“That's not good enough. Oliver, why did you do it? Because he got in your way? He ticked you off? What?” I can't take this. I know who Oliver hit, and why.
“Because he tried to rape me.” I say, entering the kitchen. The room goes dead quiet and I take a moment to realize who's in there. Aside from Nolan and Oliver, the triplets and Hugh were all standing around the kitchen island.
“I was keeping that part to myself.” Oliver comments.
“Thank you, but you don't have to. I haven't heard the whole conversation, someone died?”
Nolan looks at me and then back at Oliver again. “Three guys ended up in the hospital last night and one of them passed away this morning from a blood clot. It occurred when he hit his head on a wall.” That's when he takes a step back and a breather. “But I didn't really consider there was a good reason behind the incident.”
“If you want to berate anyone you should berate me. I went to a party that I shouldn't have, accepted a drink that I shouldn't have and ended up in a room with three men who wanted to do who knows what with me. The fact that Oliver was there means I'll never have to find out what that was. The only reason Oliver went out was because I was there. So the only one to blame is me. Not him.”
“Now that I know the reason, neither of you are to blame. The fact that somebody wanted to take advantage of you is not okay with any of us. But that means we still got a lot to work out.”
“What do you mean?”
“If anyone comes along asking questions, we need to get our story straight. Otherwise Oliver is going to be the one up for manslaughter. The best thing we can do is talk to Mr. Pierce and get Oliver transferred out of here.” My heart sunk. There is no reason that Oliver should have to pay for me doing something stupid. I have an idea though.
“The story is simple. Oliver was never in that room and neither was I. If the other two who survived, say anything about it, then they're basically admitting to premeditated rape, which means they won't say anything. If the police were to come asking, then the only thing we have to say is that Oliver and I were outside making out in the garden shed and there were witnesses to that.”
“There are witnesses to you two making out?” Hendrik snickers.
“No. But there were plenty of people that saw us run outside basically holding hands.”
“That could work.” Nolan comments, “But that's only if somebody asks. Until then, we say nothing.”
Hugh folds his arms, “Do you think we should tell Mr. Pierce, give him a heads up?”
“I'd rather get done for manslaughter.” Oliver responds.
“No one is getting done for manslaughter.” Nolan sighs. “Just go about your days and we'll figure this all out as it comes to us.” I look at the clock and see that I have two hours before I have to get ready for my shift. I think I'm feeling okay, but I'll go take a shower first to make sure. Going up the stairs and making my way to the bathroom with a change of clothes, Oliver stops me near the door.
“Hey,” He starts, “, I just wanted to say thank you.”
“The only person who should be grateful and thankful around here is me. I'm so sorry I put you in that position. Nolan’s told me about all the incidents that have happened around here, but he never mentioned that you ever did anything to anybody. It's my fault. The only person who is to blame is me, and if anything ever happens because of this incident, I'm never going to forgive myself. Whatever you need from me, I'm going to be there for you.” It was a bold statement, I know, but there was no way I was ever going to leave Oliver in the lurch now. He smiles at me, but this time it's way more genuine.
“Well, then you're welcome. But I must say thank you for tolerating me. If we hadn’t spent time together earlier yesterday, I don't think I could have been locked in that shed with you and not hurt you. So thank you for trusting me.” As he steps and walks away, back up to his room, I contemplate what his words meant. Can I really trust a vampire? Can I really trust him?
Even though the paycheck wasn't very big for just two shifts, I decided to get everyone some pizza on the way home. I felt really grateful for them letting me stay with them this past week, and I hoped they would let me stay a little longer until I could finally find a place to live. As I arrive, I can tell some people were anxiously awaiting the pizza. Apparently, Seth told them I made a decision, and once a decision is made, a psychic should be able to tell exactly what will happen from then on out – and he saw everyone eating pizza tonight.
As the pizza hits the table, some of the guys are already calling for their favorite pieces. I look around the table and notice a few faces are still missing.
“Where is Kane?” I question.
Seth, who is nearby me, responds; “He's in the pool. He'll come out when he's ready.”
“In the pool? It's really cold out.”
“As long as the pool isn't ice cold, then he's perfectly in his element. But I do warn you never go outside when he is out there in the pool. He will drag you under, he can't help it. Even if you're at the back door and he's in the pool, he'll still find a way to drag you under.”
“I've been given the Kane and water warning. I will do my best to avoid it at all costs.” I smile at Seth. I do love that he is trying his best to warn me about things. I wonder how much about my future he knows. I thought occurs to me if he does know my future, that should mean that he knows about my past as well, right? He looks at me with a smirk on his face. “What, do you know what I'm thinking now too?”
“Sort of.”
“Amelia,” Nolan catches my attention, “, don't play mind games with a psychic. You'll never make it out alive.”
“Don't pay attention to him, Amelia, he's just salty because he can't beat me at chess.”
“You cheat.”