Page 54 of Into The Rift

“No,” I said. “Stay over there or we’ll never get to this court dinner. And by the way, I’m taking my knives.”

“What knives? I took all of them away from you.”

“I asked Marichal to find me more. They’re all hidden underneath my clothes, so don’t worry. I promise I won’t threaten anyone with them.”

“Make sure you don’t.”

“Besides, you’re wearing your weapons.” I glanced down at the very lethal disruptor type weapon he wore in a holster at his waist. It was covered by his long jacket, but I’d seen the bulge when he moved.

“You saw it?”


“I need to adjust it then,” he said, beginning to fiddle with it. “I don’t go near Linnius without a weapon if I can help it.”

“Is he really so bad?”

“Absolutely, he is. But come on, let’s get this over with.”


The dinner was in full swing when we arrived. People were everywhere, both citizens of Pton and people from the dula. I felt out of place and more “alien” than I’d ever felt before, since I could see no one who looked or talked like I did. It made me uneasy.

We were taken by servants to a low table that was fairly close to the emperor’s table at the front. The air was thick with unfamiliar spices and perfumes, not to mention the strange sounding Pton language.

Linnius was sitting with three or four women at a long, low table and lounging on some sofa-like seats behind it. He glanced up at Niko as we came in and tilted his glass at him. His smile definitely never reached his eyes.

Niko bowed briefly and unsmilingly and sat down, pulling me down beside him. The room was dimly lit and rather cool, I thought, considering so many bare or nearly bare people in attendance. Niko had been right about the bare chests everywhere—some on people who didn’t really need to show off their bodies.

Of course, I looked for Lady—and I use the term loosely—Melanius right away, and she was sitting a couple of seats down from the emperor—I guess she hadn’t been fully restored to his good graces yet. She was glaring poisonously at Niko and me, so I gave it right back to her, until Niko elbowed me in the ribs.

She was wearing a pale green dress with a bodice cut all the way down to her waist. I thought she was a bit saggy for that kind of dress, personally. I pointed that out to Niko, and he gave me a repressive frown.

One of the councilors stopped by our table and began talking to Niko. I didn’t have the translator on. So many foreign voices were distracting, so I had no idea what he was saying. Niko turned to me at one point though and said, “Are you wearing your device?”

“No,” I replied.

“Put it on. Lord Miaas is speaking to you.”

I flicked it on and looked up at the man. He was about middle age, wearing one of the jackets with no shirt, but still looking fit. He was a handsome man, and he bowed to me and said, “Good evening, Your Highness. I hope you’re well.”

Surprised, I smiled at him. “Good evening, sir. Very nice to meet you. I’m doing very well.”

Niko translated and he smiled at me in return, patted Niko on the shoulder and moved on down the table.

“He was a friend of my father’s,” Niko said. “And I think he was one of Itaka’s many lovers that she had over the years.”

“Oh, my.”

Niko laughed. “She has led an interesting life and a full one. I hope she’ll be all right after we left the way we did.”

“My family wouldn’t hurt her, at her age, and besides, she hasn’t done anything. I think it was all a bluff to keep you in line. I never would have helped you escape if I thought she’d suffer.”

He squeezed my hand and leaned over to brush his lips across mine. I looked up and couldn’t resist glancing over at Melanius, who was still staring daggers at us. I would have given her a wink if I’d thought she would know what it meant.

Servants began bringing out platters of food, and Niko helped me pick out things he thought I’d like. The food was all right—a little too spicy for my tastes, but I ate some of it, and drank an assortment of some very nice wines.

As we ate and drank, some music began playing and several women and two or three young boys came out to dance. All of them had some kind of golden body paint on their bare bodies, and they did a sensuous, exotic looking dance for our “entertainment.” I was embarrassed for them, and wondered if they were doing this because they wanted to, or because they had to do it. I leaned over to ask Niko and he made a wavering motion with his hand that I took to mean it could be either.