“You’re such trash.” He spit in my face as he talked, but as gross as that was, it was worth it when he pulled me back up to sit, blocking my view of wherever we were. “If it were up to me, you’d be in a cage. But we have to keep that baby safe, don’t we? It’ll help us fetch double, maybe triple the money for you.”

I closed my eyes, not wanting to get him more riled up and praying to the goddess that someone would come and find me, would get me out of here. I didn’t even care about myself. I cared about my baby. I refused to let them grow up as someone’s purchase. Fuck that noise.

Please. Please, please, let Jeremy be coming.

I hated how selfish I felt, wanting him—of all people—to come rescue me. But I did.

And then I heard him in my mind. I’m on my way.

Was it really him? Was it my imagination? I didn’t care. It gave me hope, and that was all that mattered.

Chapter Nineteen


“King!” I screamed, hoping the lion would hear me before leaving the area. I needed his and Aziz’s noses more than ever.

“I’m here. What the fuck happened?” he barked.

Aziz was already on the ground, tending to his sobbing omega who’d been punched trying to help my mate. He popped an ice pack from the first aid kit someone handed him and pressed it to Jack’s eye. “Are you okay? What can you tell us, sweet one?”

Jack looked at me. “I tried. He came right as you two went in. I’ve been out for…I don’t know how long.” I could barely make out his words between his sobs. “I’m so sorry.”

I put my hands up. “I know. And we’re so damned proud of you for trying. Let’s focus now. Did you recognize the guy? What was he wearing? Tell me every detail.”

“He had a mask on and sunglasses. Hat, too. His voice was gruff. Taller than King but skinnier than all of you. Tall black boots. He knew Clay. Called him by name.”

“It’s the fucker from the other house. The one who held my mate at gunpoint,” I said, taking out my frustration on the van by pounding it until my knuckles bled.

Jeremy! Clay’s voice resounded in my mind. We’d never mind-linked before, but bonded couples sometimes could.

I’m here. Where are you? What can you tell me?

A few seconds went by without an answer, and I nearly lost my shit. It’s wet and gross. Stuff is dripping from the ceiling. It’s dark.

“What’s going on?” Hammer asked.

I turned to my brother. “Clay mind-linked me. It’s somewhere dark and wet. Where is he?” I balled my fists.

“Can you go with Hammer?” Aziz asked, kissing Jack’s temple. “King and I can scent the fucker better. We’ll get Clay back and then I’m going to disembowel the asshole for funsies because he dared to touch my mate.”

Jack let out a snort. “Did you just say funsies? Doesn’t matter. Yes, I’m okay with Hammer. You go. Bring back Pop-Tart’s mate.”

All three of us shifted, not bothering to undress or even take off our shoes. Aziz was the first to pick up the scent on the other side of the van. Drag marks through the dirt ended at the edge of the forest. They hadn’t gotten far.

A lion’s roar kicked off a long run into the thickness of the trees where the grass became drier and taller as we went on.

I’d gotten into a stride with the lion and the hyena on either side of me, when Aziz skidded to a stop, kicking up some leaves and dirt in the process.

“What?” I whispered after we shifted back to two legs.

“He’s in that cave. His scent is mixed with moss and wetness. Wolves have the worst noses, I swear.” Aziz punched me in the arm. “There’s only one cave entrance here, so we go in as our animals and eat anything that’s not Clay.”

King nodded. “I’m telling Jack you said that.”

“Just wait until you get a mate. I’m telling them everything.”

“Can we focus?” I said a little too loudly.