“No, ma'am, we're actually a fraternity. Albeit quite a small one.”
“Did you just say fraternity, as in all males?” And it finally clicks. “Amelia, are you telling me that you've been staying in a house with only men in it this entire time? Sororities are designed to show you what the rules are. Fraternities are there just for fun.”
“With all due respect, Mrs. Weaver,” Nolan begins, “, I can guarantee you that no one in this fraternity is like any other. We've all done our best to make sure that Amelia feels as welcome as possible. We respected her wishes that she wanted to work her way to find her own place to live, but we certainly weren't going to let her live on the street.”
“As much as I do thank you for making sure my daughter wasn't living on the street, I'm sure you can understand that I do believe boys only have one thing on their mind and I don't want my daughter being surrounded by them, especially when she has no one on her side to protect her.”
“Amelia is the most protected person in this house.” I bite my lip further as I hear Seth join us. The last thing I needed was for more of the guys to come forward and start causing a scene. “I'm Seth Hart, it’s a pleasure to meet you again.”
“Again? I'm sorry dear. Where have we met before?”
“I don't think I look very much the same as I did back then. I would have only been one at the time, but you know my parents. John and Clarice Hart? And his brother James?” As my parents look at him, they almost turn a shade of pure white, which is the astonishing for my mother who is wearing a fake tan.
“Wait, when was this?” I ask Seth.
“A little while before my uncle and his girlfriend had you. Unfortunately, due to some extreme circumstances they had to give you up and they decided to give you to the only two people they knew that needed and wanted a child, because they couldn't have one of their own.” I'm trying to comprehend what he's saying. If his uncle had made, does that mean…?
“We’re cousins?”
“Why does everybody think I was making that up?” Somehow I want confirmation that this is true and the expression on both my mother and father's face do exactly that. I can't believe what's going on right now. This entire time, Seth wasn't just protecting me because he felt that I was lonely or that I was helpless. He was protecting me because I’m his family.
“Sorry,” Mother says trying to shake herself from the shock, “, that's just not what I was expecting when I got out of the cab today. And I certainly wasn't expecting to hear that you're living in a frat house.” And she spirals back.
“Mom, I swear, these are the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. They've done nothing but take care of me.”
“Honey-” My mother tries to continue, but she's stopped when she sees two boys suddenly appear on her side. If there was one time the homicidal merman didn't need to show up, it was probably now.
“Sorry for interrupting.” Kane begins, with Reyes two steps behind him, “Amelia. I just wanted to let you know that while we're at the mall, I picked up some of your pre-ordered college books. Are you okay with me popping them in your room?”
“Oh, um, y-yeah, thank you Kane.” I'm still trying to come down from the shock.
“A-Anyway, where was I?” The last thing I want right now is my mother to remember where she was going with that conversation. And thankfully, she doesn't have much of a chance as another car pulls into the driveway.
“Only old ladies drive that slow.” Valentine exclaims as he gets out of the passenger seat. I'm a little surprised to see that Oliver jumps out of the back passenger seat and goes towards the trunk. Hugh steps out of the drivers seat and leans over the car.
“Driving safe doesn't make me an old lady.” He responds. He's looking a little bit older today, especially since he hasn't shaved. “Driving safe means I get home at the end of the day.”
“No, it means you get back home by the end of tomorrow because you drive that slow.” They continue to bicker as Oliver pulls a large item out of the back boot. My mouth drops a little bit as I see my old guitar case. Why does he have that? My father steps forward and out of our group conversation to go over towards Oliver.
“Excuse me, why do you have my daughter's guitar?” I guess he recognizes the case too. He goes to try and grab the case from Oliver, but I jump forward and dash to stop my father coming too close to Oliver.
“No dad, trust me you don't wanna open that.”
“What do you mean?” My mother comes closer to us to hear what we're trying to say, as does Seth and Nolan.
“When you sent the guitar to me, it ended up with the sorority girls. They…” I don't even know where to go with this conversation. The last thing I wanted to do was tell my father that I wasn't going to play the guitar anymore because the one he gave me was destroyed.
“They broke her guitar.” Nolan finishes for me.
“What?” My father's face breaks, and I can tell that he's upset about it.
“Well, hopefully this will make it playable again.” Oliver places the case down on the grass in front of the house and unclasps the buckles. Inside the case you can see that my guitar neck had been replaced and the front end of the body had been revarnished.
“Oh my god.” I say, “When, I mean, how did you get it fixed? It was so badly damaged. I didn't even notice you took it.”
“It's a little hard to notice things go missing when you shove them in the back of your closet.” Oliver smirks closing the guitar lid and picking it up.
“I'm sorry, did you just confess to going snooping in my room?”