Page 18 of Dare Me

Chapter Five

Sitting in the warmth of the jacuzzi part of the way through January may have appeared crazy, but gazing up at the winter night’s sky had been worth every minute.

“I mentioned my list earlier, do you want to hear it or do you just want me to surprise you with it?”

“What list?”

“Things to keep us engaged as a couple. With all the shit in our daily lives, it can feel hard to get close to you.”

“I’m sorry …” she started.

“No, I’m not complaining. I just want to keep doing things to maintain this awesome connection we have.”

“Such as?”

“I thought you didn’t want to know?” I teased.

“I do and I don’t. Can you give me a few examples of what you mean?”

“Every time we enter an elevator we have to kiss. Doesn’t matter who’s in there with us, we have to kiss.”

She frowned. “What about Colby.”

“Naturally if he’s there, it’s a peck on the cheek,” I mumbled, unperturbed by her question.

“Okay, if we’re at a party and not together in a crowded room and our eyes meet, we connect. No matter who’s there, we need to stare at one another for a good twenty seconds before we can continue with our respective conversations. For that short time, we are the only people present.”

“Aw, that’s romantic,” she gushed, her nose wrinkling cutely.

“See, that’s what I mean.”

“Okay, what else?”

“We each get one instance per week to demand something of the other.”


“I can’t think now, but you’ll get the hang of it when I’ve done something. You have to have your own ideas, or else what’s the point?” She chuckled. “Oh, I know, we’ll have secret code words and if we’re standing together in conversation when someone says them we need to react.”

“Such as?” She pondered, her brow creasing like she had no idea.

“Say someone says the word …” I thought for a moment. “Midnight or hot, then we need to reach out and touch one another.”

She smirked. “Okay, but we’re not grabbing one another’s butts.”

I grinned and nodded. “And we have to watch porn together … at least once a month. Not too often or it’ll feel samey,” I added.

Sitting up straight with her cheeks pink, she turned to look at me like I’d told her to ride naked down 5th Avenue on a white horse like Lady Godiva. “I don’t have enough confidence to do that.”

“Sure, you have, and it’ll help you get rid of any hang-ups you have around sex. And when it becomes a normal part of life, I want you to share the ones that turn you on the most.” Her horrified gaze fell and she looked into the water. Placing my index finger under her chin, I tilted it up and made her look back at me. “Trust me, Billie, it’ll be fun.”

She gave me a half-smile, like she wasn’t sure, and I kept eye contact with her as I pressed my lips to hers. Breaking the kiss, I smiled warmly to reassure her. “I’m going to be on tour for part of the year, darlin’, and I want to feel close to you when I’m gone.” She considered this for a moment and nodded.

“Okay, you’re right, I’ll try,” she agreed.

After went inside we showered and once she had rubbed herself down with the towel, Billie began to pull on a sweater and some pants from the small weekend bag I had packed for her.

“Nope,” I said, snatching them from her grasp. “From now on, when we’re alone, you wear lingerie or a small chemise top and panties. I don’t want to snuggle with all this material in the way. If you don’t mind, I want to feel my woman in my arms.”