Dash squares up with Logan, the contrast between them striking. Where Dash is all easy smiles and relaxed muscles, Logan is taut, coiled energy. They circle each other, and then Dash strikes with a quick jab intended more to gauge than to harm.

Logan blocks it with ease, his movements fluid. “Not bad,” I call out, “but don’t get too comfortable. Dash can be a slippery bastard.”

Actually, Dash isn’t even the one he needs to watch out for, it’s Zane, but I’ll keep that to myself.

Dash grins, taking that as his cue to up the ante. He darts in and out, his punches faster and more unpredictable. Logan adapts quickly, his footwork impressive. He isn’t just relying on brute strength, he’s smart and calculating.

I can’t help but be impressed, despite my suspicions. There’s something off about Logan, something that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, but for now, he’s proving his worth.

A loud cheer erupts from the crowd, and I glance over to see Mayor Hargrove taking the stage. The mayor is a big target today, and our job is to make sure nothing happens to him. Political rallies can get heated, and with the protesters camped out last night, tensions are high.

The worst part about this is that the guy is a sleaze. I don’t like him, and if anything, I’d rather stand with the protesters.

“All right, break it up,” I say, clapping my hands. “We have a job to do. Logan, stick close to me. Dash, cover the perimeter.”

Dash nods and heads off, melting into the crowd with his usual ease. Logan falls into step beside me, his eyes darting constantly, taking in every detail of our surroundings. The air thrums with tension, a discordant symphony of shouting voices and pounding hearts. The acrid scent of sweat and anger mingles with the metallic taste of adrenaline on my tongue, putting my nerves on high alert.

“Ever done security for a political rally before?” I ask, trying to gauge his experience.

“Not exactly,” Logan admits, “but I’ve handled high-pressure situations.”

“Good. Just remember, our job is to keep the mayor safe and the crowd under control. No heroics.”

“Understood,” Logan says, his tone serious.

We weave through the crowd, keeping a close eye on the mayor and the people around him. Hargrove is in his element, shaking hands and making grand gestures as he speaks. The crowd is a mix of supporters and protesters, and I can see the tension brewing. It’s only a matter of time before things get heated.

“What kind of high-pressure situations?” I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.

Logan smiles, giving me a side glance. “Back in my hometown, I thought becoming a firefighter was the best thing I could ever do. Not just for the paycheck, but because I could really help, ya know?”

“Like contributing to your community,” I supply.

“Exactly like that.” He shoulder bumps me. “So there I was, this young buck training to be a firefighter, and the third month in, we had this massive fire.”

“How many alarms?” I wonder, because a fire is no joke.

He waves my question away as though it doesn’t matter. “There I was in this house, running through flames to help a little girl, so yeah, I can easily do high-pressure jobs.”

Suddenly, a shout rings out, and the crowd surges forward. Logan and I move quickly, positioning ourselves between the mayor and the commotion. A group of protesters is pushing through the barriers, their shouts growing louder.

“Stay calm!” I shout over the noise. “Everyone, back up!”

The stage is separated with a fence, and as they surge forward, the fence wavers.

Logan’s beside me, his presence a solid wall of calm in the chaos. He helps push back the crowd, his strength and control evident. For a moment, I almost forget my suspicions. Almost.

The situation escalates quickly. One of the protesters breaks through, charging toward the stage. Logan reacts instantly, intercepting the man and taking him down with a move that’s both efficient and controlled. He pins the protester to the ground, his knee pressing into the man’s back.

“Got him!” Logan calls out, looking up at me. His eyes are clear and focused, and there is a huge smile on his face, as though he was born to do this.

I nod, moving to help secure the area. More security personnel arrive, and we manage to push the crowd back, restoring some semblance of order. Mayor Hargrove continues his speech, seemingly unfazed by the disruption.

As the rally progresses, I keep one eye on Logan. He’s handling himself well, but there’s something about the way he moves and always seems to be one step ahead that keeps me on edge.

My earpiece crackles to life. “Quinn, all clear on the stage,” Zane’s voice comes through. “How’s it looking from your end?”

“Copy that,” I respond, then turn to Logan. “Come on, we’re going to check the van. I need to run a system sweep.” This way, I can keep an eye on both the situation and our mysterious new recruit. I feel itchy without my monitors, and since Logan is my problem today, he gets to camp out in the van with me.