Behind the wheel of the GTO, I eat the banana. The stack of the totes are sliding around in the backseat. After a short drive, I pull into the alley next to the pizza shop. She hops out and rushes to the door, holding it open as I carry the totes up the stairwell. She rushes up behind me to unlock the door.
Upon entering the apartment, I glance around. So many nights here, uninvited. Now I stand here, getting ready to help her pack. It’s mind-boggling. I set the totes down and followed her into the back of the apartment. “I think I’ll put clothes in one tote and towels/bathroom stuff in another.” She stands back and plots out how she wants to attack this. Her phone buzzes in her pocket. “It’s Atlas,” the screen lights up as she checks his message.
“He has the dress already.”
“Does he sleep? It’s like 6:45.” I run my hand through my hair.
I have a feeling Atlas is going to drive me crazy. But Layne loves him, so I’m going to have to learn to tolerate him. Layne turns to face me and responds, “He is very…resourceful. He has friends all over the city. The shop owner opened early so he could pick it up.”
“Well, that’s nice of him.” I take clothes out of her drawers and start putting them in the totes. Layne pulls out some black leggings, and a worn Alice in Chains shirt, changing into them. Over a few hours, we packed a good portion of her things. I made a few trips back to the loft to unload totes. On my third trip, my phone buzzed. The tracker I have on Layne’s father shows he is near our downtown district.
I speed back to her at the apartment and she has the rest of the totes downstairs waiting for me. She is outside talking with the pizza maker. I throw the car into park and hop out.
“I got a text from Atlas last night, where he asked if you guys could have a post-wedding get-together at the pizza shop. Who's getting hitched?” The pizza maker laughed, probably thinking it was a joke.
Layne stutters, averting her gaze and meeting my eyes. She smirks, turning back to him, “Me.”
He laughs. The motherfucker laughs at her. I move towards her to stand by her side. He stiffens as he takes in my protective stance next to her.
“Wait? You’re serious?” With a perplexed look on his face, he sizes me up as if to determine if he could take me on.
“Roman, this is my fiancé, Wes. We’re getting married later today.”
Roman's face flares with anger. I stole any shot he thinks he had at being with Layne or fucking her. “Chica, are you sure about this? I’ve never even seen you with this guy?”
Okay, this guy is pissing me off. I want to punch this asshole in the face.
“Very sure. Look, I get if it’s uncomfortable for us to do it here.” Roman’s face turns to a frown. He has a soft spot for my girl.
“No, It’s fine. As long as you are happy,” he smiles back at her. I still want to hit him. My hand twitches, begging to connect with his smug face.
He extends his hand out to me. “Congratulations. You have an amazing girl.” I already knew that. Layne looks at me and narrows her eyes. I’ll play nice with the pizza maker. “Thanks! I’m just glad that I finally convinced her to move in. Day of the wedding and last minute, but better than never.”
Roman’s face drops. “Oh, you're moving out?” His voice cracks, restraining emotion.
Layne elbows me in the side, letting me know her displeasure in my spilling the beans. “Yeah. I know I am month to month, and I can cover next month, so you guys have time to rent it out.”
While they are going back and forth, I check my watch and it’s already 11. Only 4.5 hours until we are married. “I hate to butt in, but we have only a few hours before the ceremony. Would you text us if there is anything you need from us for later?” Roman sneers but nods and congratulates Layne again. I take her hand and walk her back to the car. After getting her situated, I put the rest of the totes in.
“I don’t like that guy,” I say, pulling out of the alley, “I have a strange feeling that he would have pushed you too far someday.”
Layne scoffs at my words, “No, he wouldn’t have. Atlas always said that he was in love with me. I just never saw Roman that way.” We pull back onto the warehouse property. She looks around as I pull around to the doors.
“Do you think we can expand this place? We would need more space if we have kids.” I turn to look at her, grinning from ear to ear. “You keep bringing up these hypothetical children. Is the idea growing on you, baby?” She leans over and kisses my cheek. “Let’s go get married, celebrate, and then, while you are deep inside me, we can revisit this conversation.” She flashes me a bright smile as she gets out of the car.
I don’t need to revisit the conversation. Layne is going to be having all my babies someday. I know it and so does she.
Chapter twelve
“Can you keep still?” Atlas is in the judge’s office helping me into the very dramatic, gothic, black wedding dress. When Atlas said he knew the perfect dress, he wasn’t lying. He is struggling with the corset top. “I wish these were the clip style rather than laces.” He whines, tugging it, leaving me out of breath.
“Well, you were the one to pick the dress,” I remind him. Atlas nudges me forward. A sniffle echoes throughout the room. “Oh no! You don’t get to cry.” I turn around to face him and he has a smile plastered on his face, tears running down his cheeks. He turns me back around so he can finish tightening up the bodice.
“I never thought I'd see you this happy.” His hand wraps around my forearm and spins me to face him. “He makes you happy, right LaLa?”
I don’t even have to think before saying, “More than you’ll ever know.” He nods, seeming to accept my answer. My palms are clammy. I can’t believe I am doing this. Am I getting married? That sentence repeats in my mind.