Page 32 of Beasts

“Well, technically vampires do have souls from previous lives, so maybe I picked it up from there.”


“It's just an old wives’ tale. But apparently when vampires die, their souls go into the universe and come back once more later. I don't think that it's true, of course.”

“I live in a house full of demons. There's not a lot you can tell me that I wouldn't believe right now.” He chuckles. “Is there something you wanted to see me about this morning?” His expression changes as if he just remembered why he was here.

“Oh, yes.” Without warning, he grabs my shoulders and pulls me in to plant a kiss on my lips. It's only moments after I grant his tongue entry, that he pulls back away from me. “Fuck.” He mutters.

“Feeling more like your old self?”


“That's okay, it's like you said it takes time. Practice, right?” Despite my optimism, he seems absolutely shattered. “I'm gonna get ready for class. I can come back for a early dinner though?”

A grin comes back to his face, “Is there anything special you like for dinner?”

“You know, since I came here, I've been dying for pancakes.”

“Ah, the one thing I can't make.”

“Wait, really?”

“Yeah, they're either completely burnt or not cooked enough when I try to flip them. Guess I have terrible timing.” His eyes are spaced out between the green and the brown once more. Slowly, the figure from my nightmares and memories is starting to disappear as it’s being replaced by Oliver’s eyes.

“Well, surprise me for dinner and maybe I'll show you how to cook a pancake this evening.”

“Deal.” He says turning around, but then he stops and turns back to me, planting a very quick chaste kiss on my lips. “Hey, gotta take it where I can.” He disappears out of my room, and I take a look around. I must find something to wear that can help me cover these bruises and not look so out of place.

I'm lucky to find a pair of nice skinny jeans and a top with the shoulders cut out. Even though it's warm and the top is technically long sleeved, it does look a bit more summery. As I come down the stairs, I can see that Nolan and Hugh are talking with somebody in the front door. There are two men standing there in police uniforms. My stomach instantly feels sick. I'd almost forgotten what had happened last weekend. But we have a story and I'm sticking to it. Startled by hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Seth standing there behind me a step above me. He gives me a quick nod before joining Nolan and Hugh down next to the police officers. I follow suit as he has finishes introducing himself.

“And your name, ma'am?” The one with the curlicue moustache asks me. He must be starting early for Movember.

“Amelia Weaver.” I say without any hesitation. “What's going on?” Nolan turns to Seth and I, and states matter-of-factly as if he was only just told;

“Some guys were injured at the frat party that was on the other street. They are going around to all the complexes houses trying to check who was there and who wasn't. I just let them know that aside from you and Oliver, I don't think anyone else went.”

“No, it was just us. The rest of you all seemed quite busy. I didn't wanna go on my own and it's my first time in the city, I wanted to have some fun.”

“There were some witnesses that said they saw you with a Tyson Grant, is that correct?” The officer continues.

“We chatted for a bit but as soon as Oliver arrived, I left him. I think he must have been drunk or something because he ended up chatting with another girl who kinda looked like me. He must have got confused.” I giggle a little trying to play dumb, but I'm a little bit shocked at myself for coming up with a lie on the spot like that. I wonder if it was believable.

“Unfortunately, Tyson found himself in an altercation over the weekend, and ended up in hospital, due to a brain aneurysm he passed away.” My mouth drops in shock at least that part I didn't actually know.

“Wait, Tyson really? I mean, I heard something bad happened, but I didn't think it was to do with him.”

“Either way, we're just making sure that everyone who may or may not have seen something has a chance to come forward. Now the other two that were involved in the altercation do not recall who it was that hit them. Do you remember seeing anyone that was hostile towards Tyson or his friends?”

“As soon as he left me to go talk to some other chick, I didn't really pay much attention.”

“Understood, out of interest, why is it that you are staying here in a frat house?”

Before I have a chance to answer, Seth comes to my rescue, “She's my cousin. She got a little bit caught out when she went to the sorority nearby. I couldn't let her stay with those bitches.” I'm a little shocked to hear his language, but I'm also particularly pleased. I can totally see Seth and I being real-life cousins.

“No worries, was just curious. Now you mentioned your roommate Oliver wasn't here right now, that's not a problem. But please let him know that we are interested in talking to anyone that may or may not have seen something that happened that night. Anyway, please take our card and if you do recall anything, give us a call. Otherwise, have a great day everyone.” They turn around and leave without another word. Hugh, as casually as possible, closes the door. Both him and Nolan end up looking towards Seth, waiting for a response.

“Don't worry, we're fine.” He states. Nolan exhales completely relieved. I imagine he must have been quite worried about this whole situation. It’s scary to think that Seth knows the outcome of so many situations.