Page 64 of Dare Me

Chapter Twenty-Two

Being newly married and missing home, I was a miserable fuck during the tour until the weekend Billie visited me in LA. When I met her at the airport it must have looked as if she’d arrived home safely from some long spell overseas, the way I lifted her in the air and almost squeezed the life out of her. It filled my soul that she clung to me every bit as tightly as I did to her, when she saw me.

“Hey, beautiful,” I said, my voice almost a whisper as she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “No, don’t, you’re here,” I demanded, wiping the stray tear that trickled down her cheek, with my thumb.

“They’re happy tears,” she admitted. “I never knew I could miss someone as much, apart from Colby. He misses you too, by the way.”

“I miss him as well, but I’m very glad he’s not here this weekend.” I offered with a grin. “That kid should be hired out as a form of contraception the way he cockblocks.”

As I was chuckling, Billie swiped my chest. “That’s my son you are talking about.”

“That’s what I mean, no son of mine would stop me from tasting my sweet, beautiful wife.”

It had been a joke, but Billie’s face grew serious and I knew immediately I’d said the wrong thing. I didn’t have a son, and from her perspective, her age made her aware that she didn’t have many years left to bear another child. I had no idea if she even wanted another.

We’d had conversations previously regarding this and although I had said I didn’t care, it would have been nice to have a child of my own.

Biological children weren’t high on my list but when Logan had behaved how he had and put Colby at risk, I knew I’d die before I’d have put any child of mine at risk in that way. Although I was trying to be the best dad to Colby, he wasn’t mine and the difference was inferred at every turn.

Up until now, each activity I wanted to do with him had required permission from one or the other of his parents. I’d hoped in time this would improve and there would come a time where I’d state we were doing something rather than gaining approval first.

“What are you thinking?” Billie asked, as I tucked her shoulder under my arm and pulled her close to my side. Turning us away from the arrivals entrance I directed us toward the short-term parking.

“Just how wonderful it is to have you right here by my side,” I said, skipping past the awkward moment my thoughtless remark had made.

“I don’t think I could have gone another day of not seeing you,” Billie confessed and her comment made me smile. “We only have two days,” she mumbled, turning her face into my chest. Feeling her hot breath through my T-shirt warmed my heart.

“We have two days, this is a great thing,” I reminded her. Any time was better than none.

“True,” she agreed, giving me that adorable shy smile of hers that melted my heart.

“I’ve found an amazing little one-bedroom house in The Hills for us to have some alone time. I know it won’t be much, but I wanted to make the most of the time we had.”

“Sounds wonderful,” she said, as we reached my rental car and opened the door for her.

“What, no bike?” she questioned.

“I figured you’d bring a bag and a purse , plus I thought it best I rent something quiet since we may not be home until the early hours of the morning,” I explained, and she nodded.

“Good thinking. See, this is what I love about you, you make everything appear spontaneous but the thought process behind what you do is amazing.”

I felt pleased she was happy with what I’d done and once we were in the car and I’d started the engine, I felt playful. “Plenty of thought has gone into the spontaneous stuff I’m going to be doing to you once I get you into this rental house … or does that make it premeditated?” Immediately Billie’s eyes lusted over and she dipped her head.

“Can’t wait,” she confessed, and I chuckled. It was the first time she’d admitted she was as desperate for me as I was for her.

The drive time from LAX to Beverley Hills only took a little over twenty minutes due to light traffic, and the little one-bedroom house was perfect. Furnished quite minimally, but tastefully decorated and amply equipped for our needs, it had an addition of a small, secluded infinity pool and a view into the valley that I knew would feel romantic at night.

“Wow, this is perfect!” Billie exclaimed, as she threw her lightweight jacket on the small white couch, wandered over to the patio sliders, and opened the door.

“Like my girl,” I mumbled, sliding my arms around her waist from behind and dipping my head toward her bare shoulder. Feeling her silky soft skin on my lips felt like home. Billie leaned her head toward mine and took a deep breath in. Turning to me, she wrapped her slender arms around my neck.

“What are you doing with me?” she asked, shaking her head in a moment of insecurity again.

“What do you mean? I’m right where I want to be.”

“Why?” she asked. “Of all the girls in the world—why me?”

Taking her hand I opened her palm and held it to my chest.