I blow out a breath, running a hand through my sleep-mussed hair. "Surprised doesn't even begin to cover it. But hell, Jude... if they make you happy, if they're good to you... then I'm happy for you. Truly."
Her smile softens, gratitude and affection warming her gaze. "They do. Make me happy, I mean. Happier than I ever thought I could be, after... everything."
We share a moment of silent understanding, the ghosts of our past hovering at the edges of our consciousness. But the sound of a tentative knock at the door shatters the reverie, putting us both instantly on edge.
"June?" a familiar voice calls softly. "It's Sarah. Can I come in?"
I exchange a glance with Judith, surprise and wariness mingling in my gut. Sarah, the nurse who risked everything to help me escape Faulkner's clutches. A wild card in this dangerous game we're playing.
But she's also a friend, or something close to it. And right now, we need all the allies we can get.
I nod to Judith, who moves to open the door. Sarah steps inside, her face etched with concern and exhaustion. She's still in her scrubs, her hair escaping its neat bun, as if she came straight here from her shift.
"I'm sorry for just dropping by," she says, her hands twisting nervously in front of her. "But I needed to see you. To make sure you were okay, after... everything."
Her gaze darts to the bedroom door, to the unspoken presence of Cara on the other side. Something flickers in her eyes, too quick to decipher, but it sets my teeth on edge nonetheless.
"We're fine," I say, a little more sharply than I intend. "Better than fine, actually. No thanks to my mother."
Sarah flinches, the barb hitting home. "I'm sorry, June. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you, for both of you. If there's anything I can do, anything at all..."
I soften, the sincerity in her voice easing some of the tension in my shoulders. "You've already done more than enough, Sarah. More than I can ever repay. But thank you. It means a lot, knowing we have people in our corner."
She nods, a small, tentative smile curving her lips. But before she can respond, the bedroom door creaks open, revealing a sleep-rumpled Cara.
My heart clenches at the sight of her, at the vulnerability and confusion in her stormy gray eyes as she takes in the scene before her. I'm at her side in an instant, pulling her into the shelter of my arms.
"Hey," I murmur into her hair, breathing in the warm, familiar scent of her. "It's okay. We just had some unexpected visitors, that's all."
Cara's gaze darts from Sarah to Judith and back again, a small furrow forming between her brows. "What's going on? Is everything alright?"
I hesitate, torn between the need to protect her and the knowledge that she deserves the truth. But Judith saves me from having to decide, her voice calm and measured as she fills Cara in on Elaine's latest scheme.
To her credit, Cara listens without interruption, her face a mask of composed attentiveness even as I feel the tension thrumming through her body. Only the white-knuckled grip of her hand in mine betrays the depth of her fear, her anger.
"So, what do we do?" she asks when Judith finishes, her voice steady and strong despite the shadows in her eyes. "How do we stop her?"
Pride and love swell in my chest, so fierce it steals my breath. This woman, this incredible, resilient woman... she never ceases to amaze me.
"We fight," I say simply, catching and holding her gaze. "We use every weapon in our arsenal, every dirty trick and backdoor dealing. And we don't stop until Elaine is ground into dust beneath our heels."
Judith nods, grim determination etched into every line of her face. "June's right. We have to hit her where it hurts, take away her power base. And that starts with securing Caleb and Drew's support."
Sarah clears her throat, drawing our attention. "I might have some information that could help with that. Rumors I've heard around the hospital, whispers of Elaine's less-than-legal business dealings. If we can get proof..."
"Then we'll have leverage," I finish, my mind already racing with possibilities. "Something to hold over her head, keep her in check."
Cara's hand tightens in mine, her eyes blazing with a fierce, protective light. "Whatever it takes," she says, the words ringing with conviction. "For our family, for our future... we'll do whatever it takes."
I pull her closer, dropping a kiss to her temple. "Damn straight, sweetheart. Elaine may think she holds all the cards, but she's got no idea who she's messing with. We're the Deveaux-Briers, and we don't go down without a fight."
A ripple of assent goes through the room, a silent acknowledgment of the battle ahead. Sarah and Judith exchange a look of grim solidarity, an unspoken pledge to stand with us until the bitter end.
But even as the fire of righteous anger burns in my veins, even as the thrill of impending victory sings through my blood... there's a kernel of unease that lodges itself beneath my breastbone.
Because I know my mother. I know the ruthless, relentless creature she is, the depths to which she'll sink to get what she wants. And as much as I want to believe that we can beat her at her own game, that we can emerge from this crucible unscathed...
I can't shake the feeling that we're dancing on the edge of a precipice, that one wrong move could send us tumbling into the abyss.