Page 79 of Dare Me

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“How are you feeling?” I asked, as I pushed the hospital room door open and my eyes immediately met Billie’s.

She nodded. “Getting there. I’ve only been sick twice and not for the past two hours.” I felt relieved by her reply.

“Has the doctor been back to see you yet?” I asked.

Rolling away from me, she reached over to her nightstand and grabbed something from it before I could see what it was.

“Open your hand,” she ordered, and I held my palm out flat in front of her.

When I realized she’d had another scan, I felt annoyed they hadn’t waited for me, but I relaxed a little when she explained this had been done primarily by transvaginal scan for them to remove the IUD contraceptive.

They had then gone on to date the babies, and it had appeared she was seven weeks into her pregnancy with a confirmation of twins.

“You see these two areas here?” I nodded and glanced briefly at her.

“They’re not identical,” she explained.

“That’s good because I need to be able to tell them apart.”

“Well, they could both be boys or girls or a boy and a girl.”

“They’re boys,” I told her categorically.

“Or girls,” she reminded me again.

“You’re really okay with this?”

“You asked me to take some time and think more about us having a baby and I did. In fact it’s all I’ve thought about since I came home. I haven’t changed my mind, Sawyer. Despite all the sickness, I’m excited for them now.” I heaved a sigh of relief and leaned forward and kissed her temple.

Billie went on to tell me the doctor had been surprised she hadn’t shown symptoms sooner with her carrying twins. I felt disappointed I had missed the scan and the opportunity to see them again on the screen, but the picture Billie gave me was a small consolation and the first real tangible evidence that our babies were real. We had decided not to know the sex of them, electing to wait, which added to the excitement of it all.

Taking the small photograph my wife handed me from the scan, my eager eyes stared intently as my brain dissected the grainy image that almost looked otherworldly. Two little misshapen peanuts or beans floated around in the middle of a black hole, surrounded by what I would best describe as echoes radiating away from it. Sonic waves I supposed.

I couldn’t stop staring at the images and compared it to the cool slow-motion videos I’d seen of bass sounds vibrating over a beaded surface. It had always fascinated me how sounds could create good images. Holding the picture in my hand, I choked when the enormity of the miracle we’d been given sank in. They were my future children.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better. Not totally, but much better than yesterday. My throat was killing me after throwing up so much.”

I nodded. “I hate being sick, but I hated seeing you vomiting more. I wish I could have done this for you.” Snatching the image out of my hand, she laid it on the bed and lifted my hand to her face. Leaning into it she stared into my eyes.

“You are everything to me, Sawyer Wild.” Turning my palm upward, she pressed her mouth to the center of it and as soon as she placed her kiss, I slid my hand around her chin. “Come here, Mrs. Wild, I need to tell you how much I love you and congratulate you on our fabulous news.” Tenderly I pressed my lips to hers before she pulled her head away.

“Colby?” she asked, and I nodded.

“He’s good. James took him to school for me this morning, and he’s picking him up again this afternoon.


“Yeah, you’re right. Life is too short to hold grudges, and I get most of what happened wasn’t his doing. I found it incredible he’d stayed with her so that I wouldn’t take her back. Anyway, I feel nothing but malice for her now after the way she treated us both. My priorities are right here in this room, and Colby of course.”

Although she was pale, her smile still managed to reach her eyes and I felt confident about the babies because we had weathered some pretty significant shit, and we hadn’t even been together a whole year yet. All I had hoped was that the following months went smoother than the last.

She was hospitalized for another three days due to spotting after they’d removed the IUD, and her continued vomiting. However, we went through a scary moment when the results of her blood work, and some of the other tests came back and we learned that she had suffered some mild food poisoning as well.

This was both a worry in respect to our babies, but a relief in the sense she had stopped being sick and was tolerating dry toast and water. By the Friday morning she’d felt and looked more like herself. We were both drained by the whole experience, but delighted when she was discharged and I was finally allowed to take her home.