Page 101 of Dare Me

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Eleven days after I left for the concert tour in support of RedA I was on my way home, quite probably bandless and Billie had been none the wiser. DisKord had done eight of the fourteen gigs planned and we were on our way home.

Earlier that morning I had spoken to my wife as usual, and nothing had prepared me for the moment when she cried because she missed me. I almost caved and told her I was on my way home, but I figured it would lift her mood more and for longer if I turned up at our door. Besides, I hadn’t wanted her to be too excited or worry about me traveling.

It had been almost 8:00 p.m. by the time I made it back from the airport. After greeting the front desk security, I had wandered toward the elevator when I suddenly feared I’d shock Billie too much by walking in on her.

Doubling back toward the desk I asked Len, our night watchman, to call ahead to our apartment, but not to say it was me.

“Yes?” she asked, her sweet voice stirring my soul inside.

“I have someone here to see you,” Len advised her.

“To see me? Who?” she asked, sounding a mixture of curious and concerned.

“How about me?” I asked, smiling into the camera and I heard her squeal with delight.

“Oh, my, goodness, what are you doing …” I heard the handset clatter to the wooden floor of our apartment.

“Billie?” I questioned, initially I thought she’d just dropped the handset, but when I called her name twice more and got no response for two straight beats my heart stopped, and then stuttered again for rhythm as I hurried to the elevator, fearing my prediction and thinking she had perhaps passed out.

My chest was bursting with the sudden adrenaline rush I had as I thumbed the elevator call button impatiently. For a moment I’d considered taking the stairs when the elevator car signalled its arrival. Drawing in a deep breath, I tried to calm my nerves and thought I’d be no good to her if I had passed out as well.

“Sawyer,” Billie gushed, as she threw herself toward me, wrapped her arms around my neck, pulled my head down, and kissed me. Her soft lips tasted of cherries as mine met hers. Holding her gently by her hips, I walked her back into the elevator car, turned the key she’d already inserted, and the door closed firmly behind us.

To say our kiss was off the charts hot would have done little justice to both of our efforts as my eager tongue slid past hers and rolled back and forth inside her mouth.

“Oh,” she breathed, it was the tiniest breathy moan, but the effect on my dick was as if she’d lap danced naked upon it.

“God, I missed you,” I muttered, my voice sounded gruff and emotional and totally matched how I felt.

“You have no idea,” she mumbled back, raking her nails in my hair and scratching my scalp. Feeling her touch was like food to my soul as a shiver of desire ran down my spine. I tried to pull her closer but her shoulders hardly moved, and I chuckled because there really wasn’t an inch of softness to her bump any more. She looked tired and drained, but still as beautiful as ever, and my heart clenched with delight when I held her in my arms again.

Breathless we broke the kiss when the elevator stopped and she smiled affectionately and cupped my cheek in her hand. “You have no idea how it feels to have you home.”

“You have no idea how good it feels to be home,” I countered. “Darlin’, I can’t believe I left in the first place.”

“What are you doing back? Is it overnight? Please say it’s overnight,” she pleaded.

“It’s overnight.” Billie let out a small squeal of delight and held her hands in front of her, like she was praying. “And tomorrow is another overnight.” Her eyes grew huge, her eyebrows in her hairline.

“We’re done, Wiggy fucked up for the last time,” I said, flatly.

“He’s back in rehab?”

“No, Hammer took him to Wiggy’s parents’ place and they’ve agreed to support him. He can’t do it anymore.”

“So he took drugs on the tour?” she asked, as I sat her down on the couch and rested her back against my chest. The familiar faint smell of her sweet perfume made me stop for a second to inhale deeply.

“No, he was chasing young girls and I mean young girls,” I said, as I lifted her hand and laced her fingers in mine. She felt like home and I sighed before I continued. “There were already some bad vibes from the guy but nothing as overt as this time, so I watched him closely. He’d always gone for the barely legal groupies in the past, but this time he appeared to be specifically targeting much younger ones.”

“I don’t want him near our children,” Billie stated firmly and I agreed. He’d never been to our home and because of Billie and Wiggy’s differences, I’d no intention of inviting him before all of this either.

“The dude was turning our stomachs and if we hadn’t been working with another band I think I’d have been home sooner. DisKord is done. Strings is out, Hammer and I don’t want to work with Wiggy anymore, and you know what? I always thought it would be a sad day if we broke up, but fuck, Billie, I was more than ready for this.”

“What will you do? Form a new band?”

“Strings has some offers he’s pursuing for bands, while Hammer and I … we think we may turn our hand to producing … you know, help other bands, lend a hand with back track music, we can still play, but the stress of touring won’t be there. Besides, if I want to gig at any time, I can always do a set in Kevy’s bar.