Logan’s piercing gaze finds mine, and he gives me a brilliant smile. “Sure.”

We step to the side and walk along the outside of the fencing. Inside, we pass our guys every three feet. On this side, the protesters jeer at us. It isn’t like I blame them. Not really.

They think we are here because we support the mayor. We don’t. Maybe we should look into denying those contracts, but at the time we signed on, we weren’t really sure what we were getting into.

Now we know, and we won’t do it again.

As we step onto the sidewalk with the hot sun overhead, I unlock the van, feeling the tension immediately drain from my shoulders.

“Oh, hell yeah.” Logan whistles as he takes in my setup. “This is…”

“My baby.” I climb in, plop into my seat, and turn back to Logan. “Come on in. It’s tight but not too bad.”

“I’m a big dude.” He laughs at the tight space. He is big. “There’s no way I’m fitting in there.”

“Take the passenger seat,” I tell him. “Malachi and Zane don’t fit back here either.”

“It’s like a little nest.” He ribs me as he slides into the passenger seat. I can’t tell if he is joking or making fun of me.

Instead of saying anything, I turn around, slam the door shut, and put my headset on.

“So is this what you do?” he asks. “You’re the tech guy?”

“Yeah, I guess that’s me.” I flip all my monitors on. Zane, Dash, and Malachi all have cameras attached to their vests. It allows my algorithm to pick up on things that we might miss otherwise.

“I suppose every pack has one.” He leans back in his seat and closes his eyes. It’s kind of annoying, but I don’t really have anything for him to actually do. “So Zane is the brooding one, Dash is the golden retriever, and Malachi is in charge, while you are the techy.” He hums under his breath.

What the hell is he getting at?

“What do I bring to the table?” he whispers under his breath, making me pause.

“What do you mean?”

He sits up and shifts. “I mean, what do I bring to the table?”

“Well, we are waiting for your background?—”

“Not to the security company.” His blue eyes seem to pierce right through me, and a weird feeling comes over me. “The pack.”

My stomach twists and turns. Trusting my algorithm, I slide my headset off and turn to him. “You want to join our pack?”

He swallows and looks slightly uncomfortable. “I mean, yeah, I thought…” He shakes his head and laughs at himself. “Never mind.”

“No, what?” My curiosity gets the better of me.

“Well,” Logan starts, his voice casual but his eyes sharp, “I like you guys. Been looking to join a pack for a while.” He leans in slightly, his scent spiking with an emotion I can’t quite place. “You know how it is, right? A lone wolf in a world of packs?” There’s something in his tone that makes my fingers twitch over my keyboard.

“Have you tried Pack Pulse?” Even as I ask the question, I know how he feels about it in the way his face tightens.

It’s the same way I feel.

It’s like joining a dating site for friendships only. You get the most desperate of people, and you always discover why they have no pack or friends, and it’s usually because they just aren’t good people.

“Yeah, that’s a stupid question,” I say.

“I mean, would you consider it?” he asks, his eyes hopeful.

I keep the pack bond tight but let out a little of my emotions and thoughts to the others to see how they feel.