, and yet, it made my blood heat in my veins. “You are so beautiful, pet,” Teracht whispered, giving my earlobe a gentle nip followed by a loving caress with his tongue. “Absolutely stunning, and I am so lucky to have you.” His hand began to stroke over my cock again, slow and sensual, starting up another lazy rhythm with thrusting the toy inside of me so I felt every inch enter and retreat from me. “And I am going to tell you that every day until you believe me.”
I pressed my forehead against the webs under me, tears prickling my lashes, but I would not let them fall. I had done enough crying at Teracht’s house, even if the tears were partially from happiness. He ran his tongue up my side, tickling my ribs and making me squirm, and he let out a soft moan as the web rippled beneath us. “Yes, my pet,” he cooed, his hands starting to move faster on me. “Let me show you how beautiful you are.”
God, his words fucking broke me inside as heat built under my skin. He wasn’t afraid of me, and he didn’t find my body scary or disgusting or something to be hidden away. He touched every inch of it as if it were precious. He didn’t want to hurt me, but he didn’t handle me like I was a pane of glass that could shatter at any moment either. “Please,” I said softly, my fingers curling. “Please touch me.”
And then his hands were all over, still pumping my cock and the toy inside of me, but his spider legs were wrapped around me, several pairs holding himself snugly against me as other ones roamed over my skin, touching, teasing, flicking, dragging, until every touch felt like I was being licked by the most delicious flames. His spider feet flicked over my nipples, drew patterns on my skin, ran through my hair. I cried out, writhing under him, feeling him press down harder on top of me as the dildo fucked even harder into me, drawing a wail of pleasure from my lips. “Teracht, please! Please, I need to come,” I begged, and he gave the back of my neck a soft nip.
“Come for me, pet,” he whispered in my ear, stroking me so hard and fast that when I came only seconds later, my entire vision went white for several moments. I ever so slowly became aware of Teracht nestling on top of me, one of his legs stroking my hair, but everything else, all of his other touches on me, were still. My ass still spasmed around the toy inside me, but he only held it still now, letting me ride out the waves of pleasure as little jolts raced through me. I forgot how to breathe for a moment as my heart thundered, several drops of sweat creeping down my forehead and cheek.
I finally came back to myself. The webbing under me was so light that I could hardly use it to focus as I dragged my soul back into my body, taking a deep breath like I had been drowning. Teracht’s weight on top of me was warm and comforting but caused no pain in my body, just the feel of us touching so intimately.
After a few minutes of neither of us doing anything besides breathing, Teracht gave my neck a gentle kiss. “Doing all right?”