A knock at the door startles me, making my heart leap into my throat. I freeze, staring at the door, my pulse pounding in my ears.

“Aria? It’s Cayenne, Ginger, and Willow. We’re here to help.”

Their voices, familiar and comforting, break through my panic. A tidal wave of relief crashes over me, propelling me towards the door, despite my trembling legs. I fling it open to reveal Cayenne, Ginger, and Willow, their faces a mirror of the concern I’ve been feeling for myself.

The moment I see them, the dam holding back my emotions breaks. Memory after memory floods through me. I collapse into Cayenne’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably. She holds me tightly, murmuring soothing words as I cry, my tears soaking into her shirt.

“They kicked me out. They didn’t believe me. My own scent matches.”

“It’s okay, Aria,” Cayenne whispers, her voice steady and calm. “We’re here now, and we’re not leaving without you.”

Ginger and Willow close the door behind them, giving us some privacy. They move to the bed, making space for me to sit. Cayenne guides me to the edge, her arm around my shoulders, offering support as I try to regain control.

“I couldn’t stay. I had to get out. I couldn’t think straight, but I knew I had to run.”

“You did the smart thing by running,” Ginger says, her voice firm yet gentle, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “Sometimes, the bravest move is knowing when to get the hell out.”

Willow gracefully sinks to her knees before me, her eyes brimming with compassion. “We were so worried about you, sweetheart, but you’re safe with us now, and we’ll get through this together.”

Their presence and unwavering support provide stability for me. I take a deep breath, trying to quiet the internal turmoil. I feel secure with them, completely opposite of the fear and uncertainty that overwhelmed me before.

“How did you find me?” I ask, my voice trembling.

“We followed the breadcrumbs you left,” Cayenne explains, her tone steady and reassuring as she brushes a strand of hair from my face. “The credit card transaction, the call you made—it wasn’t easy, but we weren’t going to give up. Not on you.”

“We were worried Noah might have tracked you down first,” Ginger interjects, her expression hardening. “Now that we’re here, we can plan his murder.”

“Ginger,” Cayenne admonishes, shooting her a warning look. “Not now.”

“Cause Earl had to die,” Ginger sings under her breath, earning a snort from Willow.

Not me. The mention of Noah sends a fresh wave of fear through me, but I push it down. I can’t deal with him right now either. I wish he’d just disappear from my life.

“Thank you,” I whisper, my voice breaking. “I don’t know what?—”

“Hey, we’ve got you, girl,” Willow says, her hand warm and reassuring on mine. “Remember what I told you my job was? Keeping omegas safe.”

I nod, tears still streaming down my face, but the panic is easing. The fog in my mind begins to clear, and I start to feel a glimmer of hope.

“Good.” Willow nods. “Because I got you set up in one of our omega suites. Baby, you are about to have your choice of any pack.”

I’m not sure I want that, but I’m not about to argue, especially when I’m approaching my heat.

“We need to get you out of here,” Cayenne says softly. “Somewhere safe. Can you walk?”

I square my shoulders, feeling a spark of my old determination flicker to life. “Yes,” I say, my voice stronger than it’s been in days. “Let’s get the hell out of here.” For the first time since this nightmare began, I feel like I’m taking a step forward instead of running away.

With their support, I stand, my legs still unsteady but stronger with each passing moment. We gather my few belongings, and I follow them out of the motel room. The night air is cool and fresh, a welcome change from the stale confines of the room.

As we walk toward their car, I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the past few days begin to lift. But a nagging sense of unease remains, a prickling at the back of my neck that makes me glance over my shoulder. The parking lot is empty, but shadows seem to loom larger than they should. I’m not out of danger yet, but with Cayenne, Ginger, and Willow by my side, I at least have a fighting chance. We climb into the car, and as we drive away, I lean back, letting the hum of the engine soothe my frayed nerves.

All my life, I was told omegas need an alpha pack to survive. What they failed to mention was the importance of my bestie pack, because at the end of the day, it’s not the men we want but the friends we need who show up.


The cold night air nips at my skin, carrying the scent of pine and desperation.

Earlier, I had sent a carefully crafted text to Quinn.