“She’s one of us now, Jared.” Alec says.
“We won’t let him keep her. To do this right, we just need a little more time.” Markus tells me. Logic tells me this is the right decision, but my heart tells me to rush in and break down every door until I get her out of there.
“What if he touches her?” I hiss, disgust dripping from my words.
“What if he does? You’re gonna torture him, make him suffer, and make it fucking hurt.” Isabelle says, popping into view on the phone screen with a grin that matches Markus’ unstable one. Alec snorts, pressing a kiss to her cheek, and I hand the phone back to Markus.
“Oh, I’m going to cut him down on his fucking knees and make him beg her for forgiveness.” I spit the words, watching the window for any sign of that beautiful silver hair.
Three hours later and we’ve pulled back to where I can’t even see the broken window any longer and it was making my skin crawl. The plan was solid, and it had to work. I’d make sure of it. But something felt off. I couldn’t figure out what it was exactly, but it was driving me mad.
“Something’s wrong.” Markus apparently shares my concern. I nod, not looking at him, until he reaches into my pocket and pulls my cell out.
“Don’t go shoving your hand down my pants.” I snap at him, but the threat is empty as I watch him pull his brother’s number up and hit the call button. We all wait, tense and watching as the call goes to voicemail.
“Alec isn’t answering me either.” Markus says.
“He should have been here by now.”
I take my phone back and scroll to Isabelle’s number. Hers goes straight to voicemail. Unease has spread across our men, a ripple of fire lifting us all to our feet.
“Eyes up, incoming.” My earpiece comes alive, making my head whip up to the front of the hotel. A car pulls in slowly, comfortably, as if they’re not in a hurry. Markus pulls out binoculars, leaning forward as he watches in the darkness. The doors all swing open and men pour out from within the hotel, the silence broken from the shouts.
“No.” Markus utters one word.
That word threatens to rip me to my knees, guilt and fear swallowing me in one bite. I reach to the man next to me, ripping the binoculars from his grasp and slamming them to my face.
I’d recognize those bouncing curls anywhere, even with the barrel of a gun buried in them. Amelia’s cheeks are pink from the cold as she sleeps in the arms of a monster.
Chapter 19- Jared
“Amelia!” Markus roars, throwing the binoculars as he lunges forward. I leap at him, knocking both of us to the ground. He roars, green eyes flashing in the reflection of the moon. Feral rage mars his features as he swings a right hook, connecting with my cheek and nearly knocking me off him. But I hold on, because I saw the gun held to his daughter’s head.
I saw the emotionless faces of those around her, who wouldn’t hesitate to kill her father while she watched. Pain explodes as Markus drives his knee up into my ribs, knocking the air from my lungs. But I don’t let go. I hold on for my Luna. For my little Amelia and Isabelle. For these two men who have become my brothers.
“My baby.” Markus snarls, his rage fading to anguish as his thrashing slows. I grab his face, forcing him to look at me.
“We will get her back, Markus. We need to find Alec and Isabelle.” I tell him sternly. He nods, swiping at his face with his sleeve after I help him to his feet.
“I’m going to peel every inch of flesh from his body while he’s still alive.” Markus says.
“I’ll hold him down if Isabelle doesn’t get to him first.” I say.
His phone chimes, and he swipes on the call, holding it between us so I can listen.
“Hello?” Markus says.
A painful grunt comes from the other end of the line. A wheezing breath followed by another groan makes my head hang forward for a moment, grateful that he’s alive.
“Where are you? Where’s Isabelle?” Markus asks, spinning to lock eyes with Chris. He nods, already tapping on his phone as he tracks the call.
“They took Amelia.” Alec says, his voice shaking.
“We saw her. Amelia is okay. For now,” Markus says. If we thought he was unstable before, Markus looked downright murderous.
“Got him, sending the coordinates now. Go get them.” Chris points to a few specific men, and I’m grateful that he’s stepping up when I can’t.
“Isabelle is alive, but she’s still unconscious. Markus, I don’t understand how they knew it was us, but they came out of nowhere. I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t save her.” Alec’s voice rises, and I hear Isabelle groan in the background.