“We’re glossing over the mind-reading shit?” Okay then. “Yeah, I took them both,” I admit and follow her as she walks behind the counter, and I step in front of it.

“You took them both?” Her eyebrows rise to her hairline. Okay, I knew I should have read the directions.

“I take it I wasn’t supposed to?” Desperation leads to stupid actions. I’m in my find out era.

“No,” she says, her voice dropping to a grave whisper. A chill runs down my spine as she adds, “You’ve upset the balance, Aria. The universe doesn’t take kindly to that, and neither does your body.” Shaking her head, she focuses on me. “Why do you hide, Aria?”

“Well, since you are so damn good at mind reading, why don’t you tell me why?” All right, that was totally uncalled for, but I’m making bad decisions here. “I’m sorry, I’m not trying?—”

She cuts me off. “I understand. Aria, you are caught in a whirlwind of fear and uncertainty, running from the shadows of your past while trying to build a future that feels just out of reach. The trauma from your abusive ex still haunts you, creating barriers that prevent you from fully trusting those around you, even the ones who genuinely care. You’re surrounded by strong protectors, yet you struggle with letting them in, fearing vulnerability might lead to more pain. Your heart craves peace and stability, but your mind is constantly in survival mode, making it difficult to embrace the love and safety you deserve. Your path is tangled with challenges, but remember, your resilience is your greatest strength. Embrace your instincts, trust in those who have proven their loyalty, and allow yourself the freedom to heal and thrive.”

Well, it’s far too early in the day to be called out like that.

“Furthermore,” she continues, not allowing me to talk, “Aria, if you continue on this path of fear and suppression, the consequences will be dire. The suppressants you rely on to keep your omega nature at bay come with a heavy cost. They might change you fundamentally, dulling your true essence and instincts. The universe has a way of balancing itself, and if you keep denying who you are, it will demand retribution. You could lose the very parts of yourself that make you unique and strong. The protectors around you may not be able to shield you from the internal turmoil and cosmic backlash. It’s crucial that you embrace your true nature and trust in the bonds you’ve formed. Only by facing your fears and accepting your identity can you find the peace and stability you seek.”

“Ah…” Words fail me as I struggle to grasp her statement. “How the fuck do you know my name?”

Oh, that’s the hill we are dying on today? Okay.

“Magic.” She raises a brow, daring me to challenge her.

I don’t. “The backlash, I thought you meant physical.”

“Some, yes,” she states. “Your heat will be long and painful without alphas, but more than that, think about what you are putting out in the world. It’s going to come back to you if you don’t change the course.”

“I can’t.” I swallow past the lump in my throat.

“Why?” she challenges me.

“I need to know if they can love me.” This time, I don’t let her speak. I need to get the words out. “Noah loved me as an omega. He never loved me, Aria the woman—the one who can eat tacos for every meal.” Tears burn my vision.

“Would you believe your auntie?” As the words leave her mouth, my whole body freezes.

My chest constricts, each breath becoming a struggle. The room spins, colors blurring together as my vision tunnels. My hand flies to my throat, fingers clawing at skin as if I could physically pry the panic from my body. “What,” I gasp out, the word barely audible, “did you say?”

“Shut the fuck up.” I stumble backward, crashing into a carousel display. Trinkets and charms rain down around me, their tinkling a stark contrast to the roaring in my ears.

“It isn’t your fault she died,” she says slowly. “She wants you to open up to them. To Dash, Za?—”

“Just stop…please,” I choke out, my voice barely above a whisper. Without another word, I bolt for the door, desperate to escape the suffocating truth.

“Aria.” The shopkeeper’s voice cuts through the air like a knife, each word a stab to my heart. “Pretending her death didn’t happen doesn’t mean it’s any less real. Her body is still waiting for you to claim it.” The room seems to close in around me, the walls pulsing with the weight of her words.

With a distressed snarl, I run out of the shop and dive into Quinn’s car, tears burning my eyes as they drip down my face.

She has no fucking idea what she’s talking about.

Aunt Sara is fine.

She’s fine.

She’s fine.

I repeat it until I pull into the salon’s parking lot.

Logically, I know I keep saying the words, pretending they are real, while at the same time, I know they aren’t.