Page 61 of Dare Me

Chapter Twenty-One

Trying to find time to touch base with Billie when it was convenient for us both wasn’t easy. The three-hour time difference was one of the major factors due to her work, her commitments toward Colby, and me gigging, traveling in remote areas and having no phone signal.

Apart from these obvious barriers there was also my band rehearsals, sound checks, setups and tear downs, meet and greets, and constant moving from place to place. All of these factors, as well as not working regular hours, had made it sometimes impossible to keep in daily contact. Despite this, I was determined to ensure Billie knew she was constantly on my mind.

Day eight into the tour Billie’s mood was low. I knew how she felt because I’d missed her like crazy.

I decided to put a care package together via Amazon. This involved contacting Tricia at Billie’s work, without my wife knowing, and asking for her help. Later that evening my plan came together when my list of items was delivered to Tricia’s address.

The care package I’d sent consisted of: Laura Mercier’s luxury honey-based bath and skin products, a dozen delicately scented candles, a sexy black silk and lace camisole top and shorts, a strand of black satin ribbon, a huge six-foot super-soft teddy bear, some luxury chocolates, popcorn, and a bottle of her favorite prosecco.

“Fuck me,” Tricia exclaimed down the phone when she took in the delivery. “A care package you said, there are boxes and boxes of stuff here and a giant teddy bear? What is all this for?”

“Movie night,” I said with a chuckle. “Don’t worry she’ll know what most of it’s for.”

“Are you going to enlighten me?”

“Nope, just be a good friend and make sure everything is delivered to our address by tomorrow night. Security knows you’re coming and I’ve given them permission for you to go into the apartment and lay everything out.”

“What if she catches me?”

“She won’t if you do it when I say. Colby has baseball tomorrow and she has to transport him there and back, so this will keep her out of the way until around 7:15 p.m.”

“Sawyer?” she said, hurriedly as I was about to cut the call.


“Why can’t I find a hot younger guy with an imagination?” she asked.

“When the right man comes along, Tricia, he’ll spoil you rotten,” I said, offering hope. She was a great girl and I couldn’t understand why at her age she had never been married.

Following the delivery, I sent an email to Tricia, explaining she should start to fill the bathtub at 7:05p.m., light the dozen candles and lay the lingerie out on the bed. Place the prosecco on ice and set it on Billie’s nightstand. After this she had to lay the chocolates and popcorn out on mine. When she was done, place the large teddy bear on my side of the bed: as she looked at it from the bottom, the right side of the bed.

Shortly after she’d finished work that evening Billie and I stole fifteen minutes before I went out on stage, but most of this conversation revolved around Colby and Logan, and I hung up feeling frustrated I couldn’t be with her again. After we spoke, I made a point of calling Colby myself to see how he was doing.

In all my years touring I had never been homesick before, but hearing their voices and how much they missed me had made me want to go home. Reminding myself I had a day off and had made plans to surprise Billie with my care package, I felt excited again.

The following evening I could hardly wait to spend the evening with my new wife, even if there was a thousand miles between us. I was bursting to see how Billie reacted to my devious plan.

* * *

“Sawyer?” she asked, her eyes bright in the very dim candlelight in the bathroom.

“Hey, darlin’,” I said, not giving anything else away.

“How …” she shrugged. “This is amazing,” she gushed, her eyes twinkling as the flickering flames danced when they were reflected in her eyes. I tapped my nose like it was a secret.

“Strip, I want you to take a bath with me. Tonight we’re going to do everything together.” A grin stretched her lips.

“How is this water still warm?” she asked, trailing her hand in the warm bubbling jets. Turning to face me she placed her laptop on the bathroom countertop and stripped like I asked. When she was done, she turned and frowned at the camera. I’d been enthralled as I watched how sensually she’d peeled her clothing off. Every piece of her attire had been torturously slowly removed.

“Now you,” she said, suddenly finding some confidence before she let discomfort show when she folded her arms.

“Don’t! Don’t do that. Uncross your arms, I want to look at my beautiful wife,” I ordered, and smiled when she dropped her arms immediately. “Get in the water, I don’t want you to be cold,” I told her, my eyes fixed on the hard rose pink buds of her nipples. Lifting her legs gingerly, she climbed into the bath and settled in first on her knees. “Soap, spread the bubbles over your tits, Billie.”

Pouring some of the honey bath gel, she lathered her breasts after placing the small glass bottle down. Glancing at the screen I saw a moment’s hesitancy before she did as I asked. I chucked at the way she pushed her boundaries when encouraged to do so. “Darlin’, I wish with all my heart those hands were mine,” I told her, and her face pinked up despite the unabashed action she performed for me.

“Now you,” she prompted again. “Take your clothes off,” she muttered seductively, seeing I had also set the scene on my end as well. “I can’t believe you’ve gone to all this trouble, Sawyer, but it’s genius.”