Page 2 of Jared's Redemption

Markus turned out to have a special talent for cooking, but I’m still not convinced he won’t use those skills for evil.

By poisoning one of us, most likely Aden.

Isabelle smiles and nods at him, following behind with shuffling feet, but I still catch the look of concern in her eyes as he leads them down the hallway. Alec swings the door open, waving Aden inside.

“Isabelle is laying the baby down for a nap.” I tell Aden when he glances around the room. He nods once. “Good. She doesn’t need to worry about this.”

“Too late.” Markus and I say simultaneously, smirking at each other before walking into the kitchen. Aden scruffs a hand through his messy blonde hair and shakes his head. I can see the tension pulling his shoulders higher as he leans against the counter and crosses his arms.

“Steffen is hiding in a safe house. It’s run down and under an alias, so that’s why we missed it. But I caught him on the satellite, taking a stroll through the yard behind the run down shithole he’s in, smoking a cigarette.” Aden spits out the words, his tone full of disgust. He slaps a piece of folded paper onto the table and Alec picks it up, reading the address and crumpling the paper in his shaking fist.

“That’s two streets away from our old house.” Alec snarls.

“Cocky bastard.” I grumble.

“That’s not all. We watched them for an entire day just to be sure it was him. He essentially has a small army at his disposal. The place is crawling with security.” Aden says, crossing his arms and glancing at his watch. Markus leaves the room, only to return with his leather coat and guns strapped to his chest.

“What are we waiting for?” He snaps, looking at each of us.

“You’re not going anywhere,” Isabelle hisses from behind him, making us all whip our heads to look at her. She’s five feet tall and seething with rage as her eyes burn holes into Markus. He smirks and strides up to her, leaning down to get in her face. Isabelle doesn’t flinch, planting her hands on her hips as she meets his cheshire grin with lips pursed in rage.

“You may be my queen, but it’s my job to protect your kingdom, and I won’t stop until his body is bleeding out at your feet.” His voice pitches deeper, and Aden and I share a look, knowing exactly where this is going.

“I heard what Aden said. You can’t take on that many men and live.” She shoves at his chest, but Markus has become a statue. He raises his brow and pinches Isabelle’s chin, tipping her head back to lock eyes with her.

“Your heart beats for me. As long as you live, then so will I.” He murmurs, and tears track down her face. Alec sighs, shaking his head as he wipes her cheek with his thumb.

“Darling, you don’t need to worry about us. We will always come home to our girls.” He says, placing a kiss to her forehead and smacking her ass roughly. Aden snorts a laugh, and she shoots him a dirty look.

“Just try not to make eye contact with them. They’re into some freaky shit.” I whisper to Aden, earning a deep laugh from Markus. As far as family goes, this one is a little fucked up, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Chapter 2- Jared

Alec continues to glare at the side of my head, but I refuse to give in and look at him. My mind was made up and out of everyone here, I had nothing to lose. Aden’s wife is pregnant and due any day, Alec and Markus have Isabelle and Amelia to worry over. I can’t let them put themselves in direct danger while I sit back and watch. Sending an entire team in would mean more people to worry over when this could be a one-man job. If I die, then it would be overdue justice for the crimes of my past.

“Tell me again why you think it’s a good idea to go out and put your life on the line with no backup?” Alec snarls, his patience long gone.

“You saw the images that Aden showed us. Dense woods surround the entire building, and I’ll go at night. It’s the only time that coward pops his head out. I can wait for a clean shot and take him out. Then slip away before anyone has any clue I was ever there.” I say, crossing my arms and meeting Alec’s rage head on.

“Let me come with you, at least to watch your back,” Aden says, but I shake my head and Isabelle speaks up.

“And what, let Nina go into labor over worrying about you while you’re gone?” She snaps. Aden groans, rubbing a hand over his tired face, and his shoulders sag with defeat.

“I have nothing to lose. I’m doing this.” With a firm decision in mind, I get up from the table, take out my cigarettes, and prepare to leave.

“Jaw-wed!” A little squealing ball of bed head comes careening into the kitchen, latching onto my leg and peering up at me with big green eyes. I lean down and scoop Amelia up in a hug, her tiny arms wrap around my neck as she yawns, still tired from her nap.

“Nothing to lose?” Isabelle taunts. I ignore her and cradle the sweet girl in my arms, secretly soaking up affection I don’t deserve. Aden curses under his breath and I shoot him a glare, but he’s staring daggers at his phone.

“I gotta get home. My sister is on her way and she is living chaos.” He snarls under his breath.

“I didn’t know you had a sister.” Isabelle mutters, her face pinched in confusion.

“She wasn’t at the wedding, if that’s what you’re thinking. When our father was shot, mom took her and ran. Long story short, we don’t really get along. I just hope she doesn’t cause too many problems before I get there.” He says, kissing the top of Amelia’s head as he rushes for the door. I look down at the little girl in my arms, her round smile as she leans her head against my chest, bringing me comfort.

I’m hit with the memory of a bright smile, blonde curls and blue eyes so bright it felt as if they watched me from the photo that stood beside the tiny coffin. The room was full of broken hearts, but all I felt was icy rage as I looked at the two photos that sat in front of each closed casket. A mother and her little girl, murdered in cold blood.

I won’t let that happen to Isabelle and Amelia.