Page 19 of Resist Me

“That’s okay, I could see you had your hands full with that cute guy you’re always with. Not here with you tonight?” she asked, craning her neck past the bodyguard, who had been closing the door by then.

“No, he’s been gone all summer helping his grandpa in Illinois.”

“That’s a shame, you must be missing him,” she remarked sympathetically. Addressing all of us, she gestured behind her with her thumb. “Shall we go party?” she asked tentatively, but I knew she was dying to take us back there.

“Absolutely,” Sandra replied, while Jenna and Alice giggled like the immature schoolgirls they were.

“Let’s go. You did bring swimsuits or bikinis with you, right?”

Alice patted her purse, “I did, but I had to sneak it out of the house. Would you have an extra towel?”

The rest of us shook our heads, and Angela told us she had some spares her mom had bought for that summer but they’d never worn. By the time she’d turned away and began to walk toward the back of the hallway with us in tow, I knew I wouldn’t be taking her up on her offer.

Chapter Ten

Tricia aged sixteen

Walking through the kitchen, us girls stared open-mouthed in awe at its modern luxury, white cabinets, and fancy upscale appliances. It looked like something out of a magazine. My mom would have had a coronary just stroking the laminate on those, I had thought.

Stepping through the French doors at the back of the house, nothing could have me prepared for their incredible backyard. It took my breath away with its sculpted designer swimming pool with fancy mosaic tiling full of partygoers.

From the front of the house, as plush as it looked, no one could have imagined the huge dedicated party area, with its massive patio hidden within the secluded surroundings of the thick row of conifer trees that served as a privacy backdrop.

“Guess who?” A boy’s hands covered my eyes, but I knew the voice immediately. I’d been listening to it all summer long.

“Donovan Clark,” I mumbled, as my heart beat fast in my chest at the unexpected surprise.

“Wow, Tricia, that was spooky, how did you guess correctly right off the bat?” Jenna asked. Crap.

I shrugged, my heart raced faster because I’d put both him and me on the spot. “Lucky guess, or… that I’d already seen him out of the corner of my eye right before he did that?” I suggested, making light of him singling me out in public.

Donnie had been my boyfriend for a few months right before I had gotten with Bradley. I was only thirteen and he was a year and a half older. We were kids playing house at that age, nothing serious… not on my end at least, but after I’d started to date my boyfriend, Donnie had continued to find reasons to keep calling on me.

At one point I had begun to feel harassed and Marnie intervened. She’d warned him to quit his stalking and meddling in my business or we’d tell his dad or go to the sheriff. After that he appeared to back off for a while.

However, a year or so after that he intercepted me on my way to school one day, and begged me to coach him in math. I had been regarded as something of a freak when it came to the subject, and his grades had been slipping all that year as the lessons had gotten harder.

As a very talented football player, Donnie had set his sights on the NFL, but because of his slipping grade in math, he’d been in danger of losing the opportunity of a full scholarship to college. None of his friends had wanted to see that happen, he was a star player in our school football team and deserved to do better, therefore, although I knew Brad wouldn’t have liked it, I had agreed to help.

As time passed, I knew how serious he was about doing better and as a result of the studies we became good friends, but neither of us mentioned to Bradley what I’d been doing, because he would have insisted I stop. At the same time, I knew Brad had no problems in school and had been blessed with a super brain, which I knew would have given him the opportunity to do exactly as he wanted.

Although I had hated keeping it from Brad, I couldn’t see why his jealousy should have stopped Donnie from getting the help he’d asked for.

During that summer Brad was away, I’d spent a lot of time improving Donnie’s grade and by the time our school vacation was almost over, he’d come a long way. His understanding had improved to the extent whereby, I’d felt confident his ability would allow him to sit and pass any test his math teacher set for him.

We grew close and the more time I spent around him, the more I remembered why he’d been my boyfriend in the first place. When he was on his own and not trying to impress his friends, Donnie was a very humble guy. It was a platonic friendship, but I’d be a liar if I had said I hadn’t felt flattered by his flirty nature.

“Hi, Donovan,” I said flatly, confused by his approach since he had been insistent no one could know about my help. I understood why he’d kept it a secret. What guy going into his final year of high school would have felt proud to admit he was being taught math by the younger brain box of his class? Worse than that, he’d had to turn to a girl for help. I knew if people found out about it he would have been embarrassed.

Donnie’s late birthday had placed him as the oldest kid in high school and way into his eighteenth birthday by the time graduation came around, whereas, I was entering my senior year alongside him, thanks to the extra credits I’d accrued from day one of going there.

Despite all of that, he had swallowed his pride and asked me in the hope of bettering himself and his future seriously.

“You’re the last person I expected to see at this shindig,” he confessed, tugging at my long pigtail and eyeing me appreciatively from head to toe, as he walked around in front of me. He grinned wide and glanced up again his eyes locked with mine. “And where have you been hiding those?” he whispered, leaning forward so as his words filtered into my ear as he dropped his hungry eyes to my small magnificent boobs in my skintight dress.

Feeling his breath fanning my face and his body heat radiating toward me made me blush with his blatant objectification. Shocked by his scrutiny, I quickly glanced around in the direction of my girls. Thankfully, by the time Donnie had made his comments toward me, Jenna had gone back and joined the others and I was glad to see they hadn’t even noticed Donnie was there. Noting they were deep in conversation with the gorgeous Gideon, Kent, and another two boys I’d never seen before, I breathed a sigh of relief. I turned my attention back toward Donnie.

“Aren’t you worried someone will see you with me and get the wrong idea?” I asked, glancing toward the partygoers and recognizing some of the players from our high school football team.