I blinked. “I do? I am just trying to be honest.”
“Well, your honesty is better than a lot of humans,” he said, leaning in to kiss me. I kissed him back, curling him into my arms. I shifted to roll onto my back so he was resting on top of me, holding him carefully so he did not slide or fall. It was a strange, new feeling to have someone so warm and alive curled close to my abdomen, but I liked it. I could easily become addicted to the feeling of someone touching me, sleeping against me. Caleb ran his hand down my chest. I held still and let him explore every curve and plane that he wanted, my hand resting lightly on his back to hold him in place. “I haven’t left my house a lot since the accident. Only when I have to. Thank you, for forcing me to step outside my comfort zone.”
“I don’t want to force you to do anything,” I said, brushing his cheek gently. “But I am happy you decided to come over and that you were not afraid of me.”
“Same,” he said, leaning in to kiss me. “So, um, are we dating now?”
I blinked. “Are you asking if you are my boyfriend?”
“Yeah, I guess I am,” Caleb said.
That sent a good feeling that I couldn’t easily describe through me. Being boyfriends was part of romance, and while my own experiences with romance were limited to what I saw on television, I knew it signaled a big step in our relationship. “I would like for you to be my boyfriend,” I said, gazing back at him and feeling my heartbeat pick up a little in my chest. “But I’ve never had one before, and I’m not entirely sure what I’m supposed to do. Is that all right?”
“Yeah,” Caleb said. “One awesome thing about humans is that we get to make decisions about our lives. So, we can decide what dating means to us and what makes us happy, and we don’t have to follow anyone else’s rules.”
It was another experiment, like trying the chocolate milkshake, or joining the monster dating app. But it was an experiment we were going to do together. I would do or try anything if Caleb kept spending time with me. “You make me happy,” I said. I held out my left hand to him. “Boyfriends?”
Caleb took it in his own, giving it a firm shake. “Boyfriends," he agreed, and his smile was like sunshine warming my skin.
Chapter 11
We cuddled for a while, until we heard the tell-tale thump of a package being set down on the doorstep. We opened the box, and I pulled each thing out, Teracht cutting the packages open with one of his spidery legs. We hadn’t gone too crazy just yet. A dildo, a vibrating butt plug with a remote, some lube, some cotton balls, and a box of black nitrile gloves. Pretty basic stuff, but easy to work with while we explored this new aspect of our relationship. It had been a while since I had bottomed, and I was feeling a little nervous, especially since I was the only one between us with that sort of experience. But Teracht seemed eager to learn. I went upstairs to take another shower with my new soap and shampoo, glad I had added a set of towels to my delivery so I could dry off easily this time.
Once I was clean all over, I headed back downstairs, not bothering to get dressed. I didn’t make a habit of wandering around naked in my apartment, so I did feel a bit self-conscious, but Teracht’s appreciative glance over my body as I came down the stairs and into the living room made any discomfort vanish. Teracht had washed and set aside all of the toys, but he had waited for me to take the nitrile gloves out. I pushed a cotton ball into the tip of each of the fingers before helping him to slide the glove onto his hand. “All right?” I asked.
“It feels weird,” Teracht admitted, flexing his hand experimentally before brushing his fingertips over his other palm. “But I don’t think I’ll hurt you this way.”
I nodded. “I trust you. We’ll take it slow, and I promise I’ll tell you if anything hurts.”
“And I want you to tell me if something feels good, so I know I am pleasuring you the right way,” Teracht said, sounding a little shy.
“I will,” I reassured him.
Teracht leaned in to kiss me. “And we’ll stop if you want to.”
“Right,” I said, standing on my toes to kiss him sweetly in return. Once I drew back, he slid his arms around me and lifted me off my feet, climbing onto his web and carrying me like I was nothing but a rag doll under his arm. I was still very disconcerted that he could do that, but, at the same time, it also made me strangely horny, to know I could be overpowered so easily by him but that he chose not to.
Teracht settled me into the center of one of his webs, then produced one of the couch pillows he must have grabbed with one of his spider feet. “Find a comfortable position, pet. You’re going to be in it for a long time.”
A shiver of pleasure ran through me at those words. “Yes, sir,” I said. Teracht waited while I shifted, trying to find a position that was comfortable on my wounds but still kept both my ass and my dick accessible to him. I finally settled the pillow under my stomach and stretched out over it, spreading my legs wide and supporting myself Sphynx-like with my arms. I gave Teracht a nod once I was in a comfortable spot. Quick as a flash, he was suddenly on top of me, looping strands of webbing around my wrists and forearms to keep them from moving, several thick lashes around my chest and stomach so I couldn’t pull or arch up, and then around my ankles, keeping my legs spread wide and slightly bent for him. He was so damn fast, it was almost scary. But when he was done, he leaned down to plant a kiss on my right shoulder.
“Everything all right, pet?”
“Yeah,” I said, then quickly added, “sir.”
I felt more than saw Teracht smile at that. “And you’re going to tell me how you’re feeling, aren’t you, pet?”
“Yes, sir,” I said. My stomach was doing flip-flops. I hadn’t been this nervous in bed in years. Not that I didn’t trust Teracht; I was sure he would listen to me if something wasn’t all right. But this whole thing suddenly felt much more loaded with the understanding we were in a relationship now and that he wanted to ensure he was bringing me pleasure. That felt like a lot of pressure, even if most of my job was to lie there and take it. That thought made my muscles tighten just a little as heat ran down my spine.
He rubbed the smooth plane of his cheek against one of the round globes of my ass. “When was the last time you did this, pet?”
“Mm. It’s been a while, sir,” I said. “Probably almost a year.”
And then I jumped, though couldn’t move too far, when Teracht gave a light nip to the skin of my other ass cheek with his flat palate.
“Good or bad?” Teracht prompted.