I’d heard a little bit of Jack’s story. He was one of the first omegas they saved and had been very pregnant with his son, Bryant, at the time. Looking at him now, he gave no indications that he’d ever struggled like that. Not that you can tell what someone’s past looks like, but still.

“Let me show you around. Jeremy, go find something to do.”

My mate looked at me, and I nodded. He laughed as he said something about finding a snack. The grand tour was great until I found myself dashing into a bathroom again. When I walked out, Jack looked at me with a smile.

“Yeah, the first three months are rough.”

“Come again?”

“Pregnancy. The first three months are the worst, but it gets better from there.”

“I’m not… Whoa. You think I’m pregnant?”


It would make sense. It wasn’t as if Jeremy and I weren’t doing the things that mates did to have babies. My mind had been stuck on stress and clams, so it hadn’t been a thought.

Jack’s phone rang and, when he answered it, he mentioned something about planning to go there anyway.

“Looks like I’m headed for your neck of the woods.” He stepped into the bathroom, grabbed something from under the sink, and shoved it into his pocket. “Let’s go see if your mate got dragged into helping with the new room dividers. If he did, I’ll drive you home, and we can hang out after my meeting with Tyrus. Spreadsheets.” He rolled his eyes. “My mate is having a father-kids day, so I’m ready for an adventure and apparently math.”

Sure enough, my mate was knee-deep in a project. He looked hot as the sun, bending over to hammer things in place, and I could have stayed there and watched him all day. But spending time with Jack sounded great, too.

We’d barely arrived at the warehouse when he handed me a pregnancy test. “Take this.”

“I will.”


“How about when my mate gets here?” Silly me, thinking I could wait that long, although I did put in a valiant effort, not peeing on the stick until my mate had worked his way home. That was almost like willpower, right?

I might’ve made it, too, if he didn’t get home just in time to do his perimeter run. Those “easy” dividers they found on the internet were apparently anything but, and he swore he’d never build another one. But I knew better. If more omegas came, and it was needed, he’d be the first to volunteer to do them. That was just who he was.

Chapter Fifteen


I used to come in from my perimeter runs and take a shower before going to the kitchen to eat. Turning into my wolf always left me starving.

Since Clay became my mate, my hunger had changed. It was late at night when I made my way through the hallway of the compound to my room. Clay might be already asleep, but he usually stirred once I came back.

Still, I entered the room quietly. I shut the door by turning the knob and gently letting the lock fall into place. Kicking off my boots, I saw Clay lying on the bed. His lips slightly parted. Soft snores and his sweet scent filled the room.

I tiptoed to the bathroom, thinking I could take a shower without waking him. As I passed the dresser, something caught my eye.

What was that?

I reached for the long, white, plastic…thing and picked it up. There were two pink lines on the window in the middle.

Wait a damned minute.

“Jeremy?” Clay whispered.

“I didn’t mean to wake you. I’m sorry.” I was even sorrier knowing that I’d woken not only my sleeping mate but my pregnant sleeping mate. Still, I withheld my glee, waiting to see how he felt about it.

“It’s okay. I tried to stay awake, but lately it’s hard. I don’t know who stole my energy but I wish they would give it back.”

I leaned against the dresser and held up the pregnancy test. “Talk to me, omega.” I tried to sound cool and smooth. Didn’t work. The profundity of the situation wouldn’t allow it.