“Might as well enjoy my freedom while I’ve got it.” She says mockingly, winking at me before walking away.
My gray sweats were an obvious terrible choice, but the uncomfortable hard on was nothing compared to this pain I felt in my chest. She had burrowed into me, and I wasn’t sure what I could do to make her stay.
Aden and Luna agreed to just let their father continue with the plans to give her away. Alec thinks we should send her back home, but I put my foot down. We only have a few weeks before I had to let her go. I wasn’t giving her up a moment earlier than I had to. She wasn’t going anywhere if I could find a way around it.
As I follow her, I am amazed by the excessive amount of creamer she pours into her cup of coffee. I block her exit when she turns around, making her jump at my silent approach.
“You are throwing away your freedom.” I say.
“So you’re talking to me now?”
“Depends. Are you listening?”
She sips her coffee, not looking me in the eye while fidgeting in place. I step aside, letting her walk past, but as she does, I grab her by the nape of her neck. Luna squeals, dropping her mug and it miraculously doesn’t shatter on the gray tile flooring.
Unfortunately, the contents splatter all over her feet and legs, and she glares up at me in rage.
“That could have burned me!” She seethes, still in my grip like a kitten held by its scruff.
“You used half a bottle of creamer. If anything, it gave you frostbite.” I say, grinning when she rolls her eyes.
“Get dressed. We’ve got plans.” I tell her, gently pushing her forward.
Luna gives me a confused look, her eyes following where I nod my head. Multiple shopping bags from different stores are waiting by the front door. I had Isabelle help me order Luna a new wardrobe, even if I enjoyed watching her walk around in my clothes all day. She deserved to have her own identity.
“What is all this?” She asks, tentatively picking up a bag and looking through it. Her mouth drops open as she holds up a scrap of lace, making me groan as I grin at her.
“I cleared out my closet last night. Go ahead and put your stuff in there.” I say as I walk towards the shower, looking back at her and squinting.
“Wear the black boots.” Is all I say, shutting the door on her confused expression. This was going to be so much fun.
Luna climbs out of the car, not waiting for me to open her door. This agitates me, but I only let that fuel what’s about to happen. The sun had already set, and I didn’t have the patience to waste another moment. Luna had no clue what she was in store for.
“Okay, for the tenth time. What are we doing here?” She asks, rubbing her arms against the chill. The clothes she picked were perfect for me, but this was going to be hell for her. The dress clung tight to her perky tits, each step making them bounce just right. She is wearing a silver puffy coat, but the fishnet tights leading down to tightly laced biker boots did little against this winter air.
“Take this.” I hand her a flashlight, watching her brows pinch in confusion as she clicks it on and back off.
“Are we ghost hunting? Because fuck yes.” She grins, bouncing on her toes. I grin, shaking my head once as I pull a mask out from my back pocket and tilt it. The white skull was yellowed and aged, nearly resembling real bone. Luna becomes more confused as I point to the massive expanse of woods in front of us.
“When you watched a horror movie the other night, you said something about being chased by a masked man?” I murmur, placing the mask over my face as I slowly circle her.
“You were listening and not actually ignoring me?” She asks, brow raised.
“Answer the question.”
Luna’s body shakes as realization dawns and she nods excitedly.
“You have two options. My house is on the other side of this forest. Make it there before I catch you, then that’s it. You’re free to go through with these plans. I’ll stop interfering.” I lean close, taking a breath next to her neck as her sweet perfume fills me with desire.
“And if you catch me?” She asks, her voice trembling as she stutters the words. I let out a deep, menacing chuckle next to her ear that makes her flinch while leaning against me.
“I fucking own you. This chase ends with you under me, screaming my name while I claim what’s mine.” I tell her, sliding my hands around her to grip her hips.
“You should run, Lunatic.” My voice is a whisper, but the way she takes off makes it feel as if I shout.
Her feet slip for a moment while she finds her footing, looking back at me with wide eyes. My cock was rock hard, straining against my black pants. I tilt my head from side to side, rolling my black sleeves down to cover my skin from the increasing darkness.
She could run, but she would never escape me.