Page 10 of Dare Me

“Shh,” she admonished. I groaned, annoyed for the disruption as my rhythm faltered and my pace immediately slowed.

Gritting my teeth, I tried to be quiet and fought for control as my hips ground and gyrated under her ass. I communicated my discontentment at the change in flow when I stole small bites of her neck and shoulder.

As if Billie suddenly remembered where she was she stiffened in my arms, and I imagined from that point her mind had been half on what we were doing and an anxious eye on the door, much like the passing thought I’d had at the beginning.

After a few minutes of working her clit harder, I managed to gain back control, her need to climax greater than that of being caught and felt the walls of her pussy tighten as I took her close to the edge. The sick tormentor in me wanted to keep her there, tease her and taunt her with my mouth, my cock, my tongue, but when the bed creaked, she became distracted again.

Her body froze on the spot as if she’d been shot, which made me so fucking irritated that I quickly pulled out of her, climbed off the bed and dragged her up onto her feet. “Up here,” I ordered, slapping my lower abdomen. Put your legs around my waist,” I demanded, the growl in my tone matching my dark gaze of intent as I lifted her up, positioned my cock at her entrance and sank her down my shaft again.

“Oh, God, Sawyer,” she whispered, her small voice shaky, as her head flopped forward until her face rested against my neck. Sharp fingernails dug into my back as she clung on for dear life while I fucked her harder, faster and took all of my pent up frustration from the previous few minutes out on her tight wet cunt. She clawed desperately at my flesh, the pain enhancing the raw carnal desire I felt while she muttered incoherent half-words next to my throat.

When her whole body locked up tight, she convulsed in my arms, her pussy spasming around my cock as I fought to hang on for a few moments longer. Holding her tight to my chest, my body absorbed her muffled screams. As her orgasm began to ebb my body stiffened and I lost control, my release washing over me. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, I lifted her head until her face met mine and fucked her mouth with my tongue in my effort to wring the last drops of euphoria from our bodies.

As soon as we both stopped coming, Billie dropped her legs and I slid out of her as she placed her feet on the floor. I’d barely broken a sweat and even though I’d come I was still hard, yet I had to accept that our hurried morning sex was over.

Still filled with lust and desire, I had barely gotten started and I had been desperate for more time to worship her body when passion still raged within me. However, I knew those urges had to be ignored because Colby was waiting and selfishly this disheartened me. If this was how sex had been with Logan, I felt his frustration, and hers for that matter.

Our chemistry was spectacular and the spontaneity of being intimate was part of the thrill of any sexual act, which I figured would be a challenge with Colby around. However, sex was a healthy part of any loving relationship between couples, and I had guessed from the two brief occasions we’d had sex since I’d brought her home, it was something we’d need to resolve.

Billie’s happiness was important to me and I couldn’t look at her without wanting her intimately. The thought of a stilted love life bothered me, and I knew I needed to make the time that we did have alone as relaxed as possible to satisfy us both, without compromising our relationship around her son.

My woman deserved an unhurried love life, not a rushed effort to get off which ended with me tucking my dick back in my pants and paying little mind to our feelings and the connection we had usually felt afterward. I wanted to take my time with her.

Half of my pleasure came from lighting her up, absorbing her emotions, her passionate body cues and facial expressions, and the soft breathy sounds she made. It was about exploring and experimenting, being playful, fully sated and connected to her. There was no way this was achievable in a couple of ten-minute fucks.

* * *

While Billie was getting Colby ready for the trip back to my parents’, I sat making a list of ideas for us to try as a couple and felt excited to show it to Billie, the first time we were alone. I felt there was no time like the present to show her a little romance.

Me: I can still feel your peachy sweet ass in my hands from this morning.

I sent the text as Colby came downstairs carrying a little camouflaged duffle bag closely followed by his mom. A secret smile played on my lips when I saw her pull her cell from her back jeans pocket and check it out. Her suspicious eyes flew to mine when she’d seen the text was from me.

A smile stretched her beautiful mouth as she read the content and glanced back up at me biting her lip. Her thumbs moved over her keys in reply.

My cell buzzed as Colby was asking me again what my sister’s children’s names were, and I barely managed to rattle them off before hurriedly pulling out my phone to check out her return text.

Billie: Did you know I can see the whole outline of your cock in those jeans? Change them, I don’t want women staring at what’s mine.

I looked toward her, grinned widely and chuckled at the playful smile she wore.

Me: What are you doing staring at my cock when you’re supposed to be getting ready to leave the house? Are you wet?

Billie: Maybe you should feel if I am for yourself …

My thickening cock immediately twitched in my pants and she raised her eyebrow in defiance. Before I could reply, Colby interrupted us.

“Are we going or what? Will you two stop playing with your phones, we’ve got to go,” Colby demanded, sternly, like we were the kids and he was the adult. I swear the kid had a built-in cockblocking homing device. Instead of continuing with our naughty little game, I prepared my mind for the drive to visit my family again.

A few hours later we were back in Long Island, parking Billie’s car at my parents’. Colby’s bright blue eyes darted this way and that as he took in the surroundings and looked toward the back door leading into the central hallway.

“Are you nervous?” he asked me.

Frowning, I looked at him and saw immediately that he was. “Why would I be nervous?”

“What if you’ve said you’ll marry my mom, and they don’t like me?” Never in my wildest imagination had I figured he could think something as deep as this.

“Trust me, Colby, my parents will love you, my sisters too. All the girls; adults and little ones are a hot mess. They’ve all been dying to meet you since I told them we were bringing you today.”